Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Zambia is still experiencing low agricultural productivity despite its rich natural endowment suited to feed itself


President Edgar Lungu has called for the adaptation of successful innovations aimed at transforming the entire Agriculture sector in order to accelerate growth and development.

President Lungu says there is need for small-scale farmers to adopt innovative ways of farming, in order to enhance productivity.

The Head of State said this during the high-level virtual dialogue on ‘feeding Africa: Leadership to Scale up Successful Innovations.’

He added that Zambia like most countries in Africa is still experiencing low agricultural productivity despite its rich natural endowment suited to feed itself and the rest of the region.

“The low Agriculture productivity has been worsened by effects of climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic”, said.

He stated that revitalizing food production and enhancing nutrition remains a core policy issue to end hunger through the sustainable development goals and National Agriculture and Food Policies.

President Lungu has since reaffirmed government’s commitment to transforming the agriculture sector, with an aim towards enhancing food security for the Zambian people.

The Head of State said this will be attained through promoting exports, private sector participation and climate resilient agricultural technologies and practices.

He also congratulated Dr. Akinwumi Adesina for being re-elected as President of the African Development Bank Group

And President of Botswana Mokgweetsi Masisi explained that global warming and changing in the weather patterns has led Africa to find alternative innovations in order to enhance food security and end poverty in the region.

Mr Masisi said it is important for Africa to adopt the necessary technologies in order to sustain the Agriculture industry across the continent.

He has since called on strengthened networks and partnerships from the private sector, in order to invest more in smart agriculture practices.

And President of Rwanda Paul Kagame says Agribusiness is one of the pathways to Africa’s prosperity.

Mr Kagame said there is need for farmers to invest in research and production methods in order to effectively increase production in the wake of climate change.

“There is need to improve our research capacity on modern food production based on science and technology”, he said.

He has also called strengthened partnerships to tap into successful innovations to produce more food at affordable prices and less environmental impact.

President Kagame stated that it is very important for Africans to enhance trade with each other by taking advantage of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement.


  1. Learning and Using the Dutch model of agricultural productivity to achieve maximum yields using the current agriculture efforts and infrastructure being put in places and locations to support trade and investments in the agribusiness and sectors

    Good efforts and harvest this 2021 but more could be yielded with less utilization of labor and land like in the dutch models that have proved successful in increasing productivity

  2. A lot of lazy youth who think farming is above them. For me, my farms actually fund all my children’s education. Let ye take advantage of this God given resource called land. When the whltes take the land and farm, you cry and yet most of you don’t want to dirten your hands. You would rather sit in an office working for a white farmer.

  3. A lot of lazy youth who think farming is above them. For me, my farms actually fund all my children’s education. Let ye take advantage of this God given resource called land. When the whltes take the land and farm, you cry and yet most of you don’t want to dirten your hands. You would rather sit in an office working for a whlte farmer.


  5. Lungu has bought 9 farms in the Kanakantapa area in the years he has been in state house. They are the most unproductive farms in the area, and NO modern techniques have been used. Go and have a look at the AKTC farm in Chisamba: that’s German technology, they have FOUR crops rotating on each field during the year and they are making huge profits!

  6. Lungu its not just low agricultural productivity.It is declining productivity IN ALL sectors that’s why Zambian GDP growth has been going lower and lower since you came into office.

  7. “President Edgar Lungu is tomorrow expected in Lundazi District, Eastern Province, where he will commission the first ever commercial wheat harvest project by the Zambia National Service (ZNS).
    Eastern Province permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo says President Lungu will commission the harvest from a 240 acre irrigation farm at Ng’onga ZNS camp in Lumezi constituency.”-LT October 9, 2017

    No third term because There’s no report on the
    October 9, 2017 Investment.

    PF time out.

  8. What an 1doit of a president u have, even a d0g is better than this piece of sh1t…. Uyu Chi colour should just be shot

  9. Build strong agricultural institutions. Look at how they have killed institutions like Mount Makulu research station, National Agricultural Information Systems, Extension services close to the farmers, etc. Show seriousness. Cost of fertilizer favours only the middlemen not the farmer.

  10. Also visited ATC: that is really impressive but when will it filter to the general farming populace in Zed?

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