Thursday, March 20, 2025

Sata denies receiving US$ 100 000 from Finance Bank


Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata

Patriotic Front leader (PF) Michael Sata has refuted claims by his former Secretary General Edward Mumbi that he received money amounting to US $ 100 000 from Finance Bank to fund Change Life Zambia Executive Director Frank Bwalya’s Anti-government campaigns.

Speaking on Joy FM radio in Lusaka today, Mr. Sata said the allegation is a desperate move by a few individuals within Finance Bank who want to destroy their former chairman Rajah Matani.

The PF leader said he does not get money from Finance Bank and has charged that those who want to accuse him are wasting their time.

Mr Sata said it was unfortunate that Bank officials are engaging in breaching the confidentiality of its customers.

Mr. Sata was reacting to the allegation leveled against him by former PF Secretary General Edward Mumbi on the 9th of October that the PF leader received 100,000 US dollars through a Mr. Miles Sampa at Finance Bank in Lusaka who deposited the money into the dollar account number 0011016930015.

[pullquote]Mr Sata said it was unfortunate that Bank officials are engaging in breaching the confidentiality of its customers.[/pullquote]

It is further alleged that the money was meant for the purposes of buying Father Bwalya’s vehicles and to intensify his campaigns against government.

And Mr. Sata has observed that the MMD government has respected foreign investors at the expense of indigenous people adding that the removal of removal of the abuse of office clause will encourage stealing in public offices.

Meanwhile, Committee of Citizen’s executive director Gregory Chifire has observed the revelation that Change Life Zambia executive director Fr. Frank Bwalya received 100,000 United States dollars from Patriotic front leader Michael Sata to de-campaign government raises a lot of concern.

Mr. Chifire said that it is a pity that Father Bwalya had to reduce himself to that level. He said that what is more surprising is that Fr. Bwalya is a church leader who should not engage himself in dubious activities.

He said that Father Bwalya holds a position of high esteem in the society and it’s a pity that he had to use unexplained circumstances. Mr. Chifire has since called on the church to clear state their position on the matter. He was speaking to QFM News this morning.



  1. Fr Bwalya talks about issues that many politicians who fear to name… Social ills. For this to be heard by many people, he needs funds. If Sata is funding him so be it. If Finance Bank financed it and transactions are clear for the client so what? To gunner support MMD funds many other small parties and individuals through brown envelopes and various donations. These are vote gaining games which Chifire knows well.
    With 2011 elections more tactics will be employed by all vote-desiring political parties. Watch this the game unfold. If found wanting, irrespective of political affiliation, lock them up!

  2. #2 Sorry meant to say

    Fr Bwalya talks about issues that many politicians fear to name… Social ills. He needs funds. If Sata is funding him, so be it. If Finance Bank financed it and transactions are clear for the client, so what?
    To gunner support MMD funds many other small parties and individuals through brown envelopes and various donations. These are vote gaining games which Chifire knows well.
    With 2011 elections more tactics will be employed by all vote-desiring political parties. Watch this the game unfold.
    If found wanting, irrespective of political affiliation, lock them up!

  3. You see this the only madness in politics- lies, lies and lies. People think in politics you can hide your lies,never.So as they say there is no fire without smoke.We ve seen the smoke and fire is coming.Politicians and people rushing into politics like father Bwalya watch out.

  4. This childless father and Sata will destroy our country, Sata is so desperate for power. This story about finance bank supporting PF is true, Rajah Matani wants to buy his way to freedom.

  5. These two chaps Mumbi and Chifire respectively are desperate people whose contribution to political affairs is of low calibre.They are bum lickers of Banda.They have nothing tangible to contribute a part from futile campaigns for Banda.If time for MMD to go has come no one not even ass lickers like Mumbi and Chifire will stop it.They are so disgustful these fellows.Each time their mouths are open,foul language comes out.We expect them to visit us in Chibolya and Misisi to acknowledge how we are suffering.Stupid people who do not think about the poor.They only know how to wash their asses.*****s who only think about themselves.

