Thursday, March 20, 2025

Clubs Hint at Barring Players For Zambia Duty


Faz faces the prospect of a second war front opening in their standoff with Super Division clubs.

Super Division teams are now pondering on whether or not to release players for international duty as they turn the screw on Kalusha Bwalya’s beleaguered administration to call for an emergency council meeting.

Zesco United secretary Justin Mumba told Radio Phoenix sports on Sunday that it was time common sense reined before Faz found itself in an embarrassing situation with no key players for their planned November 17 friendly and CECAFA Senior Challenge Cup outing in Tanzania at the monthend.

The bulk of Dario Bonetti’s team for the CECAFA Senior Challenge Cup is expected to come from home-based players while foreign-based players are notoriously unreliable for duty when it comes to international friendlies forcing Faz to fall on the local pool.

“Before the national team assembles for CECAFA, there is need for the Faz and the Super Division clubs to be in harmony,” Mumba told radio Phoenix.

“I don’t see how they can get players from Zanaco, Power (Dynamos), Green Buffaloes and Zesco (United). They are not in harmony, I think dialogue is the way forward. Showing our muscles will not take us any anywhere. The only way forward is dialogue. Dialogue is the only way out. If I was them (Faz) I would call a meeting on Monday.”

Meanwhile, Faz has said it will dock points for all teams that defied their league obligations to play Saturdays Super Division Week 29 games.

No Week 29 matches were played on Saturday after teams either did not travel or those that traveled were snubbed by their hosts.

Buffaloes and Zanaco have so far been docked three points from them after they both refused to play their delayed Week 20 game last Wednesday at Sunset Stadium in Lusaka.


  1. Kalushya bwalya kisianganu sa mutu…tuwela batu ba sebeze…nako yahao fa mbola ifelile…zwa kalushya banana ba buse

  2. I have a lot of respect for Zanaco and Buffaloes now. In a democracy words and actions of the people move mountains. So all the entire league has to do is close their doors until Kalusha responds resonably or until FIFA reacts.

  3. KALUSHA litole… He is slowly finishing into a tiny ***** who is afraid of losing the FAZ Presidency because he has been depending on this post to get small assignments with FIFA and Supersport in South Africa. When this is done, he is a gonner! I bet even his current girlfriend or wife will dump him. The truth is Kalusha is dull. As soon as he leaves that Presidency he will vanish into some small role. probably coaching a small team somehwere, especially now that he is aggravating every big team that could have given him a job. Kalusha is so selfsih I wonder how it came about that we gave him that job. When he was technical director for our national team he cost us victory by taking a penalty which should have been taken by a younger player, just because he still wanted to play…

  4. This is really getting out of control. Someone have to do something since it doesnt seem like Kalu cares or listens to anyone. I have never seen anything before quite like the situation in FAZ since I started following the Zambian football. The campaign slogan for Kalu was ” eyes on the ball” obvisiously the eyes are off the ball and something has to be done. I dont see Kalu calling the meeting anytime soon if thats what most fans and people are hoping for. He is certainly hiding something that he doesnt need people to know.

  5. #1 what language is that? Anyway, us at FAZ we text all bosses from super league teams for an emergence meeting, but they all either boycotted or didn’t have talk time in their phones. At FAZ we are ready to educate you amakula.

  6. kalu cant give up on FAZ bcos he has eaten money from Nike and supersport. he is scared of goint to jail with kasengele. the yemen and chile outing kalu was paid 250000dollars on each trip and he pocketed the cash. Kalu will do time in jail

  7. just dont release the players for the freindly and the tournament, Galu shld have respect for others. he should knw that zambian footbal is not his baby, thats a country thing.

  8. In what capacity is Justin Mumba ‘directing’ what needs to be done b4 zambia national team internationally friendly match?

  9. We appreciate Kalu is in shit but why do these fools calling for the ECM not reaching the the two-thirds Majority so that this issue is sorted out for good because thats the legal basis for that meeting they are calling for.They should all write to FAZ enmasse and attache their petitions we are sick and tired of their noise making.

  10. #16, walasa!!! Why are these guys busy barking so noisely yet the two-thrids majority has not been reached??? You can’t be champions of the constitution when you yourselves are not following it!! ECM can be called by councilors when two-thirds of the members call for the meeting IN WRITING and ON HEADED PAPER of the club. You can not use a list of names and signatures to call for this meeting for the simple reason that people like Simataa, with petty jealousies can forge, signing the petition 10 times with 10 different signatures and pens!!

  11. Boycotting of the league games is most unfortunate….first and foremost, the Premiership is administered through the secretariat at Football house and not the FAZ Executive. When the four members of the Executive resigned leaving five, this action did not render the secretariat illegal or non-functional, therefore running of the Premiership and all other games should have gone on. Arguing that the Exec dissolved itself or not is one thing. Its a matter for legal interpretation, however committing another illegality in order to correct a wrong is absolute foolishness. A lot of people are being led blindly by The Post and a few loud mouth, selfish individuals who themselves are well known failures. These actions that are being taken without deep thought will come back to haunt the Nation.

  12. # 1 and 10 your language seems difficult to read plz next tym jst use Bemba atleast we will have a clue of what u are toking about.LOL

  13. It is realy sad that the footbo crisis in Zambia is getting worse. Even if pipo are pretending that by boygotting matches, Great Kalu will be fixed, it will be a common Zedian who will be deprieved of the enterainment of watching football. Fifa knows that this saga is being engineered by big fishes who are putting the inocent club leaders in front because of the old scores they want to settle with Kalu. Any stupid and sensible person shud know that Zambia will be badly affected by Fifa wrath. I have said so becoz fifa has its ears on the ground getting the full informtn b4 they react. Even if kalu has his own problems, please want for his term to finish b4 u start throwing mud on the zambian footabll fratenity. I will nt be surprised to hear that one of the sons of the politico fish wants

  14. Why cant these noise makers secure a two third majority for GS to call for an ECM! It is so annoying that people who seem learned are confusing us with their PHD sydrome. Do what is right to make wrong right. As it is, everyone is moving like a headless chicken! Again, I want to caution the Minister of Sports not to comment inappropriately as he might just fuel the whole saga! He seem sided that FAZ does not exist which is unfortunate and I could have replaced him if I was….to bring sanity to the sporting fratenity. I wonder now if some of these so called clubs have headed paper!!! Let us be level headed to sort out this impasse!!

  15. Uwakwisano number 16. How many teams in Division 2 or 3 have headed paper? Has Kalu or Kasengele provided that? We all know that there are very few lower division teams who have such papers.

  16. #25, you can’t be serious!! What is so special about “headed paper”?? Even a kantemba businessman has one, how about a so-called football club? A club which can not afford “headed paper” is not worth being a member of FAZ and is, like you #16, not serious with life.

  17. Uwakwisano,number 27
    You are very detached from the realities of Zambian football. I have been a vice chairman of a division one football club and i know what goes on in the lower divisions. First of all some club officials can’t even write a proper letter. I have seen team lists on the day of the game written on papers from exercise books. Talk about headed paper.

  18. # 22 Lady something…….., learn to respect other tribes and stop exposing your foolishness. Not everyone who speaks English is English, same with local lingua. If thats your perimeters you use to judge, wait and see you ll be shocked.

  19. Practice what you preach. Follow the rught channels not via boycotts. Just make the required 2 thirds majority. otherwise you are on the wrong. Even the new FAZ EXCO will punish you for boycotting games.

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