Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Government disputes UN report


Vice_President George Kunda
Vice President George Kunda

Vice president George Kunda has disputed the 2010 Global Human Development Report released yesterday in New York which names Zambia among three African countries with a lower human development index over the last 20 years.

The human development index is a measure of well being published by the UNDP for the past 20 years that combines individual economic prosperity with education levels and life expectancy.

The report says only three countries have a lower human development index than in 1970 — Congo, torn by conflict since the 1990s, Zambia, hit by falls in the price of copper, its main export, and Zimbabwe, where inflation reached 500 billion percent two years ago.

But responding to a question by Ndola central members of parliament Mark Mushili during the vice president’s question time who wanted him to confirm the findings of the report,Mr Kunda described the report as highly misleading.

MR Kunda described the findings of the report as an individual’s opinion who has no knowledge or has limited knowledge about what is going on in Zambia.

The vice president said everything is there for everyone to see that Zambia developing pointing to the ongoing construction works at Manda Hill and the construction of hospitals and schools across the country.

The UNDP’s human development index has become one of the most trusted indicators of poverty, and in the latest report they got about 40 years to assess progress in the developing world.

Instead of year-on-year shifts, this year’s report focused on what it said were upward long-term trends, assessing developments in 135 countries since 1970.



  1. Kunda the disputer. This governemtn has really done a very good job of DISPUTING. Every day they are disputing one thing or the other

  2. There is no way this report could be false. Has GK already forgotten about HIPC? Can you compare UTH of today to that of the 70’s or UNZA of today to UNZA of 1975? Our recruiting agency has difficulties finding graduates who are well educated these days. There are so many half-backed graduates these days. Look at the jornalists coming out of E. Hone! can you compare them to those of the mid 70’s? How do you boast about building a shop when in those days we were building industries, railways (not a prez opening a couple of kilometers of line), specialist factories and research stations. No, they have a point. We’re only scratching the surface these days.

  3. Kunda did not dispute:
    INTERNATIONAL Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank yesterday announced that Zambia is among global leaders in improving business regulation that has seen the country moving up eight places in the Doing Business rankings from 84 to 76 out of 183 economies.

  4. The reason Zambia is among DRC and ZImbabwe is not because of falling copper prices, this is due to bad policies and financial mismanagement. LT, read the report don’t just report what QFM things. But this is very embarrassing.

  5. # 4- KCI is very highly mispaced in his blog. What has the so called ease of doing business got to do with the current EXTREME LEVELS of POVERTY in both the URBAN and RURAL AREAS of this Country. Just like RED LIPS, your level of interpreting the report is shallow. What has extension of Manda Hill got to do with reduction in extreme poverty in Misisi Compound.

  6. Instead of disputing how about sitting down with your president and come up with a plan on how to improve from that ranking.

  7. As is characteristic of Zambian politicians, Mr. Kunda will stop at nothing in his endeavour to deceive and appease the Zambian populace that continues to wallow in abject poverty. Prior to 1970, Zambia was a fairly affluent country. Poverty level of most Zambias today is utterly shameful. Mr. Kunda must face reality and do something more positive for the poor than making empty disputes against the UN report.

  8. These terrorists of the people are always disputing. Yesterday they where happy a report praised them, today they are desputing jst becoz its unplesant. Shame on you useless kunda, i think you should retire in national interest.

  9. Now these fools are really suprising me,when a report about how well zambia is doing comes out from the U.N. they brag about how their efforts are recognised world-wide,so kunda chi colour please just accept and do something about it.How dare u say there are tremendous improvements economically.Is not in zambia where health workers were on strike and people were giving birth in corridors of the hospital.?isnt it in zambia where that short thief is free even after
    convicting his wife for receiving stolen property..?isnt it the president of zambia who has ventured on a money wasting global marathon..?Imagine hw cursed our country is if somebody who is alawyer thinks like that hw about grade 7..?hes even talking about manda hill as an indicator of development…ya agaseke mwe..

  10. When Siakalima correctly stated that Zambia is a Failing State, 3 Es, Senior (Alien Bootlicker Traitor) Citizen, Veteran and all MMD cohorts went to all exremes, calling him all sorts of unprintables, just because he is from UPND.

    Now the UN has restated exactly what Siakalima said. How small minded these MMD dunders are is beyond any logic nor imagination.

  11. Good evening

    Spot on #10 Zedian. He better quit disputing and work harder to guarantee lasting development and thereby prove to the critics that their findings are wrong.

    Real progress and development are never subject to dispute – the results are openly clear for everyone to see. Besides, organisations like UPND do not even have any political interests, they are only measuring development on a global scale, so why should they lie?