  6. Mr. Sata, is this an official statement or are you going to change it next time. Some of us (or maybe just me) know your record on inconsistencies so please, clarify whether this is an official statement and that you’re sticking to your guns this time.

  7. Let Post newspapers, Bonaventure Mutale, Sata and Simenza urgently turn into Mohan to Itowa Sanjiv Mathani now before he damages Fr.Bwalya and my presido Sata’s fortunes.

  8. People this is a petty issue MMD got 10million dollars from china that is normal. For the political field to be level NCC should have come up with maximum amounts for elections though it requires intelligent minds to think and come up with a procedure.So Mumbi had to call a press conferrence with his disgruntled Chimumbwa with their outdated information besides how many vehicles can 100,000 dollars buy 5 if you were to buy the chinese GONOW mumbi things are always bought for him so he does now that a VX landcrusier costs USD149,000.a HILUX USD34,000

  9. The nature of Sata MC, Zambians let us stop thinking inside the box, this man is not presidential material. Last time he wanted to sell us to Thaiwanese, now to Raja Matani. We need new blood in politics, not these old recycled people who cannot do anything for themselves before joining politics. They join politics for greener pastures. Sata at 74 years should be an advisor to young ones in terms of politics not the top job he wants, where was he that time when he was energetic to move the economy. MMD is just looking forward to see sata as pact president because they know he is easy to defeat. HH is difficult hard to defeat as he showed them in Solwezi, Mufumbwe and Chilanga that he is hearvy weight to them. Viva HH man of substance.

  10. “Mr Sata said it was unfortunate that Bank officials are engaging in breaching the confidentiality of its customers.”
    I always take these stories with a pinch of salt, usually asking for proof or more information but now this coming from the very mouth of the prospective “His Excellency”? Ba Shikulu are you confirming that such a transaction took place?
    For those who do not know the value of $100,000, it can buy a few ex-Jap SUVs at $20,000 each. Now Fatherless Bwalya’s CLZ is a small outfit really. One or two vehicles would suffice for his activities, but he can also hike a ride with ba Shikulu to attend a PF rally. And who says that was all the money, maybe more was coming in the second phase. Besides, Mumbi and his colleague are releasing info in dyonko quantities.

  11. Mr. President Sata, it doesn’t matter if you gave an offering to Fr. Bwalya or not. After all, people will give more Sunday offering for Red-cards.

  12. Ba Shikulu seems to be so affected by these allegations that he quickly rushed to Joy FM radio. He could not wait for his vuvuzela to publish his denial, and he needed a radio so that as many people as possible hear the denial. But the complaint on the behaviour of bank officals gives him away to a larger audience too. And why complain when he himself started the game of stealing information and twisting it before he releases it to the public. You see ba Shikulu, you have taught your tricks to not a few admirers.

  13. “Mr Sata said it was unfortunate that Bank officials are engaging in breaching the confidentiality of its customers”.

    This old man is sampling confirming that he got the money, shame on you old man and Bwalya, this is why Sata will never be president, to me he is more corrupt than we think. Matani should be sent to jail to create sanity, he is a criminal

  14. These guys are so busy trying to spread lies that they have confused two lies – if Finance Bank wanted to give Bwalya money then why not give it to Bwalya? One lie at a time has more chance of succeeding

  15. Could Michael Sata’s (King Cobra) PF – Patriotic Front, become the next ruling party.?
    The answer is YES, the real question is when and how?

    In 2001 before President Patrick Levy Mwanawasa (Levy) came to power – there was a political storm, when we saw MMD almost being thrown out of office by late Anderson Mazoka’s (Andy) UPND. The main issue then was the 3rd Term debacle. Had Andy strategized effectively with other opposition parties – Zambia’s history books would have been different. Then, opposition parties had garnered more then 70% of public votes versus less then 30% for MMD.

