Friday, March 14, 2025

Simataa now accuses FIFA


The Petitioners of the embattled Kalushya Bwalya led FAZ Executive have accused world Football Governing body FIFA of changing goal posts in the manner in which it is intervening in the crisis at Football House.

Football administrator Simata Simata has doubted the authenticity of a letter written to FAZ by FIFA General Secretary Jerome Valcke describing the November 26 Meeting as illegal.

SIMATA said anyone could have written the letter because it was sent to FAZ through a fax.

Simata told ZNBC Sport in an interview wondered how FIFA could say that the November 26 Emergency Council Meeting -ECM- is illegal when it earlier stated that the matter is an internal affair for the Zambian football family to resolve.

Simata said the petitioners welcome dialogue and urged FIFA to be part of the meeting if they are interested in seeing the impasse at Football House resolved.

In a letter to FAZ President Kalusha Bwalya, FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke calling for another Council meeting apart from the one FAZ has called will be redundant

Valcke is hopeful the November 27 ECM will overcome the crisis at FAZ.



  1. Well, I didnt think the popcorns from Brazil will taste so good. I am used to the ones from Down south and from my grandpa’s ibala in chitulika village. Maybe this is the sign or start of economical boom as a result of several trips undertaken by bamwine.It’s Monday and the Faz dramas are actually taking the lead. Kalu this weekend obvisiously decided to switch the gears to the on-goings – atombokela pa mukushi wakwa Teddy Mulonga palya apwalele while Fifa claiming ati Nov. 26 ECM meetings is illegal – Ndemona kwati ba Fifa balachita take over Faz and they will be caled FIFAZ, while Simata is accusing ba FIFAZ- sorry Fifa of taking sides. – Honestly, I would pay to watch Simata and FIFA General Secretary Jerome ( Vyauka) Valcke on HBO PPV amateur boxing fight dubed ” Who wants to own…

  2. How can trust FIFA GS with such a background?
    “The appointment of the new general secretary of FIFA Valcke surprised some experts, as FIFA president Blatter had released Valcke in December 2006 from his job as marketing director after a New York court had found him guilty in the summer of 2004 in his role as marketing director for negotiating sponsor agreements with the rival VISA, despite the existing agreement of FIFA conducted with the long-time partner MasterCard and thus violated the right of first negotiation of MasterCard. Because of this, the FIFA was fined $60 mln. FIFA president Blatter said: “Strong people bring you back. When he began his work as director of marketing and TV in FIFA four and a half years ago, we were in a financial crisis. Currently we have an equity of SFr…

  3. How can we trust FIFA SG with such a background?
    The appointment of the new general secretary of FIFA Valcke surprised some experts, as FIFA president Blatter had released Valcke in December 2006 from his job as marketing director after a New York court had found him guilty in the summer of 2004 in his role as marketing director for negotiating sponsor agreements with the rival VISA, despite the existing agreement of FIFA conducted with the long-time partner MasterCard and thus violated the right of first negotiation of MasterCard. Because of this, the FIFA was fined $60 mln. FIFA president Blatter said: “Strong people bring you back. When he began his work as director of marketing and TV in FIFA four and a half years ago, we were in a financial crisis.

  4. Currently we have an equity of SFr 752 mln. And Urs Linsi left us voluntarily.” According to Blatter, Valcke was released in December and had not been fired. Valcke responded to his promotion of the 27 June 2007 in Zurich, with the following statement: “It’s like a dream for me.”

  5. I do not think simataa is a fool, he knows what is talking about,it takes people like simataa to talk, ,we are not in Faz, and some of us we have never been in Faz, so we can not say much, let them guys who have been in Faz fight Kalusha. something, somewhere is not right here-

  6. Desperate desires by Simata Simata and friends should know that cheap politiking of Zambian football won’t take the country anywhere.And Simata should be careful with involvement of FIFA in affairs of FAZ. If FIFA ban’s Zambia, all soccer loving people in the country will be on him and he will regret his deeds.

  7. Am a Zambian who doesn’t worry about Zambian soccer as the are to much politics & whenever you point that something is worry, fools who just support other becoz of tribe line without understanding the all idea. Everyone in zed knows that galu is not good but himself knows that in zed the are alot of fools who believe in lies & don’t like to listen to the truth. To all waste your time & support Zambian football when pipo like your great galu are getting rich…..I support & will always be Manutd supporter!!!

  8. This an excerpt from the FIFA SG Jerome Valcke’s letter ….
    ” the member wishing to submit an item for inclusion on the agenda shall notify the general secretary of FAZ 21 days before the date of the meeting (Article 26.2 (xi),”

    FAZ’s Erick Mwanza only issued a communique about the ECM on 18th November,2010(Check the FAZ website) saying that it was to take place on the 27th of November.Simple math will tell you that is only 9 days before the date of the meeting.How can the 21 day’s rule apply in this case.This is not just a mare slip up.It is a deliberate misinterpration.

