Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Opposition critics are ridiculous-Rupiah


File: President Rupiah Banda
File: President Rupiah Banda

President Rupiah Banda says it is ridiculous for opposition political party leaders to insinuate that he is celebrating the developmental successes initiated by the late President Levy Mwanawasa.

Mr. Banda said he was elected into office to continue spearheading developments that were started during President Mwanawasa’s rule.

And President Banda said government is happy that it has once again successfully delivered a good road to the people of Southern Province and Zambians in general.

Mr Banda said this when he commissioned the newly constructed multi-billion Kwacha Zimba-Livingstone road today.

President Banda is however saddened that some people have vandalised some road signs on the first 30 kilometre stretch of the Zimba-Livingstone road.

He said such acts are not only saddening, but also retrogressive to the development of the country.

And Works and Supply Minister Mike Mulongoti said the road project is a reflection of the ideals and values espoused by late President Mwanawasa.

Mr. Mulongoti wondered why some opposition political leaders are saying President Banda has abandoned the legacy of the late President.

And Southern Province Minister Elijah Muchima said the road project is among the many developmemt projects the government is undertaking in the province.

And European Union Head of Delegation Derek fee said the Zimba-Livingstone road will boost national and regional communication, and increase trade.

Dr Fee said the EU contributed 15 million Euros equivalent to 96 point 7 billion kwacha for the 43 Kilometre stretch of the road.
[ ZNBC ]


  1. Only PF Kaponyas and falied drug dealers associated with the pact will condem such development.
    They will condem anything associatec with development yet offer no alternatives. They think being opposition means opposing everyting GRZ , even if it benifits the pipo, just oppose with no solutions.
    The lusaka flooda are comming, before the elections, lets see the work you have done Pact ???.

  2. The myopia and mean spiritedness that cripples sata and his lackeys makes it impossible for them to be constructive in criticism. All the see is political point scoring and gimmickry. The have not matured enough(even though they call their freinds under five!) in developmental politics and they are not refined enough to give praise where it is due even if it means saying your political opponent (NOT ENEMY PLEASE!!) has done well. That is why it is impossible for them to concede defeat in bye elections but they love the electoral system when they win. They are vicious and unashamed liars thats all

  3. They are all liars … Sata, HH, RB, GK. All in it for themselves. Non of these people really give a rat’s a$$ about Zambians. Zambians are just tools they use to position themselves for access into the national treasury.

  4. You are a wise man Mr President not to have abandoned what the Late LPM had started thus fulfilling your campaign promises. Not only that but you have also initiated your own projects which shows that you are prodevelopment. It is saddening that some road signs have been vandelised. People caught in such acts should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Even if you don’t support H.E RB you don’t have to go the extent of damaging public property. It is an extreme expression of total madness,lunacy and ignorance. Next I come to Z by my super maching I will be able to cruise just as I cruise here in RSA.

  5. You are a wise man Mr President not to have abandoned what the Late LPM had started thus fulfilling your campaign promises. Not only that but you have also initiated your own projects which shows that you are prodevelopment. It is saddening that some road signs have been vandelised. People caught in such acts should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Even if you don’t support H.E RB you don’t have to go the extent of damaging public property. It is an extreme expression of total madness,lunacy and ignorance.
    Next time I come to Z by my super maching I will be able to cruise just as I cruise here in RSA.

  6. Zambian oppositions are in a critical quagmire by every degree irredemable political cul-de-sac. The worst are disillusioned PF and UPND ill-prepared by a long shot. ….. bound to remain stuck in the quagmire because the spirited prodevelopment and democratic leadership of RB has continued denying them political issues and campaign platform in issue based politics. Their kitchen sink politics driven by a menu of insults, hatred and ungratefulness to God that Zambia is a faile state are making them allien to voters. The only way out of the current cul-de-sac was through intra party transformation with progressives otherwise pact is in an irredeemable position. Bravo RB and team!

  7. If you can successfuly implement development projects, whether they were initiated by you or somebody else, you must be a damn good manager. However I have said before (and I repeat myself now for those deaf opposition) that Levy picked RB from retirement in order to help formulate and implement development projects. These projects are therefore not new to RB, he participated in their formulation. I dare say that H.E.R.B. is just being modest, he probably formulated them himself on behalf of Levy.

  8. Aluta continua Your Excellency, bazalema na boza lao by 2011. Ignore the noisy detractors, the ignorant, the liars, the vuvuzelas, the miserable lot. They have nothing to offer except kubwata bwata. There are many of us behind you, we appreciate your works.

  9. Whoo! the word legacy is back again MMD if allowed can even exhume LPM(MYSRIEP) for 2011 fly around just to win the elections.
    You have done a lot enough wrong to use LPM’s legacy and continuty its an old story which had to take SATA reminding RB that why he is not mentioning LPM when he commissioned Namwala Road.
    The ACC act 37 RB will delay in appending his signature so that when elections are near he wont sign it and use that as a campaign booster for him.

