Sunday, September 8, 2024

A billion dollars has been invested in the Aviation Industry to boost Development-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu says the government has invested US$1 billion in the aviation industry to enable the country to meet international aviation standards, thereby enhancing economic development.

President Lungu, who yesterday afternoon commissioned the newly constructed Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA) terminal two, said the expansion of the airport will facilitate an increase of passengers from two million to four million per annum.

The Head of State said the project, which was implemented with support from the Chinese government, will cement further the bilateral ties between the two countries.

President Lungu said the Chinese government has supported a number of infrastructure development projects that are in line with Zambia’s developmental agenda.

He also noted that the KKIA project demonstrates the legacy of the Patriotic Front (PF) government of transforming the country into a middle income status through infrastructure development.

“This airport will showcase our warm hospitality, therefore, we must be proud of the massive investment that has been made into the aviation infrastructure,” President Lungu stated.

President Lungu said the operationalisation of the new terminal building will position Zambia as an aviation hub in the Southern African region.

He further said the introduction of Qatar Airline in Zambia is as a result of improved investor confidence that has been propelled by government policies.

President Lungu explained that Zambia has proven to be stable and peaceful to the international community, hence improving investment in the aviation industry as well as the economy.

And Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Li Jie, thanked government for the continued support towards the bilateral relations between Zambia and China.

Mr. Jie said the construction of the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport is one of the ways that cement the continued relations between the two countries.

He noted that China has been involved in Zambia’s infrastructure development since time immemorial.

“The traditional friendship between Zambia and China has been upgraded to new levels due to the fruitful results as evidenced by this development,” Mr. Jie said.

The Ambassador has meanwhile commended government for the development noting that it is a step towards achieving the vision 2030.

He added that the modernised aviation industry will not only make Zambia an aviation hub in the southern region but also improve the economic sector through trade across the globe.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing Permanent Secretary Danny Mfune said the modern infrastructure is an indication that government is committed to improving the state of infrastructure in the country.

Mr. Mfune noted that this is in line with the country’s developmental agenda through the Vision 2030 of not leaving anyone behind.

“Government has demonstrated commitment to delivering infrastructure development to all corners of the country,” he said.

The Permanent Secretary disclosed that about 40 local contractors benefited up to US$80 million through the project.

And Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga hailed President Lungu for the many developmental projects that have taken place in the province, including the newly constructed modern airport.

Mr. Kamanga said the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport will not only improve air transport services but also tourism and employment levels for Zambians.

The Kenneth Kaunda International Airport has been constructed at a total cost of US$360 million.


  1. People can not eat airports…moreover over two thirds of our people have been impoverished such that even bus fare is a problem–let alone an airplane ticket. Only Lungu and his pf cadres and thugs have benefited from these so called development projects done at inflated cost. The time of reckoning is now.

  2. Overpriced projects! Return on investment will take years to realise. Plus this idea of the Presidential jet congesting the airspace for the whole day for a 45min journey!

  3. Atase, ma jealousy… ati people can not eat roads and airports, you are the same people who will be using these roads and airports to steal resources from your own country. Give credit where it’s due. Well done Mr president for finishing what others started. We look forward to arriving home proud and free. @Mwabupo, for your information, this airport was budgeted for way before the PF came to power. I recall when people criticised RB for this and the new state house…yes remember that? I wish lusaka times can look through their archives to remind those with amnesia.

  4. The only criticism with this PF government is that you delayed the completion of this airport on purpose to coincide with elections. Your lessons learned here is that when you complete your projects on time and on budget, your campaign for elections become easier because it gives you more time to explain your message. As a UNIP supporter, this is progress and I hope we can intensify on competing to make our country better.

  5. A Billion Dollars invested in Aviation sector,HOW MUCH OF THAT HAS ENDED UP IN EDIGAR CHAGWA LUNGU’S POCKET????
    The list is long ,the story is the same.THE MOST EXPENSIVE ROADS ON THE AFRICAN CONTINENT
    How many years will it take for a return on capital invested.Zambia is already defaulting on loan repayments .There’s Eurobond repayments just around the corner,we have no way of making those repayments.The Corruption & economic vandalism cannot be allowed to continue for another 5 years .


