Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Katongo, Chikuka Win Round 1 In Super Div Boycott


Saturday, November 6, 2010 when the nation’s Super Division stadiums stayed silent despite the declaration from Football House calling them bluff on the nationwide boycott.

However it was not to be despite three Super Division teams traveling for their Super Division Week 29 games in the hope of finding referees to welcome them with open hands to hand them free three points on the penultimate day of league season.

“Wait and see,” Cephas katongo was quoted in Saturdays Post Newspapers.

Nkana traveled to Lusaka hoping to face Green Buffaloes at the crumbling iconic Independence Stadium only to find a packed arena with no Buffaloes players and match officials in sight.

The same situation awaited Forest Rangers at Woodlands Stadium in Lusaka who traveled all the way from Ndola to Lusaka on Saturday outside a locked Woodlands Stadium where they were expecting to face demoted National Assembly.

Forest players warmed up alone in the dusty car park on  hot Saturday afternoon as reporters milled around to interview players and officials over the embarrassing situation they had found themselves in.

Moreover, Roan United also wasted their fuel to drive down from Luanshya to Kabwe to face Kabwe Warriors at Railway Grounds today on a hot Saturday afternoon that they could have leisurely spent back home in Roan Antelope.

And Zesco United were reportedly in camp in Ndola awaiting City of Lusaka who did not even bother to fix and star-up their rickety old team Rosa bus for their trip from Lusaka to the Super Division leaders at Trade Fair Grounds.

Konkola Blades also waited in vain for Red arrows in Chililabombwe with the latter reportedly ordered back to base to Lusaka on Friday when they reached Kabwe.


  1. But why did these foolish & stupid teamz even travel when they know they are not supposed to play? dont encourage illegality & lawlessnes in FAZ. Let galu & kasengele play the remaining gamez!!!!

  2. FAZ constitution amendment ; FAZ president should have permanent residency in Zambia for the duration of his/her term (S). That excludes vacation days and days spent abroad on official FAZ business. Uyu c.hikala he is pa south he is not even feeling the pressure as much as he wld if he were closer to home. VIVA boycott. ..ABASH GALU

  3. It’s time to go galu. You can’t keep forcing yourself on em when they don’t want you. Well done teams for boycott. Galu your days are numbered it’s just a matter of time.

  4. so you all think this a victory? for who? people who are stuck in their indisciplined ways and outdated methods of resolving issues are obviously happy with this crap going on. i am appealing to all progressive thinking zambians to reject this short sighted, self selving thinking and try to effect change. unfortunately its too late for kalu, great as he is, who has been sucker punched. i know you have always meant the best for the country but my advise to you is to call it a day. you cannot consievably have a good working relationship with people who have drawn their daggersand their goal is clear for all to see. my humble advise, just withdraw and channel your energy and expertise in other ways. the country still needs you! i understand you have a football club or academy? create a highly

  5. professional, functional sructure and system with this. good luck with all this and forget about rubbing shoulders with losers!

  6. Intimidation by Kalu will not solve anything. He was undoubtedly a great player but not an adminstrator. Its clear that people are not happy but i really don’t understand why he is giving the whole issue a deaf ear. Kanshi what has become of Zambians? why cant we listen to those criticising us? am sure Kalu has a few people around him who are telling him lies.
    Arrogance Napapa

  7. But you guys, Kalusha invited all teams for so-called meeting in Lusaka, but the managers boycotted the meeting. So how can you discuss people who are out preparing maize fields?