    FIFA and Kalu know very well that if the 2/3 majority of the councellors put through their agenda,that would be the end of Kalu’s presidency and loss of a secured vote for Sepp Blater

  9. ALL Those not interested in Zed football should stay away from it, and that includes all the guys that resigned thier posts in FAZ and those that think like Simata. Igrew up with Simata in Kwacha township of Kitwe and went to Mukuba secondary school with him, I can assure you that the man is more of debater that anyone i know apart from Marshal Chilemena. Just a matter of reasoning, what Zambia needs are better football playes to make it in competitions and not administratorswho only go there to make money. Of the two guys Kalusha and Simata, i will go for Kalusha.

  10. Simata, you’ve lost it and fighting FIFA in the press will just make you look more foolish.You seem to lack the intelligence to realise this truth that NO MATTER WHAT,FIFA WILL ALWAYS BACK KALU AND NOT YOU & YOUR FELLOW KALU HATERS.For your own information(and you may not like to hear this),even if you finally agree to the date set by Kalu&Co. and later Kalu changes his mind and picks on another FIFA will still endorse that change.This all game is about whose got “authority” baba and the earlier you realised that you don’t have that authority the better.You can hate Kalu all you want but the boy has the authority and for now that may be all that he needs!

  11. But you know, crackpots have this enviable task of pulling the masses down with them; remember the rev jim jones in guyana? I am just saying…

  12. No matter how you hate Kalu,he is in control and FIFA by his side not you all losers simaata and a bunch of your fellow kachasu drinkers with useless clubs.

  13. Some of you may recall match when Simata was a linesman (assistant referee), he was given a red-card at independence stadium. I think it was Zambia vs Malawi 1997. That was my first time to see a linesman recarded.

  14. Simaata, he is been driven by two things.1 his personal and evil hatred towards Mr. Kalusha’ 2. his Selfish motives and desires. Zambian soccer lovers should be careful with people like Simaata, all he wants is having a position at Faz and he has no desire what so ever to help with the development of Zambian football.

    He is a false prophet who has failed to develop or bring Amakumbi stars in the Zambian premier league. He is a prophet of confusion and disorder.

  15. Am a soccer loving fan, but in this case i wud like zambia to be ban 4 the whole term of kalu if thats fifa wants.

  16. chi Simatata …. the PHD master. typical failure. its nice to see that you have hit a solid concrete wall!
    why should we be banned because of this fool

  17. Pipo of zambia. let us not overshadow ourselves with illusions, imaginations and emotions. FIFA is not a respector of national laws as far as football is concerned. what they say is final. let’s not underestimate the powers of this man Valcke. Thoz advocating for a ban are very selfish chaps. let’s go the FIFA way kwasila. If kalu abrogated the FAZ constitution and FIFA doesnt see it that way then we are wasting our time taking a hard stance. if kalu has stolen let the law take its course and once convicted he will surely give way to FAZ office. those who resigned shud bring up real issues against kalu not concensus thou important. we are jst making noise for nothing. l love zed ftbo.

  18. come on guys we can do better than this let the guy finish his term he has done alot for soccer it is because of what he has done at football house now everyone wants to be part and simata understands fifa he must be the first to educate those friends of his running unseccessfull teams if the can’t run their teams how can the run faz kalu is connected simata and his friends the are wasting their time and money

  19. finally this chi simataa has been put in his place.time waster ,confused,petty and failure.fiffa will back kalu no matter wat.player haters you are doomed.

  20. Krion where are you my best Blogger ? The heat is on Kalu wont resign, all haters are being eaten by their haterd, Zambia belongs to all of us, The guy was elected for 4 years- you like it or not. He has plenty people in support of what he is doing. Your Simataa will never win a FAZ election thats why he wants to be Faz SECRETARY GENERAL where there is less critisicim. Your Simataa easily resigned, it is not the the fault of any of us, Blame it on your Amakumbi stars. We will see who will suffer when Zanaco goes to relegation- constitution , Simataa, or Players. Who will suffer when FIFA ban comes. Definitely not Kalu. He was elected for 4 years 4 years 4 years again. We will see who suffers for Simataa’s insatiable appetite for FAZ money that he cant wait.

  21. All of you bastards supporting Kalusha on this blog claim to know Simataa so much and condem him. I will challenge you that all *****s don’t know Kalusha – you are suppoorting him because of your ignorance. Whatever you say about him we are not going to have our entire FAZ managed from South Africa. Kalusha’s time is over, he needs to spend more time with his family. FAZ needs someone serious. Simataa has never said he wants to be President of FAZ. You are also being stupid to suggest that all those 2/3 teams are simply stooges of Simataa who can’t think for themselves and are just following Simataa’s selfish ends. Don’t insult them like that. You don’t run a football team, so just shut the **** up!!

