Wednesday, March 19, 2025

UPND youth national youth spokesperson denies disparaging Sata


United party for national development UPND youth national youth spokesperson Ronald Manenga has challenged the state owned Zambia Daily Mail newspaper to retract the article claiming that he vows not to allow, PF leader, Michael sata to ever lead the pact.

The Zambia Daily Mail,today, November the 6th, carried an article that stated that Mr. Manenga indicated that UPND youths will not allow a person who insults Government, especially President Banda, to lead the PACT into next year’s general elections.

However Mr. Manenga told QFM in an interview that the statement is a misplacement of facts and unethical because he never uttered the words.

[pullquote]Former PF youth national secretary, Erick Chanda has challenged his fellow youths across the country that to begin campaigning for Mr. Sata in order to avoid last minute disappointments by the pact partners.[/pullquote]

He accused the newspaper of having had fabricated the information given to the journalist in an interview with him earlier. Mr. Manenga has since demanded for an apology from the institution.

Nevertheless, former PF youth national secretary, Erick Chanda has challenged his fellow youths across the country that to begin campaigning for Mr. Sata in order to avoid last minute disappointments by the pact partners.

Mr. Chanda says that Zambia needs Mr. Sata’s caliber of leadership to create the necessary changes and crash the inhuman treatment that the people have been subjected to for years.



  1. How can the campaign for Sata kick off before the Pact decides on their presidential candidate? Let a democratic process be used to make that decision and it must be now so that those who are wounded will have time to heal before campains begin.

  2. For sure at this point Zambia needs a courageous leader like Mr Sata, too much docile people in Zambia need to wake up. eg corruption taking place and everybody is looking at it happening,damn it.

  3. I have not read the said article myself so it is difficult to comment. However, it would be interesting to hear what the Zambia Daily Mail has to say for itself on the matter, maybe they will stand by their report or maybe they will make an apology. Both positions would be fine with me. If indeed the report was wrong and they apologised, I would rate them miles ahead of the Post in terms of ethics.

  4. You guys what is your problem. There is no PACT any more. Zambians are now tiered of your stu,pidity of not accepting reality. You take pleasure in insulting Sata every day and yet you want him to hand over PF to UPND. Nonsense.

    You think Zambians are too dulo as not to know what is going on.. haa? If you UPND were serious and honesty with the truth , by now the PACT would have grown to higher levels, but you think you will be able to manipulate PF in the same way you did FDD and UNIP. No , guys, you cant manipulate your friends all the time.

    So due to your dull thinking, the PACT is no longer there, go it alone or join the MMD thugs-thieves and we shall meet u in 2011 ellections…it is just 10 months in between. Why should PF waste time on the useless PACT. Let PF campaign guys.

  5. #8 Muna,

    I dont mind whether you insult me or not. Infact for me the insults are praises and I recieve them with all the pleasure. however the fact remains that unless you UPND become honesty and straightforward in your perception of reality, the PACT nosense is dead. World over a bigger party in the alliance takes the presidency…but you guys this fact you have denied despite your precedence in the UDA alliance.

    Your insipid behaviour has left Zambians wondering as to whether UPND is serious or just taking them for granted. You want Sata to hand over PF to you and yet you say you dont trust him. How can you be in alliance with the person you dont trust?

    Thats why I am sayng please leave Sata alone and let HH also go it alone so that we see who will be number 3 in 2011.

  6. About UPND’s Manenga, I am disappointed.

    On “Nevertheless, former PF youth national secretary, Erick Chanda has challenged his fellow youths across the country that to begin campaigning for Mr. Sata in order to avoid last minute disappointments by the pact partners this is good for PF but I bet the mighty UPND Team have already been busy campaigning for HH as 2011 presidential candidate.

    I hope PF will be thrown into distant 3rd in the 2011 elections while the UPND forms GRZ and snatches some sensible PF members to form GRZ Administration with to keep the PACT going strong.

    Have blessed day as you consider registering as voters the way I have done.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  7. PF is just looking for the 35,000 votes to clinch the presidency. UPND you can make this easier and be part of govt otherwise you will remain in the opposition forever because when we PF form govt alone next year, we will rule for at least 20 years and we shall perform. It will be all action and less talk. So UPND, stop dreaming and accept the vice presidency. Make up your mind before it is too late

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