Minister of Health Kapembwa Simbao says government is considering engaging foreign nationals as health consultants in public health institutions.
Mr. Simbao said government is also looking at ways of attracting Zambian health personnel working abroad to return home.
He said Zambia is facing a shortage of health consultants, though he could not state the shortfall.
Mr. Simbao who is also Senga Hill MMD Member of Parliament disclosed that there are currently, three thousand vacancies in the health sector.
He has appealed to Zambians who qualify for health positions to apply.
Mr. Simbao was answering a follow up question during the questions for the oral answer session in Parliament Tuesday.
[ ZNBC ]
Tell me you’re joking. This is a non-starter stop exposing your ignorance Simbao which health practitioners working abroad would return to be paid K1million as salary. Unless they eat, fed and send their kids to school with patriotism then they will come. This MMD experiement has gone too far and you have failed lamentable in Health & Education sectors.
thats right #2, and not only that there is also the issue PHD. don,t try to go with the ethic and standards that you have acquired. you HAVE to join in their ways of doing things or else you are doomed! Look at Kalu
3000 Jobs in public health institution as a consultant ? Whaoo! Sounds very interesting. Well I am a doctor, kind of consultant if may say so who is based abroad. I was a junior doctor when I left Zambia becoz I figured out utushilikiti twalichepa. I am not rich but comfortable, but I am really attracted to this consulting job as long as it pays more than what I get now and as long as I dont have to go on strike to be paid utundalama twandi. Nshilefwaya nkambe ukunwa chibuku pantu tamulenfolesha. By the way, Ba Simbao- let me know where I can check those advertised jobs so that I can apply ASAP. Coming back home soon!
We have no right thinking people in govt. Even simbao who appeared rational has apperantly rented out his brain. Is this the way to fix this problem? look at how you waste resouces on your treatment abroad for simple ailments at great cost to the country when the rest of Zambians have no basic health care
Look at why there is that short fall and work towards reversing it.
I see no reason why ba Simbao should ask health personnel to apply whilest the Govrt have no money to pay workers, Guys in parliament don’t just say coz it’s ur turn to talk, reason and look in angles b4 u make any point.
Ba Simbao, many youths in Senga hills are in need of education and they have no money, take some and educate them,, make them doctors, with a comand not to leave zed for 20yrs.
Solution is easy – Education, Education, Education!! Look how many doctors SA has trained in a short space ot time t. Do the same Minister! Build a bigger Ridgeway campus for Medical students, tie them up for 10 years and you will be sorted. You will never afford real MEDICAL consultants in Zambia!! You need loads of Junior doctors and loads other medical proffesions, unless ofcourse China has got loads waiting in the wings to come and fill all these positions!?
Be real, please!!
After Doctors and Nurses where mistreated then told by kateka “you chose this profession yourself”. I’m not returning to Zambia,
Very Daft.
You can only get that reasoning from a potted plant. Please stop report the nonsense coming from the rear ends of these ministers…. You make me so angry….STOP STOP STOP>>>>
This is just a lie. Our MPs do this routinely in parliament.
Be4 u call pipo to come back to zed, first MPs should go back to school and learn some logic, coz it wil be very diffcult for a man like (Mr. boooo) to stand b4 th high educated citzens.
Simbao looks as if he is not eating enough. Scrawny old thing. Which health professional wants to work at nightmare UTH
To be honest with you bwana minister, those docs still in zed are simply waiting for an opportune time and favourable offer elsewhere before they leave those public health institutions.The foreign consultants you’re considering are not the best option.Ask those jnr docs working at Ndola or Kitwe central hospitals and they will tell you what those guys(foreign docs) really do.Offer attractive packages to your zambian docs and they won’t leave public hospitals.Zambia has trained enough docs to serve the small population well if only u can attract them back home with good incetives.Those strikes you keep on ignoring should open your eyes to the plight of your few docs there b4 they also leave.Their demands are few and reasonable.Treat them as ordinary civil servants at your own peril!
A confused nation does not need good healthcare. We will be like congo soon.
Nalicinja citizenship. Advertise the posts, I definitely will apply as an expertiriate.
Simbao. take not of # 7 Dr Kaponya’s point.
The big chaps in health bennefit by creating an artificial shortage of health personnel, they get more money thru bringing foregners and doiing fake little projects. NOBODY at ministry of health or UTH (at higher ranks) is interested in bringing any sort of improvement. So forget it!