  6. Busy commissioning projects all in the last two weeks before elections on projects you & PF minions stole from. None of them will save you. Kuyabebele

  7. Well enough to invest in aviation industry, but the real thrust is getting more tourists in. Zambia gets less tourist traffic compared to Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Tanzania. Hospitality industry, travel and tour lagging behind yet we have comparable great natural attractions to show case. How are Zambian missions abroad and ZNTB fairing in promoting and selling Zambia as a destination? With that much investment against an annual return of only $1.7million from tourist traffic it will take a long time to recoup the investment. The real winners are the contractors here, Harare Airport still looks very much same but handles more traffic.

  8. Another over priced structure …Chitolela trimmed down the bills of quantities for this building so he could pocket the excess. All these projects were supposed to be completed two years ago but were stalled just for elections …Lazy Lungu has no shame at all.

  9. ZOZI-A-ZOZI – Zambia marketing has been a problem they can not even hit their targets yet they still continue with their jobs…plus JetA1 fuel is expensive even if you have a modern airport Kenya Airways will still detour to Harare to pick up 3 passengers so it can refuel enroute to Nairobi.

  10. This man is very dull he thinks that when he commissions a thousand projects 7 days to elections people will forget about their rambling stomachs …he is so detached from reality …he needs to go and none of these projects even belong to Zambians all the big airport are now owned by Chinks until the inflated loans are paid up.

  11. This man is very du ll he thinks that when he commissions a thousand projects 7 days to elections people will forget about their rambling stomachs …he is so detached from reality …he needs to go and none of these projects even belong to Zambians all the big airport are now owned by Ch inks until the inflated loans are paid up.

    Its like someone said,” By the way you can also wear a jacket sir – its cold .”

  13. @Mwabupo, that question about eating airports is what keeps Africa behind. Why should food trash all sense & vision. You have choice between satisfying your hunger now & creating environment where there’s no hunger. Foreign owners of our economy are happy with that hunger mentality. While you eating & ejecting it all in toilet they are getting all your wealth & blessings like Esau did to Jacob because of hunger in Gen25:30. Its been story of Africa. Infrastructure such as roads, airports, schools, universities etc is what builds country & gets rid of poverty. Not that short term hunger mentality. God Bless Zambia

  14. The Humble President is commissioning the new airport terminal but Zambia Airways has not been launched from last year. It would have made much sense if we had our own airline. As the case is there is no pride for us in the Aviation industry despite this ultra modern airport being commissioned though not yet complete . We shall as usual be seeing foreign airlines reaping profits right in from of our yes as though we are watching a movie on TV screen. The President gave the estimation of traffic of 4million passengers per year passing through KKIA. Those phantom figures which were cooked by the computer boys.

  15. “President Lungu said the Chinese government has supported a number of infrastructure development projects that are in line with Zambia’s developmental agenda.”-LT

    “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people.”

    Vote no to top down leadership

  16. “The government invested 1 billion dollars in the aviation industry”. You really meant to say that the CHINESE government invested 1 billion dollars. YOU invested NOTHING. YOU only gave away Zambian property, first ZNBC became Chinese, now it is Zesco – GONE! Thankfully August 12 will bring an end to the misery you have brought over this country. SHAME ON YOU!

  17. This is the most welcome step. This investment will give the much needed impetus to the economic growth of the country. Now there will be jobs and businesses!

  18. Two birds in one stone. It will help not just aviation industry, but also the tourism industry. That is called visionary leader!

  19. @Mwabupo It is absolutely right that people won’t eat airports. But the development it brings with it, business and job opportunities it throws open will help people to earn money. Do you get it? Have you taken efforts to check out, who are the impoverished people? Have you seen the condition of people in Southern Province? Here, we have a leader who is trying to elevate our lives and you are singing the same tune! Bl00dy pessimist.