  12. Kunda kupusa bati aka chiyani.

    Zambia has become what it has become because our leaders are heartless, corrupt and greedy.
    Kunda, Ruphiah Banda and all our leaders are living luxurious lifestyles at the expense of the poor so to avoid shame Kunda is disputing the UNDP report.

    Vote wisely in 2011 please

  13. Low Human Development
    Rank Country HDI World rank
    30 Togo 0.499 159
    31 Malawi 0.493 160
    32 Benin 0.492 161
    33 Côte d’Ivoire 0.484 163
    34 Zambia 0.481 164
    35 Eritrea 0.472 165
    36 Senegal 0.464 166
    37 Rwanda 0.460 167
    38 Gambia 0.456 168
    39 Liberia 0.442 169
    40 Guinea 0.435 170
    41 Ethiopia 0.414 171
    42 Mozambique 0.402 172
    43 Guinea-Bissau 0.396 173
    44 Burundi 0.394 174
    45 Chad 0.392 175
    46 Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.389 176
    47 Burkina Faso 0.389 177
    48 Mali 0.371 178
    49 Central African Republic 0.369 179
    50 Sierra Leone 0.365 180
    51 Niger 0.340 182
    Unavailable Data

  14. The human development index is a measure of well being published by the UNDP for the past 20 years that combines individual economic prosperity with education levels and life expectancy.

    This report compares Zambia BEFORE 1970 to Zambia in 2000. It is 10 years behind!

  15. Is Mr. Kunda saying the copperbelt today is the same as in the 1990s in terms of infrastructure? Each time i visit Kitwe, Chingola, Mufulira, Luanshya i feel tears in my eyes. The infrastracture is as if Zambia is recovering from a civil war. What is more painful is that countries that have been in civil war for ages are doing much much better that Zambia. As indicated in the the UNDP- HDI report, “it only shows how much economic mismanagement and institutional incompentency can do to a country”

  16. BA Kunda you forget all those resource plundering in your government. stop arguing nomusebanya just accept that you are a downfall period.

  17. just have a look at the latest pictures in this same paper, the failure to collect gabbage on lumumba rd.
    in the capital itself and then V.P. is saying we are developing. The only development you see in zambia are the mansions in chalala owned by suspected plunderers from mainly public offices, no wonder they are so keen on removing the abuse of office clause from our constitution.

  18. At independence in 1964 Zambia was one of the richest countries in Africa, but is now one of the world’s poorest. During the first decade of post-independence, real GDP grew by 2.3%, Between 1975 and 1990 the country’s real GDP declined by almost 30%. Worsening economic conditions which saw employment drop by nearly 40% during the 1990s compelled the country to adopt the infamous Structural Adjustment Program. UNDP’s 2003 Human Development Report stated that Zambia was the fourth worst perfoming economy in Africa, with a growth rate of negative 1.7% per capita per year. It cannot be denied that Zambia has made major strides since then. However, the reality is that, we are nowhere close to what Zambia was in 1970! Shame on you Mr. George Kunda and the leadership of Zambia at…

  19. Zambia is dead can someone tell me any indigenous Zambian chief executive in these multinational companies.Less than 0.5%. All multinational companies are run by foreigners. Maybe Kunda do not know that real power and the economy is at executive level. GK wake up and regulate these foreign work permits. put real power in Zambian and you will see meanigfull development. You will actually notice that the majority of Zambians are doing donkey jobs. Take a look at the many construction projects and see who are benefiting. Zambians are simply casual labourers same as on the mine as well as in the processing industry. GK is surely sickening to come and and defend the failure to regulate.

  20. Zambia in the 1970’s was richer than Zambia today. This was why Mr. Kaunda could afford to make it a giant welfare state. Since 2000, we have been making improvements and the HDI data reflects this though not enough but more is being done.

  21. Dont spout shit.
    The UN condemed Saddam yet Iraq was the most progressive country in The arab world in terms of doctors and engineers. The realists know that zambia is doig well under RB, and the 100,s of thousands of zambians working know RB is doing well. God belss Zambia and bless us to move forward despite the tribalist spoilers. One love.

  22. I am sure the UN is just jealous of RB and GK. There is absolutely very little poverty in Zambia. UTH is top notch, I actually think that regional countries send their ailing leaders to be treated at UTH. Manda Hill is expanding because Zambians have so much money things are just flying off the shelves. There is so much money Manda Hill was not even enough, we had to go and build Arcades and the list goes on. So, when someone sitting in their New York Plaza office of the UN and start making wild claims about poverty in Zambia, the only reasonable explanation is that they are jealous of the great leader RB. RB wamuyayaya … RB no change.

