Sunday, September 8, 2024

Woman shot dead in Kalumbila district


A 57 year old woman of Kakeza village of Musele chiefdom in Kalumbila district of North Western province has been shot dead by unknown people.

North-Western province Commissioner of Police, Joel Njase confirmed to ZANIS that police received a report that a 57 year old, Queen Kakeza was shot around 19:30 by unknown people.

Mr Njase stated that the deceased was found dead with three gunshot wounds with one on her back leg.

“Kalumbila police station received a report of a shooting incident, which was reported by male Alufunso Amos Kakeza by phone that his sister Queen Kakeza aged 57 of Kakeza village near chief Musele, was found between 19:30 hours and 20:00 hours, with three gunshot wounds and one on the back of the leg,” Mr Njase confirmed.

Mr Njase said police have not made any arrest but have instituted investigations.

He said the body of the deceased has since been deposited in Lumwana first level hospital mortuary awaiting post-mortem.

And in another development, Mr Njase has confirmed a suspected case of arson which was reported at Mutanda police station involving one adult male and two juveniles of the same house.

Mr Njase disclosed that Marvis Jatwa aged 37 years of Mutanda Research area reported to police that her tenant, Obed Kajimanga whose age is not yet known as well as two of his children, Patrick Kajimanga, 5 and Prudence Kajimanga, 2, of the same house sustained multiple burns on their bodies and general body pains when the house they were sleeping in caught fire.

“In another development, Mutanda police station recorded an arson case which occurred on July 8, around 21:30 hours at Mutanda Research area, Kalumbila district,” he said.

He said the source of the fire was not ascertained and the victims were rushed to Solwezi General Hospital for medical attention.


  1. It appears guns in Kalumbila are in wrong hands. Has Kalumbila not experienced three shooting incidents this year that tragically have cost 3 lives? Kalumbila District is now brandishing guns as it is part of that country with a gun culture problem. There is need to sweep that area and have individuals with unregistered firearms picked up by police.

  2. I would like to correct the information. Queen Kakeza was from the Royal family of Senior Chief Museli. As a Royal family she was residing within the palace known as Museli village and that’s where she was shot dead from. Something should be done to save lives in the chiefdom as there’s too much shootings. People are being killed like chickens

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