Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mutati bemoans Zambia’s export challenges


Commerce, trade and industry Minister Felix Mutati has observed that Zambia still face challenges into the exportation of goods to the US market because of standards.

Mr. Mutati said that though African countries, Zambia inclusive have market access into the US, through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) , issue of standard has complicated the entry of goods.

He has stated that at the next AGOA summit, Zambia is likely to address challenges that hamper trade with the US.

The Commerce and Trade Minister noted that since trade with the US is only limited to oil and oil related products; this has brought limited transaction between the two countries.

He said that government wants to lobby for increased trade in other products and extension of trade period.

Mr. Mutati also says said that they is need to relax entry conditions to the US, as that would increase trade.

AGOA provides trade preferences for quota and duty-free entry into the United States for certain goods, expanding the benefits under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program.

Notably, AGOA expanded market access for textile and apparel goods into the United States for eligible countries.

This resulted in the growth of an apparel industry in southern Africa, and created hundreds of thousands of jobs.
[ QFM ]


  1. Iam glad Mutati has highlighted and acknowledged the challenges most Zambian exporters face when it comes to AGOA.AGOA in its current form does not favor exporters in Zambia and alot of ground work has to be done if exporters have to access the AGOA market.The other areas the exporters should look at are improving the quality of packaging and eco labelling.

  2. Come on my President . MMD wake you have somebody who can pose a challenge to Presidential candidates in the 2011 elections without problems. Dont stick to the oldman. Mutati is there . Admit yr party has drastically lost popularity and here is a man who can redeem you and bring back yr lost glory.

  3. “Notably, AGOA expanded market access for textile and apparel goods into the United States for eligible countries.”

    Zambia at first qualified to send textiles but because of scams were by Chinese exploited this and were sending textiles to Zambia then re-exporting to the US as made in Zambia, this prevelege was cancelled. Nobody has been charged.

  4. #1 and muzo, u guys are just here to insult not to provide solutions, everything one utters u object has if you know very much after all u ve blank heads!!! keep quite!!!

  5. Even as an african i would say “hell no” to the issue of usa lowering standards to increase trade.It should be us raising standards.Accepting mediocrity makes africa unable to compete,makes us sicker due to poor sanitation eg-lusaka,and lower standards of management,financial controls and political influence led to the collapse of zamtel,zambia airways.If my fellow african has to be poor as a result of usa sticking to high standards,you’re damn right i will support that to pull ourselves up.

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