  23. In today’s Zambia, education and other human achievements like sport are no longer considered important. People worship thieves and corrupt individuals. The very soul of the nation has been lost. There is also too much religion but very little spirituality.

  24. #24 Ikandulwa, it is informative to note that Mr Sata was in the UNIP government then. He was also in the MMD government that has been accused of plunder. It is clear that MMD begun to perform much better as soon as ba Shikulu left the party. It stands to reason that PF or any party or Pact containing ba Shikulu cannot lead us to economic development.

  25. What terrible state of denial our Government is in!! How will we improve if we continue to deny the situation on the ground? Clearly we are growing as a impressive rate and that the Doing Business index for Zambia has improved, but the poverty remains.

  26. The vice-president braging about the shops, iyo ni Zambia twasebana! #30 Chitapankwa – spot on, education is less important in 2de’s Zambia.

  27. This Kunda fail to understand that constructing a school or a Hospital is not human development. What maters is the proper managing of schools and hospital, because some of these Institutions are white elephants in Zambia. Just accept do u think they can make a mistake only on zambia? Those are qualified source which are not subjective to windblow like your idiomatic government:-?:-?:-?

  28. Why do people confuse the expansion of shops and other retail superficial infrastructure with development? A country is best judged with its response to the plight of venerable groups – are they able to access basic social welfare provisions? education, health, affordable food e.t.c. The zamban scenario smacks of a growing gap between the haves and have nots. The haves (corruptly or genuinely) use their comfort to make genaralisations about Zambia’s standing. Its all falsehood. Life expectancy is 47. Poverty levels are 50%. Unemployment among graduates is very high. We are in our HDI ranked amongst countries that have seen strife and unimaginable suffering. Has our ‘peacefulness’ spurred us to greater heights of prosperity? Those in comfort have become cynical to the plight of most.

  29. Kunda is in a mythical river named denial not the real nile.#26 partly got it as HDI is life expectancy,ave income and how high is average educational attainment.Nowhere does it measure retail shop dev’t.Also it is not how many schools HDI measures but their quality academicaly and how high the academic attainment of ave zambians.You may build hospitals but if the life expectancy of zambians is very low it doesn’t change your HDI score and in fact may fall.
    It is a very poor showing by zed if the score is about the same as DRC and Zim.The failure of zambians to run zamtel,zed air,mines and others till foreigners have to do it is because of low skills and low calibre of zambian graduates which the low HDI score confirms.

  30. …continued.
    If our HDI was that good why sing of constructing hospitals then go abroad for medical treatment?Why do UTH and CU rank so low even in africa.Why is our per capita income low?Why is our average life expectancy so low? Kunda should just admit he didn’t know the defination of HDI rather than talk of irrelevant Manda hill.If my 5 schools graduates 90% of students and Kundas many ramshacke schools graduates 50% then my HDI is higher than his.

  31. ” MR Kunda described the findings of the report as an individual’s opinion who has no knowledge or has limited knowledge about what is going on in Zambia ”

    ……..Hahhaha! … Mr VP , what about the favourable report the other day about doing business in Zed , is that an individual’s opinion as well ? Should we take these things with a pinch of salt ?

    I take my hat off to the many intelligent people who have made very mature comments here on this thread . It’s great to read some intelligent blogging . Only a few regulars defending the indefensible . They know who they are .

  32. Bushe Kunda ninshi aletalika? Innovation is the name of the game. What have we innovated for the benefit of humna bieng on Earth. Kunda iwe sure Ka Manda Hill Development. Think twice. When we talk about development we talk about days when there was hydro power and it becomes possible and it is there for the benefit of human beings. Cell phones fimibi nifisa imyotoka,
    Its the Innovation Mudala. Uletalika cigili

  33. People! we have to understand something here,Kunda is sick,whatever it is he is suffering from is eating at his brain at an alarming rate,all decisions and pronouncements he’s been making since the demise of LPM are simply incomprehensible. Remember he tried to award himself and other members of the NCC huge sums,that failed,he tried to bamboozle the media regulation act,he threatened Shaka’s with imprisonment for revealing about the ACC act…just what kind of Man is this
    If he had any morals at all,he could have resigned from LPM’s administration,coz what he’s doing now is contrary to what he stood for back then

  34. The problem with GK is that to him Zambian standards are measured by the way he lives- 4 Square Meals per day, Free car by GRZ, Children going to the best Schools,Good medical facilities—-That is the Zambia for him—-no thought for the millions jobless youths etc

  35. Have Kunda and his cohorts gotten so comfortable they can’t see the suffering new the people they claim to rule? Manda Hill? Seriously? The veep actually pointed to a shopping mall to give an example of our development? Who votes for these imbeciles?


