Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Sata refutes govt’s claims on teargas canisters


PF Leader Michael Sata (left)

Patriotic Front leader (PF) Michael Sata says chief government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha, the Drug Enforcement Commission and the Zambia police should be ashamed of their allegations that his cadres were the ones that fired tear gas canisters at the police.

Mr. Sata questioned why the Zambia police did not arrest the cadres who they claimed had missiles and tear-gas canisters, to exhibit them to the people.

He noted that tear gas canisters and fire arms are only found with the military personnel and challenged anyone with evidence to substantiate the allegations that the PF is in possession of fire arms to prove the allegations.

Mr. Sata added that it will be only possible that the PF cadres were in possession of tear gas canisters if the police officers personally gave the cadres the canisters, a situation he described as impossible.

Meanwhile, the PF leader has expressed his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of late All People,s Congress (APC) party leader, Kenny Ngondo.

Mr. Sata said the opposition has been robbed of one of the vibrant leaders in the opposition.

Mr. Ngondo died in Lusaka yesterday after an illness.
[ QFM ]


  1. Why did you need kaponya cadres ? Sata leave the youth alone, you seem to be wanting to pollute their minds and form them into war thugs. Urge GRZ to form training camps in work skills for them instead of using them for your blood thurst to get into plot 1 at all costs.

    • Dan HeilbrunSome tohughts from Smart Real Estate News & Commentary by Chris McLaughlin.The volume of distressed mortgages is up 19.3% from a year ago. The amount of REO in the US as of March reached its highest levels since 2008. Since the beginning of 2008, when LPS measured more than 675,000 REO, the volume has increased 62.2% to more than 1.09m properties. The amount of delinquencies in March decreased 10.3% from February but remains 15.7% higher than levels measured a year ago. The foreclosure rate in March also dropped 3.27% from the month before but increased 32.9% from last year.

  2. That is December and boma for you boss.Ama boys abo they are bad as long as you are not in the sitting government.The first thing you must do when we send you to plot one next year is to make sure that you restructure those organisations.Too many bad eggs in there.

  3. #9 Love your neighbour as you love yourself.Sata and RB are as human as you are.You should hate what they do and not hate them as humans.

  4. LT don’t tell me you can’t read the local languages. too much insults comming through. Please do something about that.

  5. # 6 Mashimba I agree with you. Satan has no plans for zambia as what he just want is to go to plot # 1. You never hear him talking about development but all he talks about is lies. I don’t know how low minded some pipo are? They support him for senseless staffs. I don’t like RB but I think he is better as he talks about development not just lies of money on pockets without telling em how you will do it.

  6. @#9 & 10 May we know which leader and party you support, then we can help you with better reasoning?

  7. Kc zona you are a loser I wonder what Kc stands for ummmmmh let me think “Kaponya Chipuba” by the way am not aparty carder think again use you twisted grey matter Mofu…

  8. #19 your love for this old pig has made you stubborn sure that you can’t see any sense in whatever everyone is saying but only what you old pig Satan say. He should by this time campaigning telling pipo what he will change once he is voted but he has no agenda all he wants is to go to plot # 1 leaving you kaponyas to suffer more. Grow up

  9. Comrade Sata, start climbing bath tubs once again I demand – That was certainly more entertaining. Defending this and that, suing every Jim and bank though is amusing is not good enough drama. Start climbing bathtubs in the public and I can bet every ngwee that I have that you will again pull the crowds.
    After all, how many old men will climb bathtubs in public? hehehe kekeke hahaha

  10. MMD has proved futile, Sata is innocent and they want him to be guilty. Where in Zambia a cadre owns tear gas? cadres followed Sata to DEC, he did not carry them. They love him because he understand their situations. Shikapwasha and others there is no sense in them:-?:-?

  11. Michael Sata has a point, its not possible that his cadres fired tear gas canister. LT please do something about these guys who are busy posting insults there are many ways of resolving differences and i think insults in NOT one of them. Grow up guys.