    In both elections of 2006 and 2008 – PF did well. In 2006, its 46 MPs compared fairly with MMDs 75. And in 2008, Sata’s 38% popular vote fell short of Pres Rupiah Banda’s 41% – while UPND

  16. while UPND and other parties got 21%. As you can see, PF and UPND put together got 59% of the popular vote. Thus, if Sata could successfully lead a real coalition of opposition parties, he might then pose a threat to the ruling MMD party. That coalition has to be concrete unlike its predecessor UDA (United Democratic Alliance) formed between UPND, UNIP, FDD, and ULP. Too bad PF/UPND’s pact is not solid. It seems Hakaimbe Hichilema (HH) of UPND has also got his own ambitions of becoming a president.


    With UPND behind Sata, part of the Southern Vote will default to MMD. Same goes for many other UPND strongholds and it would be a similar if not worse outcome if PF was behind HH.

  17. if PF was behind HH. Many staunch Northerners and Central population would simply not vote for HH and rather go for MMD.
    Moreover, due to the mushrooming of new political parties, a by-product of multipartysm – splitting the vote would make FPP-rule even easier to achieve. Apart from MMD, PF, UNIP, FDD (founded by late Christon Tembo and now led by Edith Nawakwi), Heritage Party (Godfrey Miyanda’s) and Ben Mwila’s Zambia Republican Party – you have NDF (National Democratic Focus) and Sakwiba Sikota’s United Liberal Party (ULP).
    Other newer parties include – re-elected MP for LUENA Charles Milupi’s Alliance for Democracy & Development (ADD); Fredrick Mutesa’s Zambians for Empowerment & Development (ZED); and the newest – Elias Chipimo Jnr’s National Restoration Party (NAREP),

  18. intelligency please when you deliberate of what development is this USD100,000 is now it happened 2years ago.we will be debating irrelevant material why didnt mumbi tell us then he must have been a if he has any information that borders on criminality let them bring it not this gunk info its not a crime to fund any organisation you support provided its activities are within the law like flashing a RED CARD is not an offense my learned friends.

  19. Ba shikulu this is a very strong denial of facts. Now please can you be clear on the gay issue. Bashikulu you are very dangerous, am worried for Zambia on your unclear position on gay rights. ON THIS ONE IF ITS TRUE, ITS JUST KHARMA, YOU ARE ALWAYS ACCESSING PRIVILEGED INFORMATION, A PINCH OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE..

  20. And now there is the Magande factor (and his political party) coming into play.
    In Zambia today, you cannot pinpoint on one single group as the driving force. It is not the women, not the youth or university students. Even Madalas are not unanimous these days. MMD is relying on cadres as a mobilizing force. What is PF’s base? In 1991, Frederick Chiluba (FTJ) was at least lucky because of the wind of change blowing across the Eastern Block.
    What is the basis of my speculation – that PF may yet lose again? The first extrapolation we can get, besides looking at a similar picture we got in 2006 and 2008 – is from the recently held by elections in Chilanga and Mpulungu. Although everyone knows pretty well that the electoral system is somehow broken – I was surprised by PF,

  21. because they didn’t like the results in Mpulungu, they protested and even threatened to petition. Basically they cried foul by claiming that votes were either stolen or rigged by MMD. We are familiar with this.
    If ECZ tallying of ballots can’t work in their favor, what PF and other opposition parties should then do is to accept old results as a challenge for doing better the next time round. They should know that there is no other remedy other than winning the elections handily – landslide way, so to speak. That is how Chiluba in 1991 MMD won the battle against UNIP. Otherwise, UNIP would have manipulated the results had the results been close. PF must be prepared to go thru the same or similar litmus paper. AND AS OF NOW MMD STILL HAS A CLEAR MAJORITY.