  22. chi simata simata is very selfish, why should we be banned becoz of few disgrunted individuals like simwanzi who just lost elections as a party cadre

  23. If Kalu is great as pupported, and if that greatness includes the mind, he should give up these squabbles for the sake of the game. Let him attend the ECM on 26th and seek reconcilliation than run to FIFA.

  24. hehehehehehehehe Haters!!!! see! There is no goal-post shifting here.Simataa Simataa will now be choked with hatred.Great Kalu,pls crack the whip to bring sanity at Football House.

  25. #27 Jackal that Hatred will smoke you out. Dont be emotional. Your Simataa it is true he does not want to be FAZ president because he cant win to start with. He wants cowards at FAZ so that they make him Secretary General. Dont be emotional here. Those so called 2/3 signatures are not complete as some of them are faked or forged whatever you like. Kalu was democratically elected for 4 years to remind you again. Advise Simataa to start campaigning for his people for 2012 so that he becomes SECRETARY GENERAL after that. PHD will not work here.

  26. Let us suppoze, the government comez in and sayz there should be only ONE meeting say on 28th or 29th November at Football House and anybody withe Zamian football at heart should attend. That meeting must brainstorm on literally everything and all should come out smiling and speaking one language. Any other meeting, the government should declare illegal.

  27. Soccer in Zambia belongs to Bembaz and not Kachasu drinkers. It would be worse if a non bemba administered soccer in our motherland.

  28. Someone just wiepered to me the meaning of simata. Twapapata lekeni ba kalu batekei imwe mwalekele pakati ba simata just before the start of afcon 96. abaice aba bola ebale cita suffer. viva kalu

  29. Most of the bloggers supporting kalu are clueless, holed up in diaspora and only believe what they read on LT. Your kalu has failed to run FAZ. You can not have a president who gets mentioned in every scandal that takes place at the institution. Mind you kalu is the one who made Mulonga leave FAZ presidency by undermining him. Remember the COSAFA scandal where he stood for presidency without the blessing of FAZ executive of SCZ?

  30. I’m shocked at the blind loyalties being exhibited here … Zambians! PLEASE for once put even a bit of national interest above self and you’ll see reality more clearly. No wonder progressive intiatives are shot down even in politics merely on the basis of who is putting them forward. SHAME ON US!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. #31 Your hate for Simataa is driving you crazy. The man has a well paying Job at Finance Bank and is not like you blind followers. He is not a job seeker but a protector of the FAZ constituion from jackals and hyenas like your Galu and team.Time for galu to go has come for he has chewed more that he can swallow.

  32. Mweo, tili ku chipata seo, osati ku diaspora uko kwa mukamba. Language is simple, Someone was democratically voted for. What scandals are we talking about. Chiluba was in court for corrupt activities, Army commanders were in court, Katele, Gladys Nyirongo…… name them. Is kalusha too powerful that for all the scandals you are at pains trying to convice us he has done, law enforcement agencies cant take action ? Tiyeni nayo nkhani…….
    Power Hungry a Simataa koma simungawine na ma voti mweo. Muyanu ewina.Kuipa mtima tyala bati….

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Standing for Cosafa from a member association if you have what it takes is not a scandal.

  33. # 38 why hate Simataa who is always arguing with people. Simataa, the man to have resigned on his own when things got tough should not force his opinions on everyone just like you his follower are trying to do. A well paying job is one thing and it is not all to life. Nibani ekuuzyani kuti he is the only one with a well paying job. Tell me about AMAKUMBI STARS and its democracy. If signatures are forged, if a friend has a four year legitimately voted for term, ……tibazondelenji kuliye kwaokuya bala.

  34. Gentlemen let us call a spade a spade.Why is Kalusha failing to follow the FAZ constitution and he dragging fifa into his faz mismanagement.If truly the allegation against him are false let him prove it.Kalusha do not ruin your reputation by being arrogant,just humble your self and do right thing.Kunakuna akise mbulu kumuti.

  35. If the FAZ constitution provides that 2/3rds of its membership could petition against any mal-administration of the Association’s affairs, I see no reason why people should begin pin pointing Simatta as the cause of this turn of events. Neither am I going to narrow down on my misgivings regarding Kalusha administration. Got two concerns though:
    First, are the signatures supporting the 2/3rd petitioners valid to secure consent of the respective clubs they purport to represent? If they indeed still stand by this position, they best get organized before they meet on the 26th of November; These petitioning membership on whose signatures this petition seems to be riding on must ensure that they obtain ‘right’s of attorney’ from each of the respective clubs they come from. In tandem with…

  36. Then let us just wait for the 27th and 28th November sports-newz headlinez,depending on which meeting survivez the other.

