Thursday, March 20, 2025

Faz Succumbs To Pressure And Calls ECM


Faz has succumbed to pressure and has set a date for the emergency council meeting (ECM) at the end of this month.

However, the Zambia Premier League (ZPL) have resolved this afternoon not to meet Kalusha Bwalya in Kabwe to dialogue on the way forward because the current executive committee is illegal.

Faz general secretary George Kasengele said at a press briefing in Lusaka today that the ECM will be held on November 27 at Masiye Motel in Kabwe.

Kasengele said the meeting will be chaired by Faz president Kalusha Bwalya starting at 10:00.

The Faz general secretary said on the agenda will the legality of the current Faz executive and the association president’s speech.

“This decision has been arrived at after wide consultation,” Kasengele said.

“It is in conformity with the FAZ constitution article 26 (2) (i) and also article 26 (2) (2). Article 26 (2) (ii) says the executive committee shall set the date and time of all council meetings.

“Article 26 (2) (iv) says the executive committee shall convene an emergency meeting if it deems fit. With those provisions we have decided to hold the emergency council meeting.”

Meanwhile, ZPL chairperson Cephas Katongo  in a press statement today said  that they will play their league and club obligations and meet with the executive committee only when their conditions are satisfied.

In a statement, Katongo said: “The teams represented by the ZPL will not attend the meeting called by Faz for the following reasons:

  1. The presence of the self dissolved Faz executive members at the meeting is not acceptable While we welcome dialogue, this must be done in conformity with the (Faz) constitution. It is crucial for us as to who chairs the meeting as there is no Faz executive committee in place at the moment.
  2. The apparent partial disposition of the (Faz) general secretary who keeps calling unconstitutional disciplinary committee meetings and docking of points from teams who have stayed away from games must come to an end henceforth. “Therefore there must be a reversion to the status quo before the boycott and this must be made clear before the proposed meeting is  held with the general secretary.
  3. The super League clubs are willing to meet with the General secretary (Secretariat) to discuss the way forward during the course of next week on condition that the issues raised above are adequately addressed.

“In the midst of what is happening we call upon the current and potential sponsors to bear with us as the reasons for this impasse hinge on the corporate government, transparency and respect for the constitution. We value your contribution and look forward to your continued support.”, the ZPL statement read


  1. people come on..what is the meaning of an emergency meeting if this meeting is to be held on the 27 of november? Maybe i seem to miss the point here or rather it is called an elective meeting..this shows lack of seriousness on the people who at the moment appear to be grieved..coz this meeting is supposed to be held in the shortest possible time frame e.g. a day or two …
    Its only in zambia where everything works slow..restaurants,buses,government,etc..this mentality has to change if we are to prosper and see a better zambia..

  2. At long last! I hope this will serve as a lesson that you cant fool people all the time and that when people get fed up their collective voice is always more powerful than the voice of the greedy minority. Every do has its day and soon Galu Bwalya is gonna get his red card

  3. Right on #2. How can we wait three weex to hold a meeting and still call it an emergency? Unless “emergency” meanz something else, this meeting must be held within the next seven dayz. After all, everybody iz already fired up and very much eager to rezolve the impasse at Football House so that the good game can continue.

  4. Kalusha has finnally been taught a lession you can never be clever than any of us we went to school while you were bsuy chsing after some balls, they final thing is that he has to go out of Faz and some of those silly workers at football house who issue nonsence statments well done guys in Zambia carry on we are behind you- one zambia one nation

  5. RB 0 Zambia 10.Thats the score line in 2011. Things have started moving. He He he. I hear even RB has fallen out and despised Galu or sorry Kalu. He knows soccer is very strong on the copperbelt & Lusaka and he has been saying Kalusha Kuti akuletelela. Lwakwe ailengeshe fye. He He He.

  6. 2 weeks plus some days cannot be called an emergency meeting. its all rubbish and another attempt by kalu the leech to keep walking on thin ice…and hoping for a micracle that everyone will just forget about the trail of mess in FAZ. Already, they are calling for a meeting on the same day the national team is playing in the senior challenge cup against tanzania. How can they? it shows how reckless and hopeless this bunch of losers are all about…totally irresponsible and will not even follow important events on FAZ calender. kick them out…the sooner the better..

  7. Kasengele, isn’t there provision in the FAZ constitution which says that the emergency meeting shall be held within …….. hours or days from the date or time of receipt of the petition by two-thirds of the membership. An emergency meeting can never be held after three weeks.

  8. Well. Simple its still an emergency meeting becos the main meeting is only due in March 2011. In any case there are logistics to be put in place by the Secretariat to ensure the meeting proceeds and this needs time and money to be mobilised. Its not a RALLY as i note from some contributors that one can call in a day or 2. Also take note that despite crying for an ECM for over 1 and half months, the Petitioners still by today have failed to raise the 2/3 written letters. In fact only 2 letters have been received by FAZ from Rangers and a Team in Mansa. Kalu has simply come to their (Petitioners)rescue otherwise they would not have managed even given another 2 months to raise the 2/3 wriiten letters. Mr Katongo is running an illegal ‘entity’ and would do well to keep quiet.

  9. am shocked by the low levels on this blog; little wonder guys are wondering on fb who these chaps on this blog that comment are. surely, this is how to discuss a matter. rubbish and shame on all of you failing to articulate issues. the ECM has been called and now we the patriots will want to know what next not insults and foolish insinuations. we want this forum to be educative not shallow as its being made. we eant issues of agenda for ECM and the thinking of the petitioners. its worthless to debate anything with people on LT.

