Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Faz Threatens Simataa With Punishment


Faz has said it will take stern action against petitioner Simataa Simataa for spear heading the drive for the parallel emergency council meeting (ECM) scheduled for November 26 in Lusaka.

Faz communications officer Erick Mwanza told ZNBC Radio that general secretary George Kasengele had already written to Simataa to sanction him over the push for the November 26 ECM.

Mwanza said all affiliates should ignore any notices of the parallel ECM that will be held next Friday at Intercontinental hotel in Lusaka.

“We will mention in particular Mr. Simataa Simataa’s purported meeting,” Mwanza told ZNBC Radio monitored in Lusaka today.

“Faz has not given him any permission to go ahead with any other meeting and the members of the association are advised to disregard any such notices and flyers being circulated by Mr. Simataa Simataa.

“The general secretary has since written to him to sanction him and the disciplinary committee will take the necessary action whether he appears before the disciplinary committee or does not.”

Mwanza accused Simataa of bringing the game into disrepute by championing the November 26 ECM.

“And it is important for members of the public to disassociate themselves with somebody who is bent on constitutional anarchy and fermenting trouble in football,” the Faz communication officer said.


  1. I am running out of popcorns people. The drama pa Zambia in general just keep getting better and better everyday. Nichapaye nolamwina! Wina azalila! looks like hell has broken loose in all sections namely politics, faz, court cases, UTH, police, family feuds, balazo, RB cant take all this crap so he choose to watch the all drama airbone for better viewing and now the bloggers pa LT nabo nabamba ukukusa amapanga ne myele in readines to attack each other over the unfoldings. I hear bambi ama bloggers bambele ukuchita blog nemyele muma pockets umulandu wakutina ukuba gwaza by other bloggers. Ni sotambe!

  2. Shimata Shimata I think you should think about limiting your ambitions. Use strategy properly. If you want to take over from Kalusha dont start with anarchy. Show him you can run a football club. Iam not for FAZ banning you but you look like you are hellbent on doing a Madagascar on the current FAZ executive. For the moment let Greak Kalu rule your time might come.

  3. This is not about Simataa let us not run away from the facts that have brought these problems at football house, why did the vice step down people in Zambia do not just quit? stop hero worshiping for nothing this real management not the footie!

  4. #1 Stop shouting coward webo! And you #5, who is worshiping who? There are so many Simatas like you in Zambia, someone need to clean them up, maybe Mohan when he is aquitted.

  5. #6 Faz has called for general meeting which Simata Simata was crying for. Why has he organised another meeting? The reason is that he can campaign to be faz presido. Simata Simata Li-to-le

  6. Pipo tried to oust ba Kasunga in the same manner and failed.FIFA says in an event of wrangles in the administration of football, the game must always win.Now these guys called for match boycotts and the game lost.They are not friends of the game.

  7. #7, school is very important, look at the agendas for both meetings, then you will realise why the second meeting was arranged. Eric Mwanza is a very big puppet who wants to keep his Job.
    the question still remains: who is legal? because they are all telling each other “illegal”

  8. Unfortunately for most of you Simataa haters, he is the only one representing the group that is following the FAZ constitution. You can hate him all you like, he is right on this one! Look at the bigger picture poeple, why did FAZ announce the date for “their” ECM a day after being informed that the petition to call for one would be presented to the secretariat on that very day? Have you really looked at the FAZ agenda for their ECM? Will their ECM address all the concerns of their affiliates? Kalu should know that time to leave is now instaed of wasting peoples time and other resources!

  9. # 10 Are you from Planet Pluto? Simata Simata is too fast. Do yuo remember how he condemned Paulsen. He condemns everyone. What an administrator.

  10. Why forget Munaile and group? Plus the co-opted pipo who refused to accept appointments? All the learned lawyers and SCs and pick on one person from all the group. All these pipo what they are saying doesn’t matter! I beg to differ sirs and madams. Lets be serious. ECM by the petitioners is the way forward. Period! if they ( Kalu’s group ) are clean why not go shame these guys at there meeting where all the affiliates will be and end all the talk we are hearing once and for all!

  11. The SO CALLED CRISIS AT FAZ is being championed by Greedy chaps.Simmata wants to be General Secretary that is his focus, because he is Jobless.The Issue started with Sunday Nkonde.Kalusha hired Sunday Nkonde to defend a case in which Kalu lost his house in Woodlands next to saint Dommics.Kalu borrowed money which he did not settle on time and the Lenders the Halupele Boys grabbed the House.In the Proces in Court Sunday was advised to deposit K400m which the Halupele boys were claiming.Kalu transfered money to Sunday Nkondes Account with a view of the Sunday as his Lawyer,Deposit in Court for the Halupele Boys.Sunday Nkonde stole the Money and Never paid the Court. At the same time Simmat was appearing in On the FAZ Disciplinary Committee (DC) for Charges of Bringing the Name of Football…

  12. Simataaa can you show us your CV so that the people can know what your interest in this is.One the so called Amakumbi stars is not even in the premier league but you want to be president and you where once president and archieved nothing during your reign.Now let Great Kalu lead us because we have seen under his reign we have noticed the coming in of super sport the building of stadiums.We heard you on TV and in newspapers demanding for an emergency meeting from FAZ but now that FAZ has done your request you want to change the goal post.I was even shocked by your supporters from Western Province.Maybe am blank is there a team in Western province

  13. Kwikalafye ba simata.Amano and am impressed with the displinery committee’s decision over Buffaleo’s and other teams boycotting matchs surely how can the so called ruggles cause a match not to be played sure.Mano yabaiche please and it was realy shocking to hear that Nkwazi,Red arroys ,buffaloes a to have joined in the boycot because they are the custodians of law and order.

  14. Number 13 you are realy Junior and have you been following the so called debate because it was not FAZ was demanding for an ECM it was the Simataa group on Open line and it has been there is the no direction paper of ours the Post.They where the pipo who where demanding that FAZ sets a date for the ECM.Now that FAZ has come up with a date they set there own.Maybe if i may ask you Junior who will be the chair at the so called ECM.These guys are just destroying soccer in Zambia and its a shame that buffaloes,Zanaco and these other teams have ended up losing vital points because of a person who has a team which doesnt even care wether they lose points or not.Can you tell me what realy is wrong with the kalusha bwaly executive sure.Be senr and you wil understand what is hapening

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