  22. Simply doing things in Sata’s way got PF only one seat in 2001. In 2006, Sata’s anti-Chinese rant coupled with pro-poor policies – that is promising better/more jobs and housing, didn’t work. PF run against Levy’s economic policies, which brought undoubtedly sustained growth and low inflation in Zambia. This same message (acting as champion of the poor), was recast in 2008 when Sata ran against Banda, yet it still didn’t make him win.
    During the 2008 campaign everyone remembers when Sata bellowed that – “if he wins, he would scrub the country and wash it”. Rupiah Banda’s simple message was – to continue with Mwanawasa’s program. He won! Therefore in 2011, to win PF must recast a simpler and stronger message. If their slogan will concern corruption and poverty – that message must…

    The ruling party has seen the need to go out and organize the grassroots in all areas of Zambia so that people can rally behind its candidate and make sure that they win the majority of seats. Victories must be clear and RB is already pushing himself for MMD candidate unlike the PF which has never had convention and worse still is the non-started PACT. Well in advance, OPPOSITION PARTIES must also be aware that normally, courts in Africa throw out allegations of…

  24. courts in Africa throw out allegations of rigging and electoral misconduct. In Zambia, we should be able to learn from our history that – late Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe (SMK), Dean Mung’omba, Andy Mazoka and Sata himself, have protested but with no positive fruits. Attempts to arouse communal and anti-government sentiments do not in our country yield anything. Because they love peace, somehow, Zambians tend to be hesitant.
    SADLY ONE cannot rely on the assessment of the pundits, armchair critics, or aggrieved personalities like George Mpombo. These peoples’ sentiments could be misleading. It is also inaccurate and rather early to say, for example, that MMD is out and finished. It is like counting chickens before they are hatched. First, we must remember that they are still in power, with all…

  25. we must remember that they are still in power, with all the advantages which come with incumbency. And above all, looking at a general picture – even if PF and its partner UPND seems to be picking up momentum, the popular support for either PF or UPND is NOT national. Each of these parties passes only as being regional in nature.
    Further, it is useful to recall that all the parties, which have ruled Zambia so far — first UNIP and then MMD after that, they have had a minimum of at least two characteristics. The first, being that the party must enjoy support from the Copper Belt and Lusaka. And secondly, it must possess a national base. A weak third factor is that, Bembas (in N. Province & Luapula) on one hand, and Easterners (generically referred to as Ngonis or Nyanja) on the other –…

  26. we have to be perceived to be supporting the same political party. This perception or cooperation goes all the way back to the pre-independence struggles. Other tribes fall in between.
    While PF seems to have strong support on the Copper Belt & Lusaka, its support in N. Province, Luapula and Eastern Province is not guaranteed. For 2011, Rupiah Banda (RB) has already started telling Easterners not to lose the presidency. In Luapula, Sata will have to fight against the Chiluba factor. For whatever reason, FTJ seems to be on the side of Banda, and naturally will have to campaign (if that is permissible) for him. Already PF has to battle for seats held by the rebel MPs such as Peter Machungwa. These are substantial obstacles which need to be considered seriously by ALL THE PLAYERS

  27. Moreover, N. Province is not either in the bag for PF primarily because of: Mbala Mafia factor, Mambwe-Namwanga group versus Bemba proper. Since these groups are not unanimously supporting PF, there is danger of losing some votes in the province, to MMD. In other words, Sata’s name or Ubwato even in his home province, is not automatic. Some resistance to it still exists. And I think only Senior Chief Mwamba – of the Bemba people, is openly pro-PF, because I gather that Paramount Chief Chitimukulu is for MMD and the government. Therefore in sum, even PF’s N. Province support, is at best, still weak.
    In addition, when you examine PF’s position elsewhere in the country – the picture is not any better. In S. Province, UPND clearly dominates. In W. Province, unless PF strategizes with Charles

  28. Charles Milupi’s party (ADD) – UPND stands a better chance to compete against MMD. That leaves NW. Province, where I think the battle will be between MMD and UPND. Not to forget about VP George Kunda’s factor when it comes to Central Province.
    Put all these together, unless there will be a wind of change, stronger than now blowing in favor of PF, the only way Sata can become our next president still, seems to be narrow. That does not mean that this picture cannot be changed in due course through hard organizational work. Thus, PF if it wants to win can still consolidate its support by massively organizing the grassroots – constituency by constituency. They need to raise vote numbers where they polled low in 2008. The only other alternative to that might be sheer luck

  29. #15 you are un aneducated f-o-o-l can’t you see that Sata has agreed that Mumbi told us the truth. Uletontokanya chi-kala


  31. And when ZNBC TV asked him for a comment ba Shikulu said that he wondered why Mumbi brought out this matter today and not in 2008. Further confirmation of the deal. Fatherless Bwalya still declined to comment, he did not deny the story, why should he if he wants to hit back at the old man who insulted him last week? They say your enemy’s enemy is your friend and this is more true in politics than any other sector of human activity.