  8. Many Zambians do not understand why the FIFA is always ready to stand by erring National Football Associations (FA). The main reason is that Sepp Blatter relies so much on the vote of these corrupt FA’s. As a result the Government have no say on what these officials are doing for fear of being suspended from International Football. In fact FIFA it self is a very corrupt entity- remember the MONEY FOR HOSTING WORLD CUP?. My call is that if FIFA continues to interfere in our local affairs is that affected nations should start thinking of breaking away from FIFA and form an independent body. It has happened in boxing where you have independent bodies such as WBA, WBF and WBC. These bodies came about as a result of officials of WBA treating certain boxers unfairly. FIFA does not fund…

  9. 6 & 9, As I stated on another blog the other day, these guys are in a constitutional quagmire. By depriving Kalu’s administration of its two thirds majority, he is operating unconstitutionally. But the other camp is also acting unconstitutionally by failing to follow the constitutional requirement which calls for two thirds majority of individual petitions to FAZ. Since the AGM is only a few months away, the impatience can only mean that FAZ has been afflicted by the cancer which is eating away at our country’s political system: the insatiable appetite for power in the name of democracy. Luckily we have the Barclays Premier League on Supersport as the teams boycott the local league.

  10. Apparently, the FAZ Secretariat is supposed to call for this general meeting. Whoever is in charge of this body should quickly step in and end this madness. We should not let one man take the entire sport down!

    Btw, why won’t they release the letter they sent to FIFA? It is quite strange that the reply can be made public, but the letter itself is declared confidential!

  11. No need to blame outsiders for our own internal problems. Much as FIFA has its own issues, it’s stand on non-interference by governments is well articulated. However, if our government tried to intervene and say, appeared to side with the FAZ administration, the usual critics would have a field day. Remember that the current government is led by Rupiah Banda?

  12. Mark my words- If we are not careful in the manner we resolve this issue Fifa will come down strongly on Zambia, I m sure Kalu knows what he is oing and what where to press. Wait and see. Sad affair though

  13. This FAZ situation is becoming more and more like a chronic disease! This will be detrimental to soccer at all levels in Zambia. As it is, we have little to be proud of and this is only making things worse.

    As an aside, I must say this is a very badly written article. While English is not our mother tongue, every effort should be made to write articles well in order to communicate the message effectively.

  14. A group of criminals who are jealousy of Kalu’s achievement are plotting to bring him down. I am religiously behind Kalu and will support up to his grave. His achievements are immeasurable and reign above all little craps making headlines in the media. VIVA KALU.

  15. Its either Kalu is scared of losing his source of livlihood if steps aside or there is a “stinky deal” that he is worried of being uncovered once he leaves office.

  16. This Galu has corrupted Copperbelt teams – its a shame that now it seems its Copperbelt Vs The rest of the country.

    That is what money can do. Galu has money and he has corrupted the Copperbelt teams. That is why out of nowhere he promised a School of Footbal Excellence to be built in Kitwe. Its divide and rule.

    Also it shows that Galu is not an administrator. He was a GREAT player but a useless administrator.

    Unfortunately he has been giving FIFA the FALSE information – else FIFA is BLINDLY supporting him because he is one of the chola boys of Blatter in Africa.

  17. Great player was Kalu. I respect him as our great soccer legend. Whilst in Mazabuka in 2004 I warned Kalu and his stooge Antony kasolo. I wrote a letter to FAZ over some admin issues, the only response I got was a threat to take me to court. I was amazed but thats how the duo became misadministrator. WHILE when everyone has bn bootlicking the bwalya boy, I have strongly refused recognise Kalu as an administrator
    Bravo rejectors

  18. By the way, do you know that Kalusha’s new wife works for FIFA? She is an executive- something. Kalu has indeed grown big headed

  19. So what do these teams boycotting matches hope to achieve? They should be docked points. We that these clubs are led by greedy officials who will do anything to get into the FAZ executive. Kephas Katongo is a failure just like his bedmate Pivoty, we know these people. Let them full those blindly supporting them but Kalu will only leave FAZ thru the ballot in 2012. What has Katongo done for football? Maybe the uneducated can fear him, not anyone with brains.

  20. Authur Davies ( may his rest in peace) ran Power Dyanamos single handely, and Power came out strongly , the team was indeed a baby born with teeth!!!! .Committees just bring confusion if they are not well managed! May be it would be wise for FAZ to inform the nation on the CVs of the chaps who have caused this confusion.( they ones who resigned and got us into this mess).

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