Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Media urged to be professional


The Party of National Unity and Progress (PNUP), has urged the media to report on evidence based issues, and not political personalities, as the country heads towards the August 12, general election.

PNUP President, Highvie Hamududu says discussing personalities at the expense of evidence based issues, results in contradictory statements in public domain, since the political landscape is constantly changing.

Mr. Hamududu advised the media to be professional and take its responsibility seriously as the fourth estate.

“When everything else fails, we should still be able to rely on the media as the fourth estate to interrogate political parties on their policies, proposed policies and matters of public interest,” he said.

Mr. Hamududu who was accompanied by his party Secretary General, Kasote Singogo and Deputy Secretary General, Stella Chintu, said this in Livingstone today, during a media breakfast.

The opposition leader said he was happy with the sobriety of Livingstone based journalists.

“When you find media personnel becoming cadres, then we are lost because the truth will not be heard,” he said.

Mr. Hamududu urged journalists to leave politics to politicians, and to focus on disseminating messages that influence positive thinking in people.

He further said PNUP was premised on evidence based economic policy; political governance policy and not insults and name-calling.


  1. Those media sponsored by tribal upnd are the ones causing confusion. The likes of watchdog. They spread tribal faeces all over and we wont tolerate their rubbish. Let them continue blogging there abroad not here in Zambia. We will block access here thanks to cyber law

  2. The first thing that will be blocked on August 13 is KZ that’s for sure. Corrupt PF has already blocked The Post, Muvi TV etc scared as they are for the TRUTH

  3. This ****P outfit doesn’t appear to be heading anywhere. Anyway — Zed and weird things always work out somehow.

  4. Why is Matolomola Likwanya locked up in police cells, if it’s not tribal?
    Watch “One Zambia One Nation; Matolomola Likwanya; Police and Tribalism; PF and Tribalism;” on YouTube

  5. Its unfortunate that Hon. Hughive Hamududu is way behind in the world of ITC, journalism like any other tradition professions have fallen victim. It was easy to control the flow of information through the Print Media or Radio/TV as such news had to pass through editors and they had the right to choose which one should be passed for public consumption. Alas, any one can post information from anywhere at any given time at the blink of an eye. Its up to the consumers of information to make a distinction between fake and real news. Even with cyber law in place at the end of the day this will be like one dealing with drugs related offences, ma jails will be full of cyber law breakers. Its the inn thing for some time to come just like what is termed human rights being practiced by children…

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