Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Govt. commences process to amend Wildlife Act


Government says it has commenced the amendment process of the Wildlife Act No.14 of 2015.

Ministry of Tourism and Arts Permanent Secretary, Patrick Lungu says the amendment of the Act is important to ensure that the management of the county’s wildlife resource is fully aligned with the country’s long-term socio-economic development agenda.

Mr Lungu urged the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to make submissions between now and September, to reach a consensus on the amendment.

He stated that the department must also prepare Layman’s Draft Bill which should consider the past and recent reforms within the wildlife subsector.

Mr Lungu said the draft should also acknowledge the institutional mandate of the ministry in relation to the mandates of other government institutions.

He further appealed to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to appreciate the links between the Wildlife Act and other pieces of legislation.

Mr Lungu added that there is need to draw a clear line between what needs to be legislated and the matters that can be addressed through administrative means.

He said it is important for the country to come up with a law that is progressive, responsive to the needs of all stakeholders and effective in supporting government’s intentions on wealth creation and improve livelihoods for the citizenry.

The tourism sector is listed as a priority sector on Government’s agenda to transform Zambia into a prosperous and middle-income country and the sector is expected to contribute to economic growth and diversification, rural development and job creation.

This is contained in a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today, by Ministry of Tourism and Arts Public Relations Officer, Zacks Sakabilo.

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