Sunday, September 8, 2024

New Heritage Party condemns the political violence that has characterized campaigns in various parts of the country


The New Heritage Party has promised to put an end to political violence in the country by reforming the status of cadres in the country once elected into office on August 12, 2021.

Condemning the political violence that has characterised campaigns in various parts of the country, New Heritage Party vice president Samuel Kasankha stated that campaigns and politics are not about violence.

Mr Kasankha said as a remedy to the violence, the party will put to an end to the current status of a political cadre.

He mentioned currently, the status of being a political cadre fueled violence as political party cadres from the opposition would envy what the other cadres from the ruling party had.

“We are going to look at the different categories of political cadres so that they have a tailor-made form of activity to earn a livelihood. We want our youths to be productive and not the current status of being political cadres,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Kasankha stated that once his party forms government, it will empower Zambians by ensuring that majority of citizens participate in the exploitation and enjoyment of the country’s natural resources.

Mr Kasankha explained that enabling such an environment will foster for an increased inflow of major foreign currencies thereby making the cost of doing business much cheaper.

Mr Kasankha pointed out that this will be achieved through the exploration and export of these natural resources.

“We want to encourage productivity at a local level and this exploitation and export by the majority of Zambians will increase the inflow of major foreign currencies like the US dollar. This will in turn make the cost of importation much cheaper, thereby reducing the cost of living,” he said.

Mr Kasankha who is also a pastor said his party appreciates what the current government has done in terms of development such as infrastructure.

He however said that his party plans to further this development to the end-user at the grass-root level.

Meanwhile, Katete District Patriotic Front Vice-Chairperson Jackson Banda has expressed dismay at the recent murder of its two party members in Lusaka.

He said violence was not the key to making it to the statehouse, but the deeds and manifesto of a given party.

“We are not happy as a party in Katete, we are dismayed. This is just a sign that the political party that did this has already lost. Politics is about selling your manifesto to the public and not violence,” he said.

Mr Banda further urged electorates to turn up in numbers on August 12 and vote for the PF and President Edgar Lungu who is development-oriented.


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