  10. yes the work of opposition to push the current government to work without criticism the mmd could not work so donot talk as if you are one party state. oppositions for check and balances. So we talk let distinguish ourselves from politicians. let anlysis them and make wise choice when election comes if we dance to all what they say we confuse ourselves and donot know who is who.

  11. ……….meanwhile the poor are getting poorer!!! RB, HH MC etc will never be a solution to the problems facing poor zambians, its beyond them! No wonder RB can be so exited when he finishes a ‘not so impressive’ road project.Its like a parent who boasts aafter buying food for his family (which would be stupid coz that is his duty). On the other hand, in an attempt to get to the same position, opposition leaders and their cadres are busy calling names as if they would offer any solution, its all vanity!! I canot put my trust in these corrupt (politicians) fellows. They are there to enrish themselves. Is it not RB who promised that he would only finish the Mwanawasa term and step down? –

  12. #10 We are talking about constructive criticism – not just opening your mouth because you are the opposition. The opposition started talking about RB abandoning LPM’s legacy, now they are saying he is swimming in LPM’s legacy and that every project he commission’s he should be mentioning LPM. That is the uselessness of the opposition.

  13. Even Kafupi despite having long sticky fingers built roads, so nothing really to boast about. These roads are built by the tax we pay, these politicians must instead praise the hard working overtaxed tax payer.

  14. From the way ‘legacy’ is being thrown around, it seems most people have no idea what it means. How can road construction be part of someone’s legacy? A legacy is not physical, its about ideals. Can the current Govt look itself and say it is living up to Levy’s ideals? The answer is a definite no!


  16. Yes indeed Mr President, we know. The sad thing is that it has become an uncontrollable reflex for the opposition to just criticise without even thinking. I do not blame them, it’s a lazy way of reminding us that they exist and avoid extinction. The good thing is that there is a fundamental shift among our critical bloggers on LT, in effect without saying it some are now admitting that you are doing a damn good job but they just have to criticise in order to keep you on your toes. And they claim that it’s the job of the opposition to criticise anything, meaning that we should not read anything into what they say, kulandafye.

  17. #14 Deja Vu, the people want to meet and interact with their President, it is clear from the ZNBC TV pictures how excited they are. It is standard practice for major developmental projects such as roads to be commissioned by Presidents (whether President Sata 9oops), President HH (oops) or whoever they will do the same). Remember that we are not in America, for us these are mega projects.

    But your point is taken, next time we shall invite ba Shikulu ba Sata to officiate.

  18. comment on comments* you are coming out very well,,, but i can see, you are all lucking one important thing, which is experience, how can you talk about develoment in zambia when you are standing thousands Km away from reality,, ask those who are in lusaka, they will tell you the truth from the fautain of experience, If Mr.RB has brought development go back to zambia and help him. Be real our pipo are suffering down there..

  19. # 17 HH sata
    “The good thing is that there is a fundamental shift among our critical bloggers on LT, ”

    i Agree with you. They have seen that the opposition and the post offer no tangable solutions to our pipos suffering, exept insults and rascist tribal extrimes. All PF know is confrontation, they typifiy african savegery were we are the richest continent, yet the poorest, and UPND are learning fast. Neutral blogers, pleas lets judge the opposoition by the way they handle the inevitable floods in Lusaka. If they handle the floods well, for which they have had a year to prepare, i will vote PF. not only that, i will offer probaganda interlect services to them and abandon MMD campane pledges.

  20. Whjy thank a person for the job they are paid to do? And the money used is borrowed, to be paid back with interest by our kids and their kids!! Sing praises all you that benefit from RB, and those from the East. Work hard to rig the elections next year for your RB to be pressident. One day though, Bakaponya will raise; and all the things you have acquired will be destroyed. Eat now and suffer from indigestion natu Professor twenu utwabufi.

  21. Is the opposition going to wipe the slate clean, IF they get into government and start afresh? There’s continuity in running government, especially the economy. It’s just emphasis that changes; without the growth policies put in place by the Brown and Darling team, the LibCon’s spending cuts would not be this fast and deep. Darling’s policies have allowed the British economy to grow (0.8%) at a higher rate than expected, hence cutting the current government some slack.
    Please talk about what you’re going to put in place to improve on what the current team’s achieved.

  22. EachSuShe, p…, instead of talking progressive issues, the mattercall is bragging, our country’s progress is on standby until when a vibrant, committed and patriotic head of state takes the mantle. The habit of waking people from slumber to back into politics should end with this man. So sick and tired of seeing this old wrinkled face.

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