The Country has continued recording reduced cases of COVID-19 , with Luanshya district so far recording only 5 active cases in the last two weeks, District Health Director, John Kamalamba has disclosed.
And the Rotary Club of Luanshya has donated 10 bicycles valued at K35 thousand to community workers in the district to assist in COVID-19 testing and awareness activities in the peri urban areas of the district.
Dr. Kamalamba said the district has recorded a decrease in the number of Covid-19 cases with no hospitalized cases in the past two weeks.
He was speaking when the Lions Club of Luanshya donated 10 bicycles to be used by community workers in the COVID-19 contact tracing and awareness programs.
“ The district has in the last three weeks recorded five active cases that were being managed at home due to their mild nature, “ he said adding that the donation would help in contact tracing in the response to the fight the global pandemic.
He further disclosed that the district had recorded a total of 643 positive cases of COVID-19 since the disease broke out in the country last year.
Of the 643 positive cases, the district had recorded 638 recoveries and 8 deaths.
And Luanshya District Commissioner Patrick Maipambe commended the Rotary Club for the continued support rendered to various government departments particularly the health sector in its fight against COVID-19.
In a speech read on his behalf by Administrative Officer, Kasemuka Mwalo, Mr. Maipambe observed that Luanshya District was not spared from the ravaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, as such implored all stakeholders to come on board in fighting the scourge.
“ It is governments’ overall goal to see and improve the health of the citizens for national development, hence the need for stakeholder participation in curbing the world pandemic, “ he said.
The District Commissioner added that the donation will help ease mobility of community health workers and enhance execution of Covid-19 awareness and treatment services in peri urban areas.
And Lion Club incoming president Mike Shimoomba said the donation was the initiative of the Lions Club in partnership with the International Malaria Partnership in Zambia to empower community workers with mobility tools in the COVID-19awareness and testing in peri urban areas.
Mr. Shimoomba urged the recipients of the bicycles to put them to good use and maximize their availability in reaching out to the far off places, which were harder to access on foot.
Ten community health workers from peri urban clinics and health posts including, Kasongo, Chilabula and Kawama among others have benefited from the donation.
They will keep making announcements even when they are no cases as its a free meal ticket for donor funds
We have handled this virus way better than the so called developed world. Upnd diasporans see your lives now hahaha. You ran away to whlte man land only to be disappointed with millions of deaths. Muzafapo che with your pride over other peoples countries. You will never be Europeans. You are black you f00ls
You’re black fool too just look at the terrible way you’ve handled Zambia’s economy with high debts,52% depreciated Kwacha and even a Eurobond default. Idyotic Lord Of Poverty
How many Tests have you made in the last 2 weeks???
If at all a 3rd wave comes, it’ll hit us hard because people have relaxed. This is the time to be more vigilant especially with the coming cold season. Let’s not relax because of the reduced infection rate, can there be strict enforcement of the guidelines especially in public places?