Friday, March 14, 2025

On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president ?


By W. E. Kamirichiki, PhD

Our out-going leader. His PF party used borrowed money to buy 42 Fire trucks for millions of dollars. One of the biggest corruption scandals of his presidency. Our life savings, dwellings, businesses, and markets go up in flames and become ashes. Even the Fire trucks sometimes lack water. Thank you, PF. On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president ?

Our out-going leader. His PF party presided over bribe-takers and bribe givers in road infrastructure. Though roads seem nice and long, there was stinking corruption. Most Zambians understand less about these recklessly massive contracted foreign debts. Our children and grandchildren will bear the heavy burden of debt, and our sovereignty is now lost. Thank you, PF. On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

Our out-going leader. His PF party made us struggle to get tuition fees in his hard economy. We wanted our children to walk into the future we may not walk into. But teachers lack resources, and our children are in mostly knowledge-free schools. They struggle to get to, and through, the University and do any course to pass-by. Some drop out or are sub-standard professionals in their chosen sector. Zambia loses out. Thank you, PF. On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

Our out-going leader. His PF party let some foreign investors outcompete our traditional poultry famers . Now, we eat broilers that mature in 2 weeks, injected with enhancement drugs. Along with our children, we are consuming these chicken and chips. And our hospitals are broken. On August 12, 2021, Who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

Our out-going leader. His PF party stuffed know-little or nothing senior public officials to ruin our country. They got borrowed funds to build economic and social infrastructure. They looted the balance of the funds. Our children suffered. A few became armed thugs. A few prostitutes. A few became heroes and heroines to survive. The PF hijacked our future, made most of us paupers, stole from our future, and raped our country. On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

Our out-going leader. Oh, then Covid-19 came, merciless and found the country unprepared. The PF were in charge of hospitals, but they stocked hospitals with nothing but expired drugs. The Doctors, hands empty, became helpless. Covid began its deadly work. Many of us got sick. Most died because hospitals had no oxygen. Now, the survivors, especially the children are helpless orphans. What a country! On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

Our out-going leader. He politicized the police. They lost professionalism. They looked to the faulty individual rather than to the concrete republican constitution. These uniformed Zambians began killing, wrongly imprisoning, and harassing civilian Zambians. The citizen lost trust in law enforcement. The PF destroyed the foundation of law and order. On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

Our out-going leader. He corruptly enriched his friends. Look at how many became poor in his period. Look at how many become thieves. See how many houses they broke into, how many poor they robbed, and killed. The PF multiplied thugs in our country. On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

Our out-going leader. He prepared a huge pot of sizzling tribalism. He hired two ugly Hippos to promote it against Tongas and his opponents. Thank you, Kambwili, and GBM. And vultures Mwanza, Phiri, and the morally rotten Senior PF Cadres. What happened to One Nation, One Zambia? Father of the Nation is already turning in his grave. On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

Our out-going leader. Some foreigners have bribed him. And now PF has bribed your cheap Chitenges, a wad of Kwacha notes, and few bags of mealie mealie. You return thugs and corrupt people back to power, and there is no change in services. You weep and complain till the next round of bribery and election. On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?
Our out-going leader. He rapes the environment by raping our at least half a century-old mukula trees. He enriches himself and his cronies. Mother nature will bite us. Who ever abuses his mother? On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

Our out-going leader. He ignores our brethren who were gassed. They die in vain. The country lived in terror of fear of gas. No inquiry as to who gassed them. Now his PF returns to solicit votes to return PF into the rule of ruin, death, and misery. On August 12, 2021, who would not vote out such a president but a foolish Zambian?

We are not foolish Zambians. On August 12, 2021, we will not be foolish Zambians. The worst individual to have crooked himself to the presidency will be an outgoing misleader.


  1. The “ubomba alya Mwibala ifya Mwibala Alya” PF Team will vote for ECL. Majority Zambians will vote him out, but ECZ, ZPS and Concourt will try to rig for him. If the vote is protected ECL will lose. The writing is on the wall.

  2. Lungu is by far the worst President from the time we took the reigns from colonial rule. Lungu is not only clueless but grossly incompetent and pathetic at best. He thinks keeping silent on important national issues is being humble but bupuba, idiocy. My concern is that the trend of leaders is going down. I never thought we will have anyone worse than Lupiya Banda but then came regrettable Sata and now we have a complete nincompoop Lungu for a leader. Lungu having Davies Mwila in his leadership team speaks ill of the worst leadership level. Chakolwa twachula.

  3. This is shallow, stumped, waste of space. Please keep such kind of articles out of lusaka times. Don’t come here publishing your mental issues to us all

  4. GBM said ” I went to UPND to become Vice President and what did I get? I got nothing. Nyaa..nyaa”. So GBM has gone back to PF to join the looting. Those who are benefitting from PF Corruption and Patronage will vote for ECL but how many are they? The Majority of Zambians will vote 4 change on August 12. HH and UPND Alliance represents Change and Hope!