  37. In tandem with this, they will have the backing of the FAZ constitution which stipulates the self dissolution of the administration by resignation of a specified number of executive members such that no quorum can be constituted thereafter. Depending on the results of the 26th deliberations, the petitioners could still attend the meeting slated for the 27th by the Kalu camp, in order that they could cement their established position and possibly get a buy-in from FIFA. Though shalt not leave no stone un turned. Or all your efforts to rid FAZ of selfish individuals will amount to nothing.
    Second, faced with the prospect of the scenario where national governments are not allowed to so-called interfere with football administration in their countries when they remain the main sponsors of…

  38. Second, faced with the prospect of the scenario where national governments are not allowed to so-called interfere with football administration in their countries when they remain the main sponsors of football, is it really right that FIFA should be dictating terms on what should be considered right or not for our country? In Europe and other advanced countries, footballing clubs and associations are able to finance and sustain their own activities/operations without the involvement of the governments, and it is only in such countries where such FIFA’s provisions regarding interference should apply; not in Zambia. Kalusha and team have capitalized on this weakness; it is not doing this country any good, with the government paying a blind eye helplessly, looking pretty. It’s about time…

  39. It’s about time that the authorities engaged FIFA for a possible revision of this otherwise retrogressive FIFA condition.
    If all is well at Football house, and its current administrators are confident that they have been able to perform and deliver to people’s expectations, they should simply re-contest their positions and prove the doom Sayers right.

  40. I’m wondering why some people are only insulting Simataa here? Is he going round with the brains of all the teams that have petitioned in his pocket? Surely he didn’t influence even the Sports Council of Zambia. I remember reading that Green Buffalos players aborted their games following some orders came from the baracks. I’m not a fan of Simataa but it’s irritating to read some of the comments against him here when any right thinking person knows that the individuals and institutions with a different view from FAZ are all mature people who don’t need external influence to know right from wrong.

  41. The drama of the petitioners of the November 26 ECM demonstrates to me lack of tact on their part.
    Why not attend the 27November meeting and push their plan.Their truancy in the eyes of FIFA will achieve absolutely nothing.There is no country on this earth that candefy FIFA.Ask the Nigerians or Kenyans.

  42. What is 2/3 majority? Is this a number or a fraction? If for instance there are 12 members of a group, I guess 2/3 would be 8. Now lets say 4 stop being part of this group, I guess it means the total number remaining in the group at this point remains 8, and its the maximum number that can possibly be convened. So 2/3 of 8 if they sit would be 5.3 members. NOW HOW COME SOME ZAMBIANS CAN’T EVEN DO THESE SIMPLE MATHS CALLED FRACTIONS? LETS BE SERIOUS ZAMBIANS, SELFISHNESS WILL NOT HELP US. PATIENCE PAYS, THOSE WHO WANT TO TAKE OVER FROM KALU SHOULD WAIT FOR 2012 PERIOD!

  43. No.33 Bemba Supremist, we pity you, the days of your type is over, such tribalism will not be condoned and we will soon delete your comments, we have your IP and will soon barn you from this blog let us be constructive please.

  44. bwana #47, simata is being singled out because he has not just been the loudest but also the most frequent longest critic of Kalusha’s activities at football house. Remember that when kalu was both Vice presiofdent and technical advisor, simata was the one that championed calls for Kalu to drop one of the two positions.
    whatever justification simata may have, we may end up being suspended by FIFA and it is not right that a handful of [people should deprive us of our joy in watchinmg our game. mr. Simata and group, please allow your colleague to finish his term. Your time will come and when that time comes you may then practice your intentions including failing to account for gate takings as you did at our first home game after the plane ctrash of 1993.

  45. You see, some of us do not watch the English Premier League because we firmly believe it is a sort of cultural empirialism. Please spare us and do not attempt disrupting the 27th Nov. meeting.

    The constituition required you to write letters to the Secretary general asking for the Emergence meeting. You did not do so; instead you bussied yourselves collecting signatures. Well you argued that you could not write to the Secretariat because it had dissolved itself. Fine, but you later presented the signatures to them, and part of your group welcomed its lifting of suspensions on some club officials. Where is your consistency gentlemen.
    Take a time of reflection and think about how to improve your club. You see, we would like to see amakumbi Stars playiong in the Premier league.

  46. Well who’s now laughing last? It beats my understanding how grown up men can challenge fifa. Simata & co. U have clearly lost. Just have patience and wait for 2012. Pride comes before the fall, and simata’s fall has clearly come.

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