Friday, March 28, 2025

Government to redesign Lusaka Roads


Lumumba Road

Minister of Works and Supply Mike Mulogoti has disclosed that Government has engaged a Japanese Company to redesign all roads in Lusaka, the capital city to reduce congestion.

Mr. Mulongoti said the plan to redesign Lusaka roads had already been devised and that the contractor was working round the clock to come up with proper city planning of roads in the capital city and not only Lusaka but also Mumbwa road.

ZANIS reports the Minister stated that two years ago Vice President George Kunda made an announcement on Government’s consolidated plan to extend and redesign Lusaka Roads adding that this was underway and had reached an advanced stage.

Mr. Mulongoti said this in Parliament today when answering a question from Luapula Member of Parliament Peter Machungwa who wanted to know when Government was going to widen the Lusaka -Mumbwa road to cushion the congestion being experienced in the capital city. This was during the question and answer session.

He said President Rupiah Banda was geared to ensuring that all Lusaka roads which were congested are done in a bid to restore sanity to the capital city.

The Works and Supply Minister further stated that Zambians should trust the leadership of President Banda because he was there to work for them.



  1. 46 years and now they want to widen lusakas traffic flow. Zambia has graduated alot of engineers in various fields, apart from aeronautical or agro engineers what have the others done to prove their worth. Contracting engineers all the way from Japan ain’t that something. Drum roll dum dum dum brrrr brrrr brrrr. Must be that elections are around the corner huh?

  2. Mulongoti, ubu bufi,do you understand the meaning of redesigning roads.Zambia has no money for such a huge task,Just tell us that you want to add a few feeder roads and expend on one or two of our roads.redesigning roads is a very expensive venture bwana. If you have nothing to say please keep your mouth shut. and why cant you just say something without mentioning your failed president! SHAME!

  3. This licker is just addicted to RBs name, everything starts and ends with RB for him. Mike whats you problem kansi kamuntu iwe.

  4. Great news. Judging from RB’s record of completing projects, I am sure this is not just talk.

  5. The minute you hear someone tell you to trust them, its about time you bracsed yourself for some huge dissapoint. There is absolutely no need for ka Mulongoti to ask us to trust Banda if Elabi is up to the task.

  6. #7 In old days people like you were given tasks of spliting firewood pa Nsaka. Good news for just REDESIGNING? Anyone can do it. Tell your RB and Koswe Mulongoti (empty-tin), that there is a computer program which can do just that: You enter estimated # of cars, plus pedestrians, and bikes and you get 3 models. Plot the model in Google Earth over Lusaka. It cost $150, you don’t have to go to Japan.

  7. Zambia need people like Sata or Brown Kapita to take bull-dozers in the streets of Lusaka. So many civil engineers in Zambia, you don’t need Japanese to draw straight lines. Abatumpa balifulisha mu MMD.

  8. google earth doesnt put into consideration the many unplanned structure that are all over lsk……further more alot of building are being built to close to the roads so expansion will be easier said than done……… for the zambian contractor well the brought such shame on themselves …many zambians have been given contracts and not worked on them….remember the time 80 contractors were blacklisted by the government

  9. more hot air……how can we “redesign” roads when we can’t even control the slums and illegal structures? how do you redesign chaisa/mandevu? john laing? mtendere? not to mention all those dangerous structures along great north road? or does it mean you’ll be focusing on those nice roads the british left in woodlands, roadspark, etc? ma rubbish! as if we have to go to the japanese when we have our own engineers? our government is full of people who don’t think.

  10. you fooools cant even afford to pay to redo roads in rural areas as was seen on the china zambia relation documentary, and now u talking about redoing all lusaka roads? mulongoti uli chi shupu! va wiso ni kolokombwe! The priority should be infrastructure development in rural areas aswell as investment in job creating opportunities in rural areas.. lusaka is fine the way it is in terms of infrastructure. zambia is not only lusaka. this is why our brothers in lozi land want to defect. Your main concerns should be to ensure education for all in lusaka before u can think of making the lives of 20 percent of people more convenient on the roads! galu iwe! sataaanyoko!