  10. why waste time here. shallow thinking and low levels of debate. relaly shocking. if you want football and proper football blog go to Zamfoot; not this nonsense. am out

  11. #15 You mean to say an emergency meeting in the context of FAZ iz that which iz held before the due date of the AGM, and in this case can even be 30th March, 2011( if say the AGM iz due on 31st March, 2011)?

  12. We are saying the Kalusha executive is ILLEGAL but we are agreeing to an ILLEGAL entity again to rule us!!! Strange. Can you tell me when this Zambia Premier League came into being and where their offices are?

  13. Good job Kalu, this is what is called Leadership, taking responsibility……..Swallow the bitter pill and face the bull by its hones.

  14. In Zambia i think we have a very bad way of selecting leaders at a very stage. During FAZ election the most sensible candidate who could have won was HANIF ADAMS but what did we have in the end (great Galu in administration and Great Kalu on the pitch). In 2011 General Elections some fellowers are thinking Recycled Mata or Sata should be given chance? What is wrong with us kashi? We have smart and credible leadership within the opposition but not Sata. The same way that Kalu has failed to run soccer in Zambia that is how Sata can mess up terribly. Lets not make another mistake these are pipo we know very much and they can not fool us. We also need to put in place sensible pipo in FAZ. We must learn to value the quality of pipo we entrust with leadership at any level that way we shall dvlp.

  15. # 20 Bwantowa Mano: The ZPL is quiet consistent and doing well in my view. They are meeting the Secretary General who is NOT an elected official but and employee and CEO of FAZ. SO he has the power to call for such a meeting. However they need to agree on the chair for th meeting because evidently Kalusha does NOT qualify to chair it since he is part of the self-dissolved committee (self-dissolved, how I like that term!). In all this, what has amazed me are two things: (i) Kalusha’s intransigence and arrogance and (ii) his crookedness, starting with illegal sale and re-sales of players, illegal contracts, know it all attitude when evidently, the basics of what he doesn’t know can fill a library.

  16. what I hope could help next is that the ZPL will stick to their points. When collective mental weakness of Zambians is lack of stick-ability to issues and following through until they achieve what they aimed to. I wont be surprised if some weak minded elder leader so called will ask that everyone should compromise and allow Kalusha to chair the meeting even though its evident it is against the constitution. We saw what happened in April 2010, that was the time Kalusha should have gone, but he was saved by the elders: Liwewe, Sakala etc,.

  17. Am happy that Kalu has been put where he belongs ? muchimbusu. But he must be kicked out completely. Let him pack his katundu & relocate to south. Come on zwaaaaa!!!!

  18. “Emergency Meeting” in the context of the FAZ constitution is a meeting that is called for FAZ Councillors either before after the Annual General Meeting to attend to an issue(s) that have arisen but cannot wait for the next AGM.

  19. Shaft Lungu; If sentiments before yours on this blog reflect Zambians level of thinking then we are in a big mess as a nation. If people cant argue reasonably we first need a police state to control us then afterwards we can start debating. When people run out of arguments they exhibit their lack of intellect by calling each other names. That is what can be seen from the insults here

  20. Wat emergency is there in holding a meeting in three weeks time? madness FAZ is now like sum political party whererationality is scarce. shame ba fyenu.

  21. ‘ZPL chairperson Cephas Katongo’ SInce when is this man Chairperson of the League?????????????? self appointed? there is no such thing!!

  22. low levels of cadres on this blog is shocking.shaft lungu ,you are spot the way,when did this illegal zpl come to exist.kalu like kk,can not be erased from the history books,they tried to humility them and they failed.insulting pf cadres,what will this country remember you for,insults ,phd?failures who have never built a pit latrine

  23. I agree low level of debate on this blog, i mean insults are not debate. By the ZPLC is an illegal entity at ha never existed. Secondly, the reason why this entity will want Kalusha to is that they have broken not only FAZ regulations but also CAF and FIFA which do not provide for match boycott as the general secretary was their to run the affairs of FAZ. By the way you are in for much shock because FIFA might not recognize the new executive if this one is hacked out because they have already stated their position.


  25. An Extraordinary General Meeting, commonly abbreviated as EGM, is a meeting of members of an organisation, shareholders of a company, or employees of an official body, which occurs at an irregular time.[1] The term is usually used where the group would ordinarily hold an AGM, but where an issue arises which requires the input of the entire membership and is too serious or urgent to wait until the next AGM. Members and/or shareholders must be informed of the purpose of the EGM so that they may attend in a position where they can discuss and exercise intelligent judgment, otherwise any resolutions passed are invalid.[2]

    In some settings, this is known as a Special General Meeting or an Emergency General Meeting.

    The directors of a public company must convene an EGM if the net assets…

  26. # 37 i concur with you, i think people should start learning to understand certain. i now believe why people say that empty drums make a lot of noise.

  27. Guys check out for the latest letter from FIFA to NSC dated yesterday!!! Haha good will always overcome evil!

  28. It is not necessary at this stage to be militant against current FAZ executive, what is important though is finding the way forward. This thing of setting conditions before the ECM is retrogressive, it will not benefit anybody but soccer generally will suffer. Please spare our soccer, abash TALIBANISM…

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