Sunday, September 8, 2024

Partners in Mission Works hold a match in readiness for the National prayer summit.


Partners in Mission Works (PIMW) has held a match past in preparation for the National Prayer summit to be held on August 8, 2021 at National house of prayer.

Speaking on behalf of the Mission president, Serge Changa, Director of Programmes Ruth Mulenga says the event is a build up to the National Prayer summit aimed at praying for peace in the country before, during and after the August 12, 2021 general elections.

She said Zambia is a Christian National and as such citizens need to realize their Christian values and uphold them especially during the election period.

Ms Mulenga indicated that the general public must follow their Christian beliefs and maintain the peace that Zambia has always enjoyed.

She added that the main purpose of the event is to remind Zambians of their Christian values and beliefs so that they join the rest of the nation in praying for the country before, during, and after the general elections.

‘’I would like to call upon all members of the general public to offer a prayer for peace in our country Zambia as we head to the polls on August 8,2021,’’ said Ms Mulenga.

‘’As the bible say in the book of 2 Chronicles 7:14, if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land,’’ she noted.


  1. WHEN have prayers helped any person or countries
    Time would be better spent education the people about love and understaning of others views
    Stop throwing the bible at us every 5 years

  2. May your comments return back to you and the consequences be upon your own heads. As for the Man that said that Zambia would rather vote for a Satanist, I condemn his words and challenge them with the Blood of Jesus, May the consequences of his words be upon his own head and his family. As for Zambia it is innocent and free of this mans comments. We who are called by Gods name declare that Zambia belongs to Jesus Christ, our land, our children or animals and all our properties and resources we are leaving nothing behind, all belong to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And all the people said…

  3. Ndoleshyafye – Save us your gibberish …you dont even understand the bible you recite. They brainwashed you to a point of no return. wake up from your stupidity and nonsense!!

  4. Thank you Ndoleshyafye for making clear our allegiance as a country and as individuals. We are not ashamed to declare our allegiance to Christ. He is our hope and peace. We have seen God at work in our own lives and the lives of many.
    May the Lord bless the nation of Zambia.

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