  32. Please Provide us with documents stating that “on this date $100,000 was given to fr. bwalya to buy vehicles for his movement in order to distabilise Govt”. We are not interested in all these Assumptions being brought forward by edward mumbi. Let him give us proper tangible evidence of the transaction and purpose for which money was given.

  33. Why are you justifying this transaction. In what capacity did he receive this money?

    Who is this person who gave this money to Satana? Why did he give this money to Satana- what is in it for the donor?

    You cannot just brush these questions just because you support Satana.

    No one just gives away $100,000 for nothing.

    Wake up Zambians!!!

  34. Besides, Satana has not denied the transaction. He is just annoyed that it has come out!!

    However this means that this unprincipled priest Bwalya is RIGHT in the front pocket of Satana. That is why he goes where Satana is campagning and not HH.

    However, this money could be from anybody including drug dealers!!!!!!!!


  36. I dont think there is anything wrong with Mr Sata giving money to any person of his choice, if he is stealing it from the govt then its wrong. In 2008 the MMD through their member Mike Mulongoti admitted giving money to ‘small parties’, (a political party of Cosmo Mumba and his friends) of course the money was for discrediting the opposition and supporting the candidature of RB. Of late someone (Chanda Chimba III) has been doing documentaries for the MMD to discredit some opposition political parties and supporting RB, is he doing them for free? Be real these are politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. But there is nothing wrong with being funded by Finance Bank which is a legitimate institution in Zambia. The MMD is funded by the Chinese and other thieves without it being a big issue.

    The problem in Zambia is that people concentrate on non-issues hence the lack of development.

  38. #42 if there is nothing wrong in this transaction why is Sata denying receipt of such huge sum of Dollars?? Why is he accusing some Finance Bank Officials of breaching Client/ Bank confidenciallity?
    Sata is a Political criminal. He must be caged

  39. Guys we are missing the bigger picture…Sata willingly accepeted and passed on money from Rajan Mathani’s filthy hands…the man Michael Sata called a Mercenary and a criminal. (see Post Newspaper of 26th September 2006)

    Sata’s only consistency is his inconsistency.

  40. “Finance Bank chairman Dr Rajan Mathani is a mercenary, PF president Michael Sata has charged.”

    “Mathani and Edith Nawakwi were very much involved in the Carlington scam, why shift the blame to Frederick Chiluba?” he said. “When we come to power, we shall investigate the six tankers of oil which disappeared when Edith Nawakwi was minister of energy. And Mathani is a big, big, mercenary. We shall investigate the Zimbabwean businessman who was equally involved. I don’t want to name him now but Edith Nawakwi knows the person very well.” Bivan Saluseki, Post Newspaper, 26th September 2006

  41. Remember this:
    And Sata said it seemed some people had personal differences with Chiluba and it was not fair to start attacking the former president the way they were doing now.

    “If they have differences with Chiluba, let them keep it to themselves. I want sanity. They want to make a storm in a teacup. They are using Chiluba’s issue to campaign for Mwanawasa,” he said.
    Sata said whatever, they do, they should know that Mwanawasa’s time was up.

    Sata said in the past four years, President Mwanawasa had not shown what had been stolen by Chiluba.
    “Let us be fair. If anybody has stolen, let him be properly investigated. You can’t fight illegality with illegality. The Task Force is an illegal institution.

    There are more plunderers than Frederick and company,” he said

  42. #44 If sata gave money to Fr Bwalya how is it your problem? Did you want him to come and get permission from you. The banks have a duty to protect the informatiom of their clients, here in the UK there is Data protection act, there is no way an employee can give private information to anyone. You are saying he should be caged. For what? For giving money to Fr. Bwalya? kuti waseka!!!!!!