Poor Mother Zambia. You educate your children with great pain and labour from your loins. With the limited funds you have you have indeed tried to give an education. But unfortunetly some of your offspring are not patriotic enough, preffering the western privaleged life, while they ridicule the progression thus far. You have childern back home who indeed give their all in difficult situations, salute to them. many have taken but are not giveing back to were they took their first breath. Pleas forgive them mother Zambia.
Without a strike pa Zed you don’t get anything. Yalikosa. Iwe Kapembwa, just forget about us coming back to live in those unventilated Chilenje houses. Ala iwe, bushe waliumfwako comfort yamu apartment? Good luck
Kapembwa is right, get foreigners to work in Zambia, start with Zimbabweans, and alot of Americans (whites) not f#$nking blacks, they will not survive in Mandevu. Let Zambian nurses and doctors go to Europe and America to take care of the elderly. Make some kind of exchange program.
What an ***** of a minister .
First and foremost have clear understanding of the word consultant .
Who needs 3000 consultants ? They are of no use to use what we need are Doctors ( medical practitioners , surgeons etc , not a silly us consultant. A consultant is not a doctor , a medical consultant is not a doctor .
God help us , how can we have such Daft Dunder heads in government .
What the Frack !!!!!
Why don’t they get an aviation consultant to fly BiG Nose around … Instead of licensed Pilots and see if Big Nose would even dare step in his challenger jet if the pilot was replaced with a consultant .
Better yet why not ask the army to send consultants for peace missions with the UN instead of the trained foot soldiers.
Better yet why not replace the president with a political consultant like Bob Sichinga maybe then we could have some sanity and eject all these Dull ministers .
What the Frack!!!
Put your Ndeke house in order then we can think about that.Home is sweet but not when you are struggling to make ends meet.
this minister has no shame. solutions are right under his nose and he is searching elsewhere
I don’t think I want to come back to work as a consultant in the state sector. The minister of health has become a comedian and is out of touch with reality. If I do come back, it’ll be as a consultant in private practice. I haven’t worked this hard and made the sacrifices I’ve made for politicians who don’t really care about ordinary Zambians
no doctor in the diaspora can opt to come back to work in zambia…it is a far fetched pipedream.
Those junior kabokes he calls them consultants? The can’t even communicate with nurses let alone patients!
not congolese
Just increase the number of students entering Med school from from the current quota. A number of brilliant students are denied places at Ridgeway due to inadequate capacity of facilities. This cry of doctor patient ratio would be eliminated
As long as we have a buffoon like RB for a leader, the country will perish… US$13 M plundered from the Global Fund; additional US$8 M split up between RB and his friends as reparation for so called hardship experienced under Chiluba’s and Kaunda’s administrations. Millions wasted flying around the world to visit other animal farms… those are all the moneys that should be used to pay the Health Care Professional to keep them in Zambia. People Good Government = Good, Stable Country. 2011 we have a choice: MAGANDE = Good Government; RB = suffering + starvation.
Let us have a look at what you are offering.
Zambians it’s time you woke up – you have paid taxes to train us, yet when your govt fires us & maligns us, you support them. However when the get sick, they follow us to come & get treated, whilst abandoning you. Some might comment that am being cheeky; far from the truth – I have paid back by doing Rural postings & worked for the 1st 4years after graduation in Zed. Spent sleepless nights in Med school 7 yr, Nights on-call, & got trampled on by insensitive politicians who taunted us “that we would get no where & die with our degrees!” Well, if one is deaf & has no brains, one would stay, as for me getting the above from the PIGs mouth, I had to pick up my “katende mpela ulubilo!!” & head out – my conscience is clear, but my heart bleeds whenever I visit & see the suffering in…
Iwe kalukuluku Simbao, you say you have a shortfall, but can’t state it, but in the same breath, you say you have 3000 vacancies, is it vacancies for sweepers, morgue attendants etc that you have a good handle on but lacking a handle on the professionals you really lack – pompwe wa muntu we!!
#21, a medical consultant is a doctor indeed.Actually a consultant is the only one along the line of responsibilities who assumes TOTAL PATIENT CARE.Under him/her you have a senior registrar then registrars(where applicable),senior house officer and junior house officer(also known as an intern in some setups).The consultants and snr registrars are the senior doctors,then below them are the resident doctors.Please don’t mislead the unsuspecting readers because a medical consultant is indeed a doctor.Infact a consultant is the highest rank a doctor can achieve in clinical/patient care hierachy.It’s amazing how some people can write nonsense with such confidence!
#34 at least #21 was only writing nonsense with confidence, what beggars belief is we have nonsensical, unqualified chaps running govt “with confidence & unbelievably detached arrogance!”
That is why we should tout 2011 as “2011 for the Change We Need!!”