  20. With commissioning of new airports and road, it will rain jobs and businesses. Zambia will soon be tourism hub of the region. Mark my words.

  21. @Sampa Mutale I can understand your agony. This project has hit one more nail in the coffin of HH and UPND. With each new project being commissioned, HH’s prospects are fading.

  22. Zambia has already been acknowledged as safest tourism destination in Africa to travel during Covid19. With the massive development in the infrastructure, the country will attract more tourists in days to come.

  23. @Tarino Orange I can’t tell you how much I like it when you crib. It is sheer satisfaction to see you clinching your fists and hitting the wall in frustration. Learn to bear with it for another five years.

  24. This is one project I’m very happy about. A good airport has NOTHING to do with politics! It is an important factor for any country’s development and we all want to see Zambia step forward. You can criticize politicians all you want but learn to see this as a national investment which can only operate efficiently if the locals are fully behind it. Zambians, let’s be proud of projects that will outlive politics and politicians!

  25. Zambians are easily excitable over normal things! That’s why they are easy to hoodwink. Ask the ‘investors’.

  26. Indeed “people cannot eat airports” people cannot eat roads neither do they eat schools and clinics. These are the sentiments of people so low in thinking that they link every thing to a plate of food on the table. Little do they know that they need roads to bring food on the table, they need planes to land to bring medicines, voting will be conducted on thursday because a plane from somewhere brought printed ballot papers. A country will not develop if we wait for all these dundaheards to undestand the basic principles of development.

  27. @Mwabupo. You need to understand that your food chain in linked to your infrastructure, we are not sure what your job is in the US but we expect you to atleast understand that whatever attraction you have for US was infrastructure otherwise you would not have got to that place. Colonial mentality of not understanding things has contributed to Africa remaining far behind their continental peers in development. Let us shed of f this backwardness of refusing to understand deeper economic development.

  28. This airport is shoddy when compared to others in the subregions! I was inside recently and was so disappointed by the shoddy looks I was greeted to with only one escalator belt to move up and we dream to be an aviation hub? Baggage conveyors were even jamming as they moved bags! We had to wait another 25 minutes above normal takeoff time bcoz taxi ways for aircraft were not enough- and that is in covid times for a future hub!! God help us and it cost US$360m!!

  29. 1.. We have too much poor mentality in Zambia. We live in a very competitive world, where fast transport and shipping logistics are demanded to deliver commodities, products, goods and raw materials from one destination to another.

    One of the problems that have made so many Zambian exporters fail to secure exports contracts to the European Markets has been due to the failure of shipping or delivering products on time, especially horticulture/agriculture products, which need to arrive fresh in supermarkets for immediate consumer consumption.

  30. 2… This is the time for every Zambian who has aspirations and ambitions to export horticulture & agriculture products to Europe, The Middle East, China and the USA and take advantage of the new Airport which will handle more export logistics faster. The airport also has better storage houses for freight liners.

    Tourism is another sector that will receive a boom. Because tourists don’t like making too many connections to reach a holiday destination.

  31. 3… I find it hard to hear some people on Lusaka times denounce the airport. Unless if you are an illogical, frustrated person with no ambitions whatsoever.

    To put it simply, the airport will bring more forex to Zambia. One just needs to be creative ambitions and determined to generate wealth.

    So you if you are lazy and with chronic negativity, please step aside and stay in your misery. The is a grand opportunity for the courageous, especially if you are based in Europe and USA, because finding the market and getting funding is very easy.

  32. That amount of money invested in Agriculture would have already produced massive returns. This guy and his crew of empty heads urgently need to go this Thursday.

  33. Ati from the current 2 million visitors pa ??

    That is 5,479 visitors very day flying into zambia including Sundays ???

    Where have seen those numbers lungu ??

    That is how lungu and his gang are stealing. By presenting inflated number

  34. Put another way lungu, you are saying zambia gets 2 million visitors pa …..

    OK, let’s say you are telling the truth.
    And on average each visitor spends $400 in zambia……that is $800, 000,000. Pa

    Where is that money , lungu ???

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