  12. chilaka,

    Same question I had, I fink someone is telling lies. Simple KaponyaS having a tear-gas canisters? Ganja canisters more like.

  13. Bvuto or should I say Kc nice try Personally I think you are a coward.And you of all people to complain Eish What is good for the goose is good for the gander you seem to posess the most vile and dispeakabel lip on this blog each time you talk you are full of CRAP

  14. # 16 I will support RB because zambia is doing fine.
    # 23 you are the same tribal suprimicists like sata and frank bwalya. No agenda for the devlopment of Zambia exept thinking Zambia owes you something. If all the pipo thought zambia owes them like you and nothing sensible but insults, we would have another hutu PF scienario. Have you ever heard sata talk about development ? excpt ofcourse when he was hellucinating and thought of a 90 day program.

  15. # 26 Have you have called me a coward because i have agreed with what Sata has said or because i have complained about the insults? Please help me out

  16. # 24 Bvuto sorry for this PF kaponya @ 26, this is what zambia has to put up with, after they get drunk with the post news and what sata drip feeds them, they start hellucinating. Its like they were born in a toilet. Insults, sue, Insults, sue, Insults, sue.

  17. I am manufacturing humanpoop canisters to throw at sata and his followers. They don’t affect the eyes but surely leave a prominent stench that any canister fanatic will die for. For orders SMS me on [email protected]

  18. Hate the Man or Love him. The truth is Mr. Sata commands the largest Opposition and 2nd biggest polical party in Zambia. Even affluent communities like Riverside, Parklands, Roma, Longacres, Kabulonga, Kansenshi, Sate House area, etc the councillors in these areas are PF. So I dont understand why people say Ni Kaponya and PF is for Kaponya’s. Sata talks for the voiceless. Even IF he hasnt ruled Zambia Yet, he has tried to make it a better place by offering Checks and balances for the last 9 years, a long time. Check how many Zambians have been compromised during the same period including very educated Zambians.

  19. # 27 umwana a shenda atasha nyina ukunaya. You think Zambia is doing fine, do you know it can do much much better than it is. if we had the right leaders. Zambia has so much potential but because of leaders who have no heart for the country we are in this situation. leaders that fly all over the world all the time, leaders like George Kunda, with no prnciples, Katele kalumba, FTJ

  20. #26****nkaki, your name alone is despicable and yo language throughout this threat has been the most vile. Yet u r busy condemning others who have not spoken a hurtful message except that they hav exercised their right to dislike someone! You r typical Sata behavior, busy insulting, telling lies, stealing yet emotionally threatening any1 who complains with insults and other physical threats, at the same time wanting to act innocent! Read yo comments, is that language clean to you? But again, asking u is like negotiating wth a pig. U don’t speak human… u speak cockroach

  21. # 31 you are a typical sample of a PF supporter. before sata spoke about that Barotse thing, they were up in arms against it, as soon as sata seemed to support it they switched. Any mention of development, they start insulting. Come on PF is that all you stand for ? If sata took even a day to talk about development of zambia or to show case what PF MPs are doing in that regard, many pipo might support him, but never. If he is not suing, he is insulting in the post if not that he is inciting PF kaponyas or devil priests.

  22. #32 jimmy james tumpuka, those won’t work. They won’t “smell” the difference… hahahahahahaha

  23. Mpangula Mputyu, u r just a blind supporter. If Sata ate poop u’ll be all over it! But again, he does, and u r it!! hahahahahahahahaha

    • hi I just would like to give a huge tmuhbs up for the great info you have here on this post. I will be coming back to your for more soon .

  24. Imwe ba number 36 Niwe ba Chama chakomboka /Ba Kc in hidding atase how dare you attack me men /women of little intelligence As I have said go and get ba life you moroons.

