Sunday, September 8, 2024

PF, UPND hold joint road show in Mwinilunga


The United Party for National Development (UPND) and the Patriotic Front (PF) in Mwinilunga district of Northwestern province through the district conflict management committee have conducted a joint road show to denounce electoral violence before, during and after the August, 12 general elections.

Electoral Commission Zambia (ECZ) district Conflict Management Committee Chairperson, Sylvester Mushoke said the event was organized with the objective of showing political parties followers that they can peacefully coexist regardless of their political affiliation.

Pastor Mushoke said it is important for political party leaders to show their commitment to upholding peace by embracing each other publicly.

“We are here with these political parties to sensitize the members of the public on the importance of upholding peace and violence free campaigns in this year’s general elections”, he said.

Pastor Mushoke indicated that peace is cardinal in the electoral process hence the decision to bring the political parties together and remind them of the need to avoid any form of electoral violence.

And both UPND and PF have praised the district conflict management committee for coming up with the idea further promising to uphold peace.

PF district Chairperson, Henry Kakisa said members of various political parties should embrace each other because the differences in political ideologies does not make them enemies.

Meanwhile, UPND district secretary, Skyton Kaivwa advised residents in the district against fighting one another because they are one despite belonging to different political parties.

And some residents talked by ZANIS applauded the two parties for sending a clear picture to their followers to desist from political violence.

Hendrix Kachola said seeing the two major political parties in the district carrying out public sensitisation against political violence together will send a clear picture to their followers that there is no benefit in violence.

“I am very much happy to see these two political parties together sensitizing their members on upholding peaceful elections, this should continue,” Mr Kachola said.


  1. This pastor is an exceptional man of God. Not calling HH or ECL names but bringing followers of the two together. God bless this man of God and his family.

  2. This is just cosmetic public relations to save the face of the PF parliamentary candidate who has no chance of delivering any votes to ECL. He is a very respected and from a famous family but he stood on a wrong ticket. Its like the man is just following the wind. As for Henry Kakisa (PF District Chairman) has realized his once Mighty PF has no chance to retain power he is trying to play good boy so that he can eat with both hands after 12/08/21. We know the chap very well and his tactics. Akwila New Samakayi will deliver the entire Mwinilun’ga to HH and UPND Alliance.

  3. Now that he is known as an organiser, he will sooner than later start vilifying one political party against the other.

  4. Small steps towards progress! now we need to see the president and HH on the podium together to denounce violence. I believe the friction is between these two men. Walk the streets together if you are serious about peace.

  5. Chishimba nkumba kambwili,Amos koswe chanda,Kaizar chimpuno zulu,& Micheal kolwe katambo are the master minder of violence for the fear ? of losing, nevertheless the choice is in the hands of the Zambian muyenda ku wire ba mwankole.

  6. This action is WORTH APPLAUDING and AMPLIFYING so others can emulate.

  7. UPND strategy was to bring chaos and fear in PF strong holds but nafipena after the president called soldiers.They wanted peace in it’s stronghold so that they can vote in numbers.The president has done a great job.Let us this violent party and tribal party.Killing innocent peole like that with Pangas.I have never head PF killing others but i have heard them fighting not that extent of cutting throts of people.In Mapatizya they killed again the people.Mwanawasa almost died in Mapatizya. That party call UPND can destroy this country.Easterners cangeleni pantu mwalipwalala.

  8. Tiyende pamozi ndi mutima umozi. Ba pastor tiye, ba Lungu tiye, HH tiye iwe, tili pamozi tiyende pamozi ndi mutima umozi. Nafuti Nafuti!

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