  11. We talk of widening roads when we cant even maintain the inner city roads??? And why arent we thinking of other modes of transport such as trains (ordinary & tube) which Japan and China have to decongest our roads?

  12. # 16.
    Your behavour on this blog does prove it!!!
    No need to be ashamed if that s how yr bread is buttered-some of us understand.

  13. these ala-b ministers are full of nothing but lies and dullness ! the only time that Zambia shall develop its when the mighty PF comes in power !

  14. This is an old story. FTJ talked about it, LMP did too. You can goggle and get a 2000 report on this. Mulongoti being asked and he was ‘creative’ to remember achive reports…..JICA did this with FTJ and later with LPM.

  15. we have already seen what RB and MMD are capable of doing so no doubt this gonna be implemented. as civil servants who reside in chalala manssions appreciate this great leader bcos we had no roads and the life span of our cars was shortened. it used to take me 30 minutes from woodlands stadium to my home now it takes me two minutes

  16. # 15 that is a wise thinking. lsk needs more than just redesigning roads. these is also need to put a cap on the age of the cars that enter the country. i can foresee a big problem in the near future becuased of the so many old cars on the roads.

  17. # 15 that is a wise thinking. lsk needs more than just redesigning roads. these is also need to put a cap on the age of the cars that enter the country. i can foresee a big problem in the near future because of the so many old cars on the roads.

  18. The redesigning of roads is a good start particularly for us bus owners. We need to make more money. Trains can be an alternative but they will deminish our capacity to make a decent living.

  19. What Lusaka needs now is to clean it & put a better and modern fly over bridge at Kafue round about. #21, chalala has one of the worse rads in lusaka. what are you yapping about? nothing has een done to improve the roads there.

  20. #10 remember Sata was in government with KK and Chiluba. We saw nothing but the usual cheap talk. We need fresh ideas not recycled people. Mezarf what was the out come.

  21. This is the reason why he’s still a minister,the father of all bootlickers,how else would he keep his job if he doesnt praise RB at any opportunity,,,,in an ideal world he would be out on the streets after the scandles that rocked the National Roads Board

  22. #25 if you aint in zed dont ague foolishly the road from woodlands stadium to the end on chalala is tar then you make a right to shantumbu road its tar make a left to shoprite road its tar. from libala kangwa bar to winter kabimbas school its tar so what are you talking about when you cant afford the beautiful houses in chalala with your poor income

  23. Mulongoti is a phenomenal bootlicker! The question was about widening the Mumbwa Road to easy off congestion. Seeing it was coming from friendly forces (Peter Machungwa), he decided to take advantage and drop in some praise singing for his boss. We are paying dearly by having RB as president. There is no need to be working on widening roads in Lusaka, when some of our main trade roads like the Great North Road are in a deplorable state between Serenje and Mpulungu or Nakonde. Let’s wake up and not be cheated by the praise singers. By the way the more you hear of something untrue, you start believing it. Untruths like the government of RB is working for the people, WHICH PEOPLE? RB is working for his many travel allowances!

  24. #29 her lady, mulongoti aint a bootlicker he has a damn good job which he has earned. he is qualified unlike you who doesnt seem to know what tommorrow brings for you. Mike is a cabinet minister right,y so you need to work with him to appreciate his hardwork. talk of allowances tell me how much RB gets out of travel, peanuts. he travels bcos its duty he is in brazil bcos he was called and its an honour to be noticed by that great nation. from brazil he will go to bostwana for sadcc heads of govt meeting so in your warped reasoning he shouldnt go. on saturday he will be in italy to witness the appointment of mazombwe as cardinal of zambia. most catholics with cash are travelling for this function in rome at the vatican. all these are important callings RB has to attend