  43. Sorry guys. We will have to wait for 10yrs or more for the opposition to win elections. The opposition will have to go through a process of removing their selfishness and voters to learn not to vote on tribal lines. As at now even if PF and UPND work together, they will lose because of tribal voting. If Sata becomes pact leader, Tongas and other related tribes will vote for MMD. If HH becomes pact leader, the Bembas and other related tribes will vote for MMD. So we will have to wait for many years to unsit MMD. Watch my words next year.

  44. Sata said Chiluba’s ‘persecution’ was political and there was need for fairness in the way the cases were being handled.
    He said justice delayed was justice denied.

    I would love to see our PF colleagues defend the above…your man is unbelievable…what a President he would make..

  45. And to our colleagues in the UPND, whom I hold in much higher esteem, I ask how it is that you have found yourselves in an alliance with such an inconsistent and unreliable character?

  46. CHILUBA’S blood if he dies will haunt President Mwanawasa, PF leader Michael Sata has said.

    And Sata has said Chiluba is suffering.
    Addressing a huge rally in Mwewa area in Chifunabuli Constituency to drum up support for PF candidate Ernest Mwansa yester
    day, Sata said the people of Luapula and Northern provinces would have Chiluba’s blood on their hands too, if the former president died.

    Sata said President Mwanawasa had turned against Chiluba who woke him up from deep sleep to take over leadership and paid back by coming up with several charges against him that had not even been proved in court. “Mwanawasa is not the one who will remove Chiluba from jail. It’s you who can remove Chiluba from jail.
    Bivan Saluseki, 8th September 2006

  47. I wonder how learned Colleaguse from this blog most of whom are very educated going by their standard of English can align themselves with hopeless and moribound politicians such as Sata. After reading through the lines, it appears that the motivating factor for supporting Sata is not based on issues but borders on selfishness and tribalism. Its just like employing your relative, or own brother, at the expense of another better highly qualified professional suited for the job. Efficiency and output suffers. Country men tribalism, nepotism, regionalism wont take Zambia anywhere. What we need on this blog are suggestions and proposals for the way forward for Zambai. It would be interesting and progressive if HH, SATA and MMD leaders akll step down and propose a new candidate for 2011.

  48. Is this stolen money or not? The Chinese are alleged to be giving the MMD a lot of money what is wrong with others to help PF?

  49. 51, Ground Zero, Chiluba lied to Sata that he was politically prosecuted by Levy and it was these pathological lies by Chiluba as master dribbler used to cheat Sata. When Mwanawasa showed the extent of corruption done by Chiluba that was the turning point of Sata telling Chiluba that I thought you were being prosecuted because of Levy not liking you. The truth is Banda is worse than the current three contenders

  50. the bank statement is their for all to see miles sampa to michael sata 100 000usd for fatherless bwalya for purpose of buying cars and intensfying redcard campaign. problem is ba sata balilya ama hafu as usual

  51. Miles Sampa works for Finance Bank=Fact
    Miles Sampa is Sata’s nephew=Fact
    Miles sampa wants to stand in Matero Constituency under PF=True
    Frank bwalya is PF cadre=Fact
    Frank Bwalya is funded by PF=Fact
    The bank account were the money was deposited exists=Fact
    So where is the lie?

  52. #57 Pafwenamwine: Well that is simple PF reasoning at it’s very best…if your man can be hoodwinked so easily for more than 10 years then he certainly does not have the intellectual capacity for State House…as we have always told you.

    Also the evidence is clear for all to see that Sata did not begin denouncing Chiluba immediately after his famous meeting with the Late LPM…rather it began the moment Chiluba endorsed RB in 2008. Sata has not taken a stance against FTJ on principle but merely out of vengeance and bitterness…next feeble defence?

