Tuesday, October 22, 2024

None of the Presidential Candidates has the Capacity to Deal With Challenges that President Lungu has Encountered During his Presidency


Patriotic Front Kanchibiya Constituency Parliamentary candidate Sunday Chilufya Chanda has praised President Edgar Lungu for showing leadership and resilience throughout the challenges that the country has faced in the last couple of years.

Citing various happenings that negatively impacted the country in sectors such as the energy sector, the agriculture sector and the health sector, Mr Chanda said President Lungu has without a doubt proved that he is a natural leader, capable of making difficult decisions that protect Zambians.

“In 2015, Zambia experienced an energy crisis, forcing the country to start importing $40million worth of electricity every month in order to keep the country going, to counter this and ensure that it does not happen again, President Lungu decided that the country embarks on various projects to increase the country’s capacity to generate power and diversify The energy sector.” Mr Chanda said.

He said in the farming seasons of 2016 and 2017 Zambia experienced army worms, that damaged fields in most parts of the country, creating a serious food security issue. The President acted with magnanimity and ensured citizens did not die of hunger.

“In 2018 the country experienced floods and drought in various parts but President Lungu ensured relief food was distributed along with other relief especially for people in the Southern part of the country.” Mr. Chanda said.

He added that government was feeding close to 2.4million people as a result of the floods and droughts in different parts of the country.

“We also had to borrow to keep Government’s development agenda on course.” Mr Chanda added.

Sunday Chanda on Campaign Trail in Kanchibiya Constituency
Sunday Chanda on Campaign Trail in Kanchibiya Constituency

And Mr. Chanda has said that if President Edgar Lungu had not ensured that adequate and unprecedented investment as seen in the health sector Had not been done, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Zambia would have been catastrophic.

Citing facilities that have been used as COVID-19 centres in Lusaka such as the Levy Mwanawasa hospital, Maina Soko medical Centre and Chilenje level 1 hospital among others, Mr. Chanda said if such facilities had not been in existence coupled with many other interventions made by President Edgar Lungu’s government over the last few years, the country would have recorded more cases and deaths and the pandemic would have most likely collapsed the country’s health system.

“In 2020-2021, the Covid-19 pandemic ravaging economies the world over. It costs approximately K100,000 to treat one COVID-19 patient had PF not investment in health infrastructure, the country would have lost more lives than it has. Imagine Zambia without all these health facilities we are using as COVID-19 Centres, our people would have been dying in multitudes,” Mr. Chanda said.

“Zambia expects to experience a fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in November 2021. Who wants to even think about changing the winning team in the midst of the storm such as the fourth wave? That’s a tall order for any new government. Continuity is the way to go”, he remarked.

“President Lungu is a leader who has shown so much emotional intelligence and resilience that has earned him a lot of respect and praise not just from us in the PF but beyond party lines and outside Zambia.” Mr. Chanda added.


  1. It’s time for change if I were you I can vote for HH because leadership is like marathon anyone sellable manifesto can win.

  2. You mean none of the candidates would have managed to damage the country as this clueless useless drunk has done, the ka worst president on the face of the earth, he is a theiving mo0rn, that’s what he is

  3. Blah blah blah…2008 I campaigned very hard for Obama…door to door…and I voted for him…..13 years later Obama is chilling…living in a massive mansion and throwing huge parties….and am still working 9 to 5…..now you know who ends up as the real winner….the Candidate and not voters…no matter what they promise voters….only their immediate family members and close friends benefit from their Victories….the rest of us Spaka,Kaizar,Tarino, Nine Chale,Nemwine, Tikki etc will just remain Keyboard warriors…nothing will change whether HH or Edward Lungu in office

  4. True that!! Add to that the global commodities bust that saw copper prices drop from $8,500/ton to $4,000/ton, that hit the country’s income hard.

  5. Chanda, you are 100% correct. ECL has really been through a lot in tenure as the President of our country. With this in mind I can still vote for him. He has been through hardship and it is the time for him to take the country to another level. Mr. president you are assured my vote for you on Thursday.
    God bless Zambia.

  6. The main characteristic of this weekend’s electoral process is this: One camp will be busy attempting to rig elections and the other camp will be busy trying to protect the votes. May God Himself see us through and may the best candidate carry the day

  7. Chanda, I agree with you 100% Mr. president has been tested and proven through hardships. We will give another tenure this Thursday.
    Sorry. Alenwelelapo

  8. “Standing here before a mural of your revolution, I want to talk about a very different revolution that is taking place right now, quietly sweeping the globe without bloodshed or conflict. Its effects are peaceful, but they will fundamentally alter our world, shatter old assumptions, and reshape our lives. It’s easy to underestimate because it’s not accompanied by banners or fanfare. It’s been called the technological or information revolution, and as its emblem, one might take the tiny silicon chip, no bigger than a fingerprint.” Ronald Reagan, May 31, 1988: Address at Moscow State University.

