Sunday, September 8, 2024

National Union of Miners and Allied Workers slams people questioning Zambians’ ability to run Mines


The National Union of Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAW) has criticized people doubting the capabilities of Zambians to run local mining firms. NUMAW president James Chansa said Zambia has capable human resources to run Mopani Copper Mines.

Mr. Chansa said people doubting Zambians’ capability to run and operate mines should be questioned. He wondered why some people are fond of politicking even when the country has enough expertise to run the mines. He said this when he featured on ZNBC’s weekly televised programme Sunday Interview. Mr. Chansa bragged that the country has adequate human resources to manage the operations of mining firms.

“The problem we have in Zambia is that everything is politicized, there is something as Zambians we must understand, we have experience to run the mines,” he said.

He explained that over the years, Zambians have gained various skills and experience needed to effectively manage mining firms. The NUMAW president said the current crop of Zambian engineers is capable of working in copper mines in foreign countries as expatriates. Mr. Chansa reminded ‘doubting Thomas’ that when Vedanta left KCM and Glencore left Mopani, Zambians remained managing the two mines.

“Zambians are supposed to be working as expatriates in copper mining in other countries,” he said.

He expressed confidence in the capabilities of Zambians to run the mines as they have vast experience. He added that, “…Zambians we can’t fail to run the mines, we will run them satisfactory”.

Meanwhile, the National Union of Miners and Allied Workers president has commended the government for allowing mining companies to continue operating in the face of Covid-19.

“One thing that we have loved about this government even if people look at us that we are sided with the government is that during the Covid-19 period, there is no mine in Zambia that has closed,” Mr. Chansa said.

Mr. Chansa said there was no mine worker who was put on redundancy because of the Covid-19 pandemic.


  1. @chansa… Mopani and KCM were hounded out chased/nationalized. They didnt leave on there own accord. Zambians can’t run the mines without running them into bankruptcy look at KCM since we took ova.

  2. The under 5 leader fix it aka Bally says no Zambian can run the mines so,if he hh rules he will call on his investor friends to move in to show you how it’ done..

  3. Nothing to do with politics. Ukwiba mwebo! Ukwiiibaaaa!! That is where the incompetence is. Just get chaps to stop stuffing their pockets at any opportunity of authority they get! They even steal from their own businesses! Mwebo!

  4. Nobody said that! Answering a question not asked! The worry is PF cadres swarming the
    Mines and entrenching corruption like they have in Government and elsewhere.

    They have failed to manage anything in Zambia from forestry to Judiciary. Why would they be prudent with the mines? Think.

  5. Zambians can run mines without doubt BUT the current government has no discipline.The mines will be the cash cow for cadres and will come to ruin.

  6. @Kalok i can not add anything more….. its a country of drunks and thieves. Even professional have turned in to thieves. We are the modern day Zaire.

  7. It hurts diasporan bab00ns who support upnd that they rushed to their masters’ countries but are not recognised while their peers they left behind are now CEOs and leaders admired by Zambians.

  8. @Dave-no one hounded out Glencore and Vedanta. They breached their agreements. Glencore wanted to put 11,000 miners on forced leave and GRZ objected. Vedanta didn’t keep their end of the agreement by not developing Konkola Deep and depended on imported concentrates from DRC. Ask yourself, why is FQM and Barrick working quietly and GRZ is not complaining about anything??

  9. A Zambian CEO and his team at Mopani has managed to increase production from 5000 tonnes to 9000 and reduce operating costs from US60
    million to 35million per month since Glencore left so what would Zambia rather have? Foreign investment doesn’t necessary lead to growth as they engage in tax evasion and arm twisting Govt at every stage. Zambians must just demand that a strong corporate culture is introduced in publicly owned enterprises and employ a strong regulatory framework to ensure fair and correct tax is earned even from foreign owned enterprises. Alebwelelapo.

  10. @Zambian Citizen, I have a small ask: How is it that typically most contract breaches are discovered as a consequence of some trigger like an impending social unrest? I say so because some of the broken promises are discovered long after the sale-by-date. That, too, is incompetence of the local regulator and even throws bad shade on Zambian expertise. Perception, by the way, is a part of the story…

  11. Mopanis output has actually dropped from 5000 tons to about 3500 tons whilst operating costs have increased by 30% ever since lungu took over.

  12. @Engineer-whatever you do there, those white folks don’t give a cr@p about your African butt. We see them honour their own all the time not sorry second class citizens like you. Here, we will honour and respect guys like Sidney Mupeta, Mabvuto Chipata, Savior Chibiya etc.

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