  53. #56 Shi Philipo:

    The issues you fail to see are that;

    -Sata is funding a man of the Church and supposed neutrality for political ends.
    -Sata has publicly villified Rajan Mathani, but once the man passed him a $100,000 brown envelope he suddenly acceptable and worthy of defending….demonstrating that Sata is a shameless and inconsistent opportunist…or in language you better understand…he has been CORRUPTED and is CORRUPTING.
    -Finance Bank is implicated in one of the biggest money laundering scandals to ever hit Zambia, and by this revelation your beloved Sata could be a recipient of this dirty money as we all know that Finance Bank’s Mathani is a major source of funding for PF.

  54. Miles Sampa has always been an incompetent shady dodgy character. Ask his former colleagues at UNZA and later Barclays and they’ll tell you. Why didn’t he last as Treasurer at Finance Bank?? Let him resign from Finance Bank and join politics full time.

  55. RB wants 2 finish off Rajan n he now has to mix it up with Fr Frank Bwalya and Sata! If such data comes from cronies like Mumbi, then you know MMD engineered the whole charade. The truth will catch up with MMD

  56. Is it not a serious breach of confidentiality for someone to have access to my bank records without my permission? Doesn’t it require that one first gets a court order to have such access? What does the law say about this? If someone gets my bank records without my permission, I would certainly deal sternly with that person and close my account with that bank.

  57. Does Sata think we have forgotten how he revealed details about the late LPM’s account at Finance Bank? Now he wants to complain about breach of confidentiality? What goes around comes around.

  58. Finance Bank says sorry to Levy
    By Amos Malupenga
    Thursday March 15, 2007 [02:00]

    Finance Bank has unreservedly apologised to President Levy Mwanawasa for the leakage of his personal account. Finance Bank managing director Dick King yesterday said opposition Patriotic Front president Michael Sata’s allegations of corruption and money laundering against President Mwanawasa’s principal private secretary Alfred Chipoya were false, regrettable and unfortunate. President Mwanawasa, through his special assistant for legal affairs Darlington Mwape, on Monday demanded for an explanation from Finance Bank on how confidential information regarding his private account was availed to a third party.

    Sata had written to President Mwanawasa asking him to investigate Chipoya whom he suspected…

  59. There is nothing wrong with PF funding CLZ. The MMD funds Chifire, Lifwekelo, Mumbi, Lukuku, etc. Chiwamina Galu…….

  60. Zambians dont be fooled, these are just all lies
    Sata Viva you will rule this country next year. MMD is scared

    Viva President Sata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. So what ? was the money stolen? Doesnt MMD receive money from these litle chinese?

    Please Sata if you have more money to give to compaigners like me I need it ASAP. Make it $200 000 and it should pass through ZANACO. We need a lot of money to decompain these MMD thugs-thieves.

    Ala I have told you that you will never manage to bring down Sata.
    Mumbi has no job , his job is to bootlick RB always…….chimumbwa tested bu MP and then we chased him from Chingola. Both of them are suffering, wives and children in trouble, what do you expect from such people?….RUBBISH ALWAYS.


  62. The central bank anti money laundering laws are very clear for Sata & his childless Father Bwalya as a hired gun to float the existing law with impunity. Actually the real source of the undeclared laundered funds being used in subversive pro genocide schemes are some gay societies using Mathani as a conduit to Sata. The end user are subversive moles like Fr.Bwalya, Muchombo and the now incarcirated Barotseland secessionists. As the sun rises from the east and settles in the west, we here declare by that surely all these pro Genocide mercinaries floating the law will be exposed, chocked, sized and perish. The gnash their teeth in hell before they realise their dream of triggering mayhem on the Zambian people they hate.Our national patriotic spirit will never brink against subverts.

  63. The central bank anti money laundering laws are very clear for Sata and his childless Fr Bwalya a failed hired gun to float the existing law with impunity. Actually the real source of the undeclared laundered funds being used in subversive pro genocide schemes are some gay societies using Mathani as a conduit to Sata. The end user are subversive moles like Fr.Bwalya, Muchombo and the now incarcirated Barotseland secessionists. As the sun rises from the east and settles in the west, we here declare by that surely all these pro Genocide mercinaries floating the law will be exposed, chocked, sized and perish. The gnash their teeth in hell before they realise their dream of triggering mayhem on the Zambian people they hate.Our national patriotic spirit will never brink against subverts.