  5. The authors of these articles are not even zambian and cannot vote. We don’t take them seriously. They are just tribal donkeys with small testicles

  6. Even if the author was NOT ZAMBIAN, atleast he has a grasp of what is going on. And I would prefer to have such useful foreigner, than a donkey whose every sentence is tribal….tribal here…tribal there…, and that is the only argument.
    Suprisingly, the same donkey did not say Fred M’membe was a foreigner in his yesterday article entitled “It will be suicidal for Zambians to vote back Mr Edgar Lungu and the PF”. The message by both is the same, for a person who wants to make an objective judgement on who he wants to vote for.
    I know…I know..I know…your voters base is in rural areas and not on LT…….that is another of your argument.

  7. You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of the day.

  8. Our defeated self proclaimed president of a viable political party is headed for his most humiliating defeat….hh will be schooled once and for all… a new leader is emerging in HHH… he will if he keeps his cool the man for 2026… bye bye hh

  9. Some of the issues raised are real, but I do not see UPND doing anything different. They may be worse if anything. Just check how CDF funds are managed in UPND managed councils in Southern Province. It is a disaster. Some councilors are even in jail over abuse of their offices. Now what more if they were in charge of all the finances?

  10. At least the PF didn’t blow up electricity pylons, they never burnt markets as well just to try and wrestle power

  11. I stopped and the word foolish Zambian. The problem with UPND cadres, anyone who does not agree with them is uneducated, dull and now foolish. How a group of so called very intelligent people lose five time to the so called dull and uneducated? Now foolish.

  12. Ba Chola timely advise. If you’re sure majority of Zambians will not vote for ECL, the wise and simple thing to do is make sure you have adequate representation in every polling station to secure your votes. Zambia has one of the most credible and transparent voting systems in the world. Thats how both MMD and PF managed to dislodge the ruling parties. Courts don’t win elections for political parties ba Chola, please stop misleading people.

  13. May you don’t theres a form called G12 in every polling station on which votes scored by every candidate are entered. Every political party representative signs it and the are the forms ECZ totals up to see who got more votes and declare them Winners. This is the information GBM and HH failed to provide to justify their elections rigging claims in 2016.

  14. We don’t want noise and chaos. PF and UPND set up your own totalling centres and once ECZ totals the figures from G12 forms and declare a winner, the loser should just go to the drawing board. Out of 18 million Zambians only about 20 have expressed interest in being president so one losing under any circumstances shouldn’t plunge the rest of us into civil war. It’s their families who enjoy state house regardless of who wins.

  15. I have just finished reading the Con court Dissenting Judgement of Prof Munalula. Wow! There is light at the end of this dark tunnel. We still have people in the Zambian Judiciary who can write exquisitely reasoned judgements that can enter the law school textbooks and pass the test of time. It is a breath of fresh air after all the f_arts we have been inhaling in this toxic and monstrous regime. The arguments are sharp and precise. It is not only accurate at law but also makes a lot of sense. In any country where the judges are sober, that, would have been the majority judgement and one or two would have dissented.

  16. “….He ignores our brethren who were gassed. They die in vain. The country lived in terror of fear of gas. No inquiry as to who gassed them….”

    More than 50 innocent civilians were lynched to death and burned in our streets and towns and no word from lungu…….

    This was the darkest part of lungus shambolic corrupt presidency, the worst part of zambias history,

    And the shameless corrupt theif lungu acts like this did not happen……


  18. #23  kci
     July 20, 2021 At 2:15 pm

    “@Spaka did you lose your mother in the gassing? That is now ancient history….”

    Ancient history ?????

    Tell that to the relatives of the murdered innocent civilians…..

    We know you PF theives only care about stealing and looting , but for us , a life is a precious life and any loss of life should be taken seriously…….

  19. Writing is on the wall. Lungu could have made a dignified exit by nor going for a third term. Now he will be humiliated at the polls.

  20. Bye bye PF, thanks for the attempt, You found a decent economy and just grounded it to a halt. Please on August 12 leave us in peace, let people with the capacity, competence and THE intellect come and take over.

  21. Though he is campaigning whilst stopping others, he still stands no chance, he is gone this one

  22. Editor you are busy regulating our comments but surely can this be an article to publish? Have you also shallow?

  23. Fellow Zambian’s, how much is it COSTING us for Greedy Lungu to have an “OUTBREAK OF TOURS” in the middle of a global pandemic called COVID-19.
    COVID-19 is happening now, the tour’s can come even after a year. Or it’s last minute looting by Lungu.

  24. Is this the same Kaizar Zulu ranting and raving, who had a girlfriend called Lulu Sonita Zulu who committed suicide after he beat her up …

  25. If you were a teacher of English, how would you rate this article? Not the content of the article but the writing?

  26. @Grammer Teacher. I can tell you this: I know Kamirichiki. He has written hundreds of articles and pieces on and off academia. His style is versatile and his grammar is generally superb. Check out his other pieces. What you can not contest is that his pieces are fact-based and on point. Natotela sana!

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