  25. #29 her ladyshop I wonder what you see in michael chilufya. you appear knowledgeable but why you support a lumpen buffles me. either sata is your father, grandfather, father in law, shamwali or you are bemba doing tribal politics. anyway as FTJ used to say thats the beauty of democracy keep believing in him and as in MMD will continue ruling much to your rage. you will gnash teeth, stand at the highest mountain and scream but that wont bring down RB he will be your boss till he finishes his two terms by then then sata will be too tired to politic and HH would have run out of cash to sustain upnd. really its sour grapes my sister as RB scores points after point. mandahill shopping mall will be unwrapped tomorrow you should see it, its a gem. economy is ticking iwe

  26. All talk no action Mr Minister.

    As to the accusations of people being paid to blog, our political parties are too broke to afford such luxuries.

  27. Redesigning Lusaka roads. They will just be singing this same song of redesigning until the debut album comes out. Who can buy it? Only narrow minded and mentally challenged bootlickers can nod to such crap. Can anybody challenge me- I am ready.

  28. long does it take to plan..where is the original plan that the Japanese had made earlier on..kafupi wanted the cash but they refused to handover to him!

  29. #36 chitilimbwa and #37 milar blow job im not chi but ka and im not being used by MMD but we work together to better lives of zambians much to your chagrin. LOL

  30. instead of scoring points on designing roads in lusaka. RB and his people need to develop the ndola mufulira road. it is a HAZARD and has been the case for many years. people are risking their lives on a daily basis!

  31. It’s nearly five years the MP for matero hasn’t done anything on roads in the area.Is she waiting for gratuity?the problem is not with her,the blame should go to those who were just voting pa bwato,pa bwato without scrutiny.Look at chambishi road when it rains,vehicles struggle to drive thr that’s high time they inacted a law to caged politicians issuing empty promises.

  32. I feel pity for people like lady Gaga who have no shame to expose their shallow minds in public. Let me ask her one question…. does a commom person on the streets of Zambia shop from Manda hill? In her shallow mind, she doesnt know that in a country where 78% of the population live on one dollar per day, prices of Manda Hill nature are far way off target for a Zambians. Such malls are there to save the expertriates, the diplomats, the chinese infestors and not at all people like her, who cant even afford transport money to get there unless an MMD Mp does yakumbuyo to her. Silly. Grow up.

  33. Mulongoti – ama Rubish!! If you said Zambia is looking at building a new capital city somewhere else, then I will half believed you! Umutwe yobe taichita funtion! Let some young people take over and we will remember you as a fake minister who finally had some sense and retired!! How many years have you been at it?? You useless Zambian – who never ever cared for our suffering relations! Shut it now, and you will be spared in future, cause right now, all these electronic information and your constant rubbish will be used to prosecute you, even from your grave!!!

  34. What Zambia needs is a ring road that will conect the major roads leaving Lusaka , north east west and south a major high way that circles the city of luska thus avoiding traffic having to cross thru town center as the case is now .this can be a 4 lane highway each side cuts across kafue road south of makeni north of chilanga , curves al the way north west to cross over numbed road east of garden motel , then curves north east to cut across Kabwe road at the 10 mile pont . Then heads east to cros over airport road and curves in south east to cut across great east road west of barn motel and loops all the way south to the start point south of makeni .any buses trucks even cars in transit don’t have to bother drive thru town . That’s how ud decongest the roads.

  35. This project of a ring road would cost Zambia a whoping 15 billion USA dollars at minimum . But GRZ could over the decades recover the money by having tol gates to drive Into the city center, just like they do in London and some parts of the USA , quite simple if you afford to buy a car you can afford to pay the tol fee if you want to drive into town centre . If not take the bus into town .
    Then Ban all minibuses with less than 25 seats from operating with town that Would encourage the use of the bigger mini buses and thus reducing more on city traffic while still keeping the sane load of passengers flowing .
    If all els fails . Just ban the importation of any cars trucks busses older than 10 years into Zambia just like other north African countries do .

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