  64. Galatians 6:7

    Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

    Job 4:8

    As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.

    Ala lesa ni malyotola he can never be mocked. The wrath of God is against Frank Bwalya born fatherless, abused by Sata and now turned subversive element to terrorise the people and republic of Zambia with his genocidal schemes.

  65. Frank Bwalya and Miles Sampa at finance Bank with their subversive schemes have not only been exposed as partners in money laundering crime with Sata, but are actually terrorists against the people of Zambia. For his complicity and floating the anti- money laundering laws and Finance Bank code of conduct, Sampa must be fired by his employers right now. There after DEC pursue him to the finish line. Grab his passport and free his accounts being used to launder dirty money. Put him on a detailed screening process to the finish line. How many more assignments has he undertaken against the people of Zambia as an agent of of subversion to trigger genocide.He is a part of the terrorist cell exposed.

  66. The anti money laundering laws are very clear. No intelligent person can fail to observe banking protocol in transfer and receipt of money to that tune. Miles Sampa wittingly turned himself into a conduit of terrorists funds activities. He must be ruthlessly panished for concealment and playing a conduit role in covert operations meant to trigger bloodbath in the country.He evaded all banking protocols to conceal this crime against humanity.

  67. Hey ka Mudala ka Mate na ka so called Senior citizen you’re ****ed up you guyz,mwilabwata bwata if you don’t have the facts.
    “He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.”
    Respect Fr Frank & Ba Sata niba Wiso ataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. “He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. Even icipumbu is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.”

    You don’t even the meaning of the words you’re using ( terrorists ) bukopo….we want Zambia 2 progress ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! face the facts mayb you’re fi MMD.

  69. # 64,

    You are in the utopia world to think terrorist acts could enjoy privacy rights. Frank Bwalya’s activities are subversive in action and there is no way in hell he could be missed on any radar. In the USA he falls under the KKK fanatics and his exposed money laundering activities a matter of the PATRIOT Act in countries like the USA. Freedom is never absolute not even here in the USA where our lives are in every Government and private sector databases retrivable at will.

  70. Change life to money laundering or die Zambia is actually a front of terrorists in Zambia. Its flawed mission statement has been to trigger Genocide. It should be deregistered and its agents squared in a ruthless frontier head on.

  71. # 77 I,m too knowledgable to argue with you, your analysis of things is too shallow for my response. Get back to me when you get learned.

  72. Edward Mumbi is a job seeker who can say anything to potray that he is clever. Mind you everything has an end. Whatever you do, one day will be revealed. Mumbi is being sponsored by some people to discredict others. Judas Escariot Mumbi

  73. In 1990 FTJ Vernon Mwanga, Arthur Wina (late), Ronald Penza (late), Shamwana (late) went to Europe to canvass and raise funds to defeat KK. They called themselves the incoming cabinet. (Too many are late Why?). No one complained. They used the same money to denounce KK and same money enabled FTJ fly around Zambia in a hired plane (remember FTJ being recieved in Mongu by a huge crowd). Now the CHIPS are down they cry foul. If PF is funding anybody to peacefully denounce the MMD Govt., what is wrong with that???? MMD is equally funding the two former Sec Generals of PF to denounce Mr. Sata, we are not minding because they have no following like William Banda.

  74. 1. There is nothing wrong with SATA giving Fatherless Bwalya any money for anything
    2. There is everything wrong with Finance Bank disclosing a clients details unless mandated by some authority such as the courts etc.
    3. There is nothing wrong with Miles Sampa Depositing money in my account.
    4. To Shikapwasha you are a f*^*^ up
    5. Father Bwalya keep up the good work , you can come for more funding and dont worry we will keep it under wraps.

  75. Wats wrong with that mumbi chap? wats wrong with Sata giving money to FB…Senior Citizen & you all pro-mmd chaps f***k yo pre mature dicks and minds..

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