  37. Meet Michael Sata, the ‘King Cobra’ of Zambian politics


    NDOLA: Among Zambia’s pre-eminent political players, since Zambia attained independence in 1964 is Michael Chilufya Sata, whose much-vaunted political substance can be summed up in one word – conundrum.

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    No one seems to know who Sata is, politically, that is. What accounts for this man’s political staying power or ultimate destination is anyone’s guess.

    Everywhere he goes, he is greeted with the salutation of “King Cobra!” The 73-year-old ‘venomous snake’ is second to none among his political peers. Sata is every inch presidential material.

    Though very much an enigma, what is ceratin about Sata is that he is a…

  38. Though very much an enigma, what is ceratin about Sata is that he is a devout Catholic perhaps in the mould of another pre-eminent politician, the late Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, whose spell-binding oratory was a dominant feature of both pre- and post-independence Zambia.

    To write a biography of Sata is no easy. Ever since he took the plunge into Zambian politics in 1982, thus putting paid to his police work and trade unionism, not one Zambian journalist has ever written the story of Sata’s life.

    What I have read in the Zambian media has mainly been flops. I first met Sata when he granted me a full interview on the eve of his 1967 departure to the United Kingdom (UK) for his second sponsored advanced study of trade unionism and industrial relations.

    Sata was then running a…

  39. Sata was then running a newfangled firm in Kiwe specialising in industrial relations and labour matters. He had set up the firm and occupied an office on the premises of the defunct Tan-Zam Railway Services upon his return from Russia where he had undergone his first advanced study in industrial relations.

    As a trade union and industrial relations consultant, Sata earned world renown overnight, gaining fame, affluence and influence in the process. His services were sought-after by Frederick Chiluba’s Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) and Zambia Copper Mines Association of Employers, especially for collective bargaining negotiations.

  40. Clearly this report is true; I mean, we are still living houses that were build in the 70s and learning in schools and universities built in the 70s. Zambia has moved from bad to worse since independence. If we can say anything about development, it would have to be that we are just now moving forward. This addiction we have on copper will be the cause of our demise.

  41. Iwe joji, the truth hurts ehh! Go get a hair cut maybe you and your mattercall president can make sense of what is being said. ulichi-puba. Next year whether you rig or not, you are getting out, mwatinka imwe bachimbwi.

  42. The quality of graduates from our institutions is low because leakages are part and parcel of our national development. A lot of Grade 12s who qualify to go to universties with very low points end up failing to go beyond second year. Why ? Leakages. Wake up GK !

  43. If someone today, right now, showed this picture of Kunda picking his nose, this man would swear on his mother’s grave that it was not him in the picture, but Sata or HH. He is a disgrace of a vice president.

  44. Mr. GK should stop embarrassing himself and get down to work to improve the country. Was he born after 1970? Surely he should know that we were far better off then than we are now. If he’s disputing this, can he give us his figures for the HDI so that we can compare them to the figures in 1970.

  45. Our own data shows that one indicator Infant and Maternal Mortality is worse than it was in 1980. It is improving but still worse than it was previously. On education Zambia, fewer kids from public schools are able to read and write at Grade 4, one of the worst in (non war ridden) Sub Saharan Africa. Instead of refusing, they may try to do something about the situation. Isn’t that what the Sixth National Development Plan is supposed to be about? Look at what Rwanda and try and copy that, being in denial helps absolutely no one.

  46. Those who think that Zambia is developing because of construction of shopping malls are misguided. By the way Zimbabwe has better shopping malls, roads and hospitals than Zambia yet they have been classified in the same bracket. Zambia needs to put it’s act right and have proper leadership and a solid good constitution. Unlike the one we have comparable to Zim and DRC! Zambia, Zim & DRC are supposed to be the richest nations in Africa if not the world but alas it’s the exact opposite!

  47. Honestly the whole lot of an educated and learned man referring to Manda hill construction as development, very shamefulll!!!!!! Let him talk about things that are of benefit even to the grassroots living in shangombo or unless Zambia only refers to Lusaka… and we still have the poor of the poorest in Lusaka.

  48. So construction works at Manda Hill where all goods on shelves are imported from South Africa is to the red lipped snake what constitutes proof of development, clear madness! It would appear his incurable sickness has now reached his head creating a gridlock blocking him from seeing things clearly. It’s also a shame that a clearly infected lumpen should be glob trotting representing Zambia overseas now giving an erroneous impression that all Africans are sick with “the same”.

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