Monday, January 13, 2025

Former Community Development Minister, Emerine Kabanshi sent to Jail for Two years


Former Community Development Minister, Emerine Kabanshi has been jailed for two years. This is after the former Minister was convicted by the Lusaka magistrate court on charges of willful failure to follow procedure.

In this matter, Ms Kabanshi failed to follow procedure or guidelines, relating to engaging and amending the contract, between the Ministry of Community Development and ZAMPOST, for payments of Social Cash Transfer money.

In passing judgement today, Lusaka Resident Magistrate, Lameck Mwale said the offence, Ms. Kabanshi committed is serious and attracts a custodial sentence of up to 14 years.

He also said the circumstances, under which the offence was committed were aggravating, especially that ZAMPOST failed to pay the poor people, who needed the money.

Magistrate Mwale also stated that it is sad that those, who opposed the then Minister, were retired in the national interest, even if they meant well for the country.

He, therefore, said Ms Kabanshi needed to go to jail for 2 years, simple imprisonment so that others can learn.


  1. This judgement has confirmed my brief in doing good all the time. This lady fired me simply because of what i believed in never to take advantage of persons with disabilities. Vengeance is with God.

  2. More evidence of the pfs serious fight against corruption. Without fear or favour, this government has ensured that the rule of law applies regardless of party affiliation. Such would never happen if HH won. Thank God he will never rule

  3. I hope she serves at least three quarters of that time…what of Chilufya and Co who wasted millions of dollars at MOH. This lady is only being set as an example because it was Donor money and they put pressure on Lazy Lungu. What of Macperson Chanda brother to Jonas and Sunday Chanda how does he escape as the Post Master General?

  4. She is in fact one of my favourite individuals in politics of Zambia. Good looks, good heart and good body. Just that law has no eyes, no friends and no favours. But I love her all the same.

  5. Obviously , she is not in lungus criminal gang….or has no connections to the head of corruption at state House…..,..

    On top of that lungu is trying to dupe the donner community with an example………..

  6. I remember that Zambia Farmer Union who helped herself to donors funds that were being channelled via her Union…she was so stressed she took her life as the net was closing in on her. In rotten Zambia you (a minister) can steal millions of dollars of GRZ funds and you will walk but if you steal donor funds a body will be needed. Can you imagine if Lazy Lungu was a responsible leader and was serious against corruption how much money would be saved.
    Words of Wisdom – Dont touch Donor funds

  7. She was even laughing loudly with her lawyer at the court.
    Even choosing which car she would use on her way to prison.
    ECL must have already signed papers for her holiday from jail.

  8. She must not have shared the cake with top bosses.This is the result. People have eaten bigger
    Then this and are walking scott free.

  9. The fall guy – pretend. She will appeal. She will be free for a very long time as long as the people she ate with bounce back in power. The case will be in court for a very long time, unless she cannot afford good lawyers. The prosecution did not show how she personally benefitted from her actions. It was a technical mistake and not corruption.

  10. That’s the kind of society we’ve created. The people that misused the money on personal to holder vehicles are free. What did Emerine do wrong because ZamPost is 100% owned by GRZ. If my Ministry wants to sink boreholes and as Minister I give that responsibility to the Department of Water Affairs, do I need to go to tender? NO! That’s within government. One day we’ll know why Emerine has been sacrificed

  11. You can steal money from the Chinese and get away with it, but, but don’t touch the money from Europeans or Americans. You will rot in jail.

  12. Well done PF and well said Mr. Zulu, PF has shown maturity and impartiality in this matter but please lets apply and exercises the same judgement on all corrupt officials. People in the grassroots especially the less privileged are experiencing appalling conditions of poverty. God has blessed us with a beautiful country abundant in Natural resources and a hardworking populace with talent, education and humility, personally speaking if Zambia could only do away with corruption, greediness and tribalism we could be far much better than S.A, Namibia or Botswana. So please as leaders and politicians propel this country to greater heights regardless of political affiliation tribe or race, you are our hope, Make Zambia Great again.

  13. she was too bossy, unadvisable and if you survived a rough encounter with her you will never forget it.

  14. Thank you to this brave Magistrate…we have really suffered under PF, thieves who have no fear or remorse!!!!

  15. Fake Jail term!!! We know she is at home keeping a low profile. All you criminals (including judges & Resident Magistrates) masterminding these kind of things, I must warn you: your days are numbered!

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