  25. #38. I will have to add something else to the ingredients then. I am sure there must be an additive that can make PF kaponyas run for cover. U have made me realise that I can’t fight poop with poop. Hahahaha

  26. # 27kc- Which fine? Do not be fooled by GRZ/MMD propanda. Here life is sweet for foreigners and MMD Lackeys not us Zambians. Let me just tabulate something for you- 1) Boz say inflation has fallen to single digit—–2) Price essentials go up eg 10ltre Cooking oil last week was K161000, this week 197,000(Manufatured by Zambeef using local resources.— Milk was 4000 per pkt—this week it is K5500.So I dont see the development you are talking a bout when the roads MMD are talking a bout have not even been worked on—impassable. Oh I nearly forgot there is no Castle and Mosi from Kabwe to C/B.

  27. Mmm the MMD-thievs and their bootlickers dont know what to do next. They have tried to bring down Sata but in futility. hehe…Sata Sata the political brain teaser.

    Ala what ever you may try to do , Sata is a favourite by both the educated , Kaponyas and the RB body guards at state house. All these people vote for Sata.

    Mmmm really it pains a lot having body guards who are against you. Hehe…so sad and sorry at the same time.

    Now the police has also joined the MMD-thieves, now the police has been overpowered by the PF cadres, PF cadres fired the teargases….Mmmm guys who can believe this nonsensical s’tupidity?

    These are signs of a failed state in Zambia where the police and DEC are now cadres of MMD-thieves.

    But for us its lets go Sata… Viva Sata 2011.

  28. #33 Mr Sata can be compromised too, by offering him anything which leads him to state house.
    Maybe he should confine himself to the role of offering checks and balances to those who are fit to rule this country, he just wouldn’t know what to do in state house.
    But I must commend Mr Sata for going to DEC without cadres this time. That was very quick learning, the teargas seems to enhance learning skills even in those who refuse to learn.

    Or maybe it’s the paid kaponya cadres who have been quick to learn, ati kuti wafwila pofye efyo tawaishiba, tawaka fikepo naku state house, nga awina akulalya eka. Fi cadre sometimes fya mano especially when helped by teargas.


  30. There is a heavy price to pay for hating innocent people for nothing. The Holy bible tells us that , you reap what you sow. Meaning if you sow maize seeds, you will surely harvest maize and not mangoes or beans but maize.So its up to you all who hate others for their political affiliations, religion or otherwise. You will never see good or receive blessings of the Lord God Almighty, but exactly what you preach about.Leave Mr. Sata alone for God has a purpose for him and all other people to exist. No amount of intimidation,victimisation,insults or similar vices will help you.God speaks through all of us.Change is surely coming not because of Sata, HH, Nawakwi and many other politicians who have publicly advocated for change, but because of people themselves.For God will hear our cries.

  31. There is a heavy price to pay for hating innocent people for nothing. The Holy bible tells us that , you reap what you sow. Meaning if you sow maize seeds, you will surely harvest maize and not mangoes or beans but maize.So its up to you all who hate others for their political affiliations, religion or otherwise. You will never see good or receive blessings of the Lord God Almighty, but exactly what you preach about.Leave Mr. Sata alone for God has a purpose for him and all other people to exist. No amount of intimidation,victimisation,insults or similar vices will help you.God speaks through all of us.Change is surely coming not because of Sata, HH, Nawakwi and many other politicians who have publicly advocated for change, but because of people themselves.For God will hear our cries.

  32. when someone hate another person by face appear if you analyse him or her you will realise lot of problem in his or her life. in fact says in public that hate is cry for help.

  33. Ba # 46 just go to hell if you do not have anything tangible to contribute on this Blog these people had it comming they think they are so smart and wise what alot of bull…..

  34. Chiluba, Lucy Changwe and many who are in good boots with mmd are above the law. If this statement is not true can Shikwapwasha call up another press conferess and instruct Dec to cite Chiluba for money laundering. It is these double standrds being applied that is making rb goverment questionable.Remember just the very hour mmd will be kicked out of power is the moment you will be made to dance to your misdeeds whilst in office.I understand your fear and wanting to remain in power but for how long?The day of judgement is coming both on earth by the new government at the time and in heaven after you perish.No matter how long this will take, umulandu taubola bashi Kapwasha. Politics is more like a dance just dance whilst the song is playing. Don’t dance to every song .

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