  9. Lazy Lungu never embarked on any projects he found all of them on the table and blindly gave them to Chinks thereby putting debt on top of each unborn child. Even the women are laughing at this fat chap Sunday in the photo.


  11. Anonymous you are such an intelligent person. What you have highlighted about what voting implies that is to send candidates into wealthy with their families is what I always tell people in person too. I say its not worth it to die for a politician. If he did not campagin why should that be my problem when whether he or she wins or loses I will still be doing 9to5 in order to pay bills and put food on my table. For those our brothers and sisters who are on the ground, please only engage in fighting if the children of ECL and HH will lead your teams. If you don’t see HH’s or ECL’s children leading the riots or fighting police why should you go out. If what these people are fighting for is worth dying for then their children should see that first.

  12. Cant this guy having been to school see the mess we are in, does he have economic stats of inflation, reserves, exchange rate, GDP, GDP per capita, unemployment. Does he even have an idea that MMD left these in a fairly decent state, what I fail to understand is how failure is being praised here. Totally beyond comprehension.

  13. No experience whats so ever, being spokesperson is different from being a leader, what with failure written all over the PFs face

  14. Bra-We don’t want you and the PF administration…thank you for your services. You have caused so much pain and anxiety. You are finished…The End is Near.

  15. Instead of sorting out the economy, they are just bribing people with money and vitenge, you are going, ulendo ulipo

  16. @Dominion
    You’re on point….it’s not worth dying for a Politician or walking around with hate because of your so called Candidate lost….I hope our brothers and sisters back home can just come together regardless of who carries the day….Politicians become weak when people are UNITED….the only election that should matter to 99% of Zambians is the 9to5 schedule and food on the table for their families….HH is doing it for himself and his family…Edward Lungu is doing it for himself and for Tasila….

  17. @Dominion
    You’re on point….it’s not worth dying for a Politician or walking around with hate because of your so called Candidate lost….I hope our brothers and sisters back home can just come together regardless of who carries the day….Politicians become weak when people are UNITED….the only election that should matter to 99% of Zambians is the 9to5 schedule and food on the table for their families….HH is doing it for himself and his family…Edward Lungu is doing it for himself and for Tasila….

  18. @Anonymous,
    You had the obligation to Vote for Obama so that his nearest friends can enrich themselves peacefully and to enable you to do your 9t05 in peace. Now, look what happened, when you gave up that obligation? You voted a mani.ac who almost attempted to do a cou.p. And to relate that to Zambia, you have a few who NOT ONLY enriched themselves, BUT they have NOT made the environment conducive for any of your brothers and sisters in Zambia to peacefully doing their 9to5 job. Their 9to5, isn’t enough to ensure 3 meals, their lives are disturbed by panga mongering cadres, c.orruption is at highest level…..So do you think your advice make sense?

  19. PF inflation 22% MMD 6%
    PF exchange rate to a dollar K23 MMD K6
    PF Fuel per liter K17 MMD K6
    PF Reserves 1 month MMD 1 Year
    PF Price of Mealie meal K130 MMD K30
    PF Unsustainable debt MMD Sustainable debt
    Due to lack of space I cant continue

  20. What is wrong with what somebody posted below, and who is moderating, is it LT or frightened little agents
    PF inflation 22% MMD 6%
    PF exchange rate to a dollar K23 MMD K6
    PF Fuel per liter K17 MMD K6
    PF Reserves 1 month MMD 1 Year
    PF Price of Mealie meal K130 MMD K30
    PF Unsustainable debt MMD Sustainable debt
    Due to lack of space I cant continue

  21. The problem we have in Zambia is poor reading culture and morons like Sunday take advantage of this …simply go and read Sishuwa Sishuwa article omit the part he talks about Lazy Lungu but read the parts about t he Zambian economy and how he breaks it down.

  22. Monday any one of the other 15 candidates standing could have done a much better job than ediga. Even Muliokela with all his antics could have done better than lungu.

  23. @Tarino Orange,
    Absolutely CORRECT and AGREE with you. Many dont read but are eager to comment, Just read the reactions to yesterday article “The Privatisation of State-Owned Assets Explained”by Henry Kyambalesa and today`s article “In a fair election, Lungu cannot win; in an unfair election, he cannot lose” by Sishuwa Sishuwa.
    I am using the above just as examples to show the quality of responses, regardless whether they are positive or negative to the content. The question how many of those contributions are focussed to the content and how many are ju.nk ?

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