Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ndola’s Chicele market operating without a toilet and piped water since the 1960s.


Traders at Chichele market in Ndola’s Mushili township have complained that over lack of sanitary facilities at market is compromising the hygiene standards.

ZANIS reports that Chicele market of Ndola’s Mushili township has been operating without a toilet and no running water from the time it was opened in the 1960s.

Consequently , marketeers at the market have complained about sanitation issues at the trading place.

Speaking on behalf of the aggrieved traders , Maggie Chileshe said operating from the market is a challenge as there are no sanitary facilities at trading place.

“Sanitary facilities are very important and here at Chichele market we do not have not even running water. This is not hygienic as in this time of the corona virus pandemic, the government should consider looking into our plight as well,” she said in an interview.

She added that markets are places where hygiene should be practiced but that it is difficult for traders to even adhere to the Covid19 pandemic protocols without water.

The Chichele market has no running water and a toilet a situation which has subjected traders to difficult conditions.

Meanwhile, Benjamin Ndumba a concerned resident has volunteered to build a toilet at the market and has also promised to sink a borehole.

Mr. Ndumba said it also affects him because he is a member of the community and a trader at the same market.


  1. I cannot understand why the situation should be so when empowerment fund is being given to individuals instead to communities. I do not know if the current empowerment is a blessing or a curse depending on the motive. God looks at the heart and motive behind. No one can fool God.

  2. This has been received directly to my office and I am personally seeing to it. Remember that government can not do everything for you. This is a shame to all of us in the business community who have not come to the aid of these people. Where are the so called rich hh who caused this by selling mines there for peanuts? I know hh is in coma at the moment but I mean all this time he has been singing about making Zambia better. Don’t worry I will myself fund this.

    Also prayers for hh who is in a coma in critical condition . Get well soon.

  3. Who is the MP for that place ???

    LT ,

    show some real journalism, interview the MP or atleast attempt to find out who he is

  4. Its unfortunate that the marketeers are bringing up this issue of lack of water and sanitary facilities at the trading place since 1960s. Does it mean the place has no management committee to look into their affairs. This mentality of Boma yiyanepo is sickening to the core of the bone. Who has been collecting daily levies etc. The market committee should take up the initiative to do some of the needy things not always looking to the local authority. May be its campaign time and they want to attract the attention the aspring candidates to chip in.

  5. Typical, the PF MP has FAILED his people, and the PF government (as usual) was concentrating on stealing money from the traders, rather than providing any proper facilities. And now, four months before the election, that corrupt KZ sees something has to be done. WHERE WERE YOU ALL THOSE YEARS? Shame on you

  6. Dont worry Lazy Lungu is sitting of a sack of printed money he will come and sink a borehole after hearing this news…even though there hasn’t been a water since 1960 I wonder how they would have put out PF market fires without water.

  7. Why is Zambia poorly managed in everything. We need change of leaders, kick out the chakolwas, drug dealers, kaponyas, and vote for decent educated leaders

  8. The issue is simple. It’s the job of Ndola City Council if the market is under control of the local authority. If it’s an informal market, don’t blame government or the local authority. Formal trading activity gives any city vitality and life. If it’s regulated properly and taxed, it can be a source of revenue for the municipal authority.

  9. I think all failure of these facilities lies in the leadership credential responsibilities especially to those ppl assigned to the area. it feels like the mentality they apply are that because the previous person did not do that, so I am not going to do it either. but what struck me is that when they are campaigning they point out these issues and say if you vote for me I’m the right person to” fix that and that” but as soon as they get that seat all the promises are just thrown out of the window and they just remain with sing-song lies and never do what they promised. Well, that is a politicians lyrics. These so-called MP’s and others should take responsibility for their areas by pushing the government for the support of things they want to improve their own constituency not just sit…

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