Thursday, March 20, 2025

Lukulu priest nabbed for cannabis


A JOINT operation team of the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and Zambia Police Service has arrested a New Apostolic Church priest in Lukulu District for drug trafficking.

DEC public relations manager, John Nyawali said in Lusaka yesterday that Godfrey Chifunda, 37, a priest at Kangoi Congregation, was arrested after he was found with four bags of dry cannabis weighing more than 80 kilogrammes.

“Priest Chifunda becomes the second clergyman from New Apostolic Church to be arrested for drug trafficking in the last 12 months after another one was on Christmas Eve last year arrested for cultivating about a tonne of cannabis near the church premises,” Mr Nyawali said.

He said Mr Kangoi was in police custody and would appear in court soon.

Mr Nyawali said the commission was saddened with the increasing number of clerics arrested for flouting the law and appealed to the Church mother bodies to closely monitor activities of the men and women of God in order to restore the public’s confidence in them.

Meanwhile, 52 people were arrested countrywide in the last five days for trafficking in various quantities of cocaine and cannabis with a total weight of 248 kilogrammes.

Those arrested included a 20-year-old Grade Nine pupil of Mweke Basic School in Mongu who was found selling 20 kilogrammes of cannabis.

Another one was Jeff Hamuwele, a resident of Chamba Valley in Lusaka who was arrested in Chelston residential area where he was found with three sachets of cocaine which he wanted to sell.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. What is wrong with mdern priests? love of money which Paul talked about is the root of all evil. cage this priest longer.

  2. Point of correction: Only Catholic Church (both Latin and Eastern Rite) and Anglican Church call their clergy Priests. Other churches or Ecclesio Communities have pastors, reverends, elders, prophets, bishops, apostels, etc. It is very important to differentiate.

  3. #1 you have made my day. Ha ah ha ah. I hope this joke does not stay in my head for a long time, otherwise i sceptical with some singings and preachings

  4. This is a simple issue. The so called priest is an immoral atheist. He knows his god doesn’t exist thats why he sees it as a perfect disguise to trade in drugs. Am not shocked that people are shocked with alleged men of god doing contrary to what he wants. they know he isn’t there. “Sell weed and you eat for a day. turn to religion and you will starve to death praying for food”. The priest knows the saying very well

  5. That is the emphasise on tilth it is for monetary gain hence formation of splinter churches instead of reconciling as the Bible preaches. Anyway prophecy has to be fulfilled . Be wary the coming of the Son of man is near.

  6. Sata was due in Lukulu to collect his bags. Please leave the man of God alone….. Ibange is good for the country. . . .it can put more monry in peoples pockets. When my Uncle the Cobra is HE he will legalize the weed.

  7. # 1 uli wafyamba sana, u made my evening mudala…haha.

    #8 you dont need to go 2 school to acknolege the existence of the most high. jst look at urself, ur yaping there bcoz som1 had put life in you. There is no chance for a complex mechanism like u to come by chance!

  8. # 10 ichimutwe! I have not said that in a longtime, but it felt good to say it to this one tribalist blogger. Chifunda is not a bemba name and even if he was bemba, it does not make all bembas cannabis trafficking criminals! What is wrong with you CHI # 10?

    # 1 you have made my day, I am stii laughing even after reading CHI # 10, though what you have said is comic, it may actually be factual in some cases.

  9. # 11 ulekwata amano! This topic has nothing to do with one MC Sata. You people are pushers of hatred and the consequences are just as bad as these narcotic trafficker. Another of your family memebers # 11 can also just be tribalist.
    I suppose most of you in this category are unemployed and cannabis smoking and would have willingly joined Chifunda in destroying our people by slowly poisoning them with psychotropical substances as long as you are putting money in your pockets. Think before you make snide contributions.

  10. # 13 ulekwata amano! This topic has nothing to do with one MC Sata. You people are pushers of hatred and the consequences are just as bad as these narcotic trafficker. Another of your family memebers # 11 can also just be tribalist.
    I suppose most of you in this category are unemployed and cannabis smoking and would have willingly joined Chifunda in destroying our people by slowly poisoning them with psychotropical substances as long as you are putting money in your pockets. Think before you make snide contributions.

  11. # 9, the emphasise on tithe is not by man but God Himself has commaded us to do so (Malachi 3:10) Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse… Please do not mislead people if you think giving Tithe to church you are enriching men of God read also 2Corith 9:7, “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” Amen

  12. #1 very funny man.Somehow you are right,cannabis has a number of effects.It could be true that taking it can lead to someone singing with a sweet voice.ahahahahahaha……I remember when I was in secondary School my friend was a heavy smoker of this drug and each time he smokes he would start asking me…..iwe niwe nani?Then he would buy a piece of bread and eat it without a drink or water.Surprisingly he was very intelligent, give him any math problem while under the influence and he would solve it in no time.
    At the moment he is a married man working for the mines and has children. I hope balileka uku dobola.If DEC arrested him at that time, they could have ruined his please ba DEC don’t rush to prosecute and imprison culprits.Counciling is the best solution.

  13. WHY PA ZEDI;;;;;; this man will be prosecuted fast and musonda, chiluba, changwe will never be even arrested. while this man with his nature is already in custon. this typical JACOBEAN RULE OF ERROR OR MANCHEVELICAN SYSTEM, which represents zambian today.:-?:-?:-?

  14. more than 80kgs, bumper harvest, this is serious business for the priest. Probably theres a DRA (Drug Reserve Agency) we don’t know about. He needs councelling though.

  15. #10 mbo _ Chifunda can also be from Malawi. Any I have always said these men og are just human beings. Catholics are human too and can fail just as Chifunda. Other wise putting too much faith in a fellow man is not a solution.

  16. Ba BA, kanshi RB does not give you a lot of money for saying vote for MMD, vote for MMD. DEC, check all those tuma pastors.

  17. #5 New Apostolic also calls its clergy as Priests. I congregate with the New Apostolic church and we call our Vicar as Priest Vonk.

  18. bakwate ko bumper harvest at i yio ama drugs tatu senda………who said ibange is a drug……’s in fact a herb………….LOL

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