Sunday, September 8, 2024

PF discredits US Congressman’s ranting asking President Lungu to concede defeat; He has been lobbied by special interests groups


The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) reacted sharply on Tuesday to comments by US Senator Bob Menendez who asked President Edgar Lungu to concede defeat ahead of general elections on Thursday. Menendez said Lungu should cede power because his regime had eroded the nation’s democratic credentials.

PF political and media committee spokesman Amos Chanda charged that his party was aware that Menendez had been lobbied by special interests groups and individuals to portray Zambia as a failed state.

“Allegations by congressman Menendez that Zambia was sliding into a totalitarian state are totally false because no individual has been arrested for exercising their democratic right,” Mr Chanda said

Below is the full statement by us Congressman

AUGUST 09, 2021


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, submitted the following statement for the Senate Record calling for free and fair elections in Zambia on August 12. Chairman Menendez urged political leaders to work together to reverse the democratic backsliding that has occurred in Zambia under President Edgar Lungu, in order to avoid political violence and restore Zambians’ faith in their government.

“Mr. President, I rise to discuss Zambia’s upcoming elections and the erosion of democracy under President Edgar Lungu. On August 12, the people of Zambia will go to the polls to elect their President and members of the National Assembly. They will do so under the cloud of growing authoritarianism, with troops in the streets, protesters in prison, and dissenting voices muzzled by censorship. Indeed, many Zambians have good reason to be dissatisfied with their present government and, in a free and fair vote, might very well reject President Lungu’s bid for reelection. But I fear they may not have that opportunity.

For nearly 30 years, Zambians have enjoyed a relatively free and open political environment. In 1991, Zambia’s founding father Kenneth Kaunda lost the country’s first multiparty election in decades and gracefully stepped aside after 27 years in power. President Kaunda died in June of this year, at the age of 97, with a complicated legacy; he was a liberator, but also held an iron grip on power for nearly three decades. However, his final act of public service paved the way for democracy to take root in his country in the years that followed. Sadly, President Lungu is erasing that monumental contribution to the Zambian people.

Since President Lungu’s rise to power in 2014, he has used the organs of the state to intimidate his political opponents and consolidate power for his Patriotic Front party. Freedom House rates Zambia as only ‘partly free,’ citing laws and government actions which have had the effect of restricting the activities of opposition parties, limiting civil society participation, and curbing free expression. Similarly, the U.S. Department of State, in its 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, noted ‘significant human rights issues’ in Zambia, particularly in the area of elections and political participation.

In March, the Zambian political analyst Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa published an essay in which he warned that ‘Zambia may burn after the August elections.’ He wrote that the public’s distrust of Zambia’s institutions and the ruthless competition between its political elites had contributed to a climate of fear and anger that could plunge the country into chaos. The subversion of the independence of the courts and other public institutions has led to a lack of confidence. Credible allegations of corruption and impunity have been made against leaders. A collapsing economy, mismanaged by President Lungu to the point of defaulting on its foreign loans, has resulted in mass youth unemployment and rising inequality. Dr. Sishuwa also noted Western countries’ declining assistance to Zambia and their silence on its democratic backsliding. He painted a vivid image of a once-peaceful and prosperous country on the brink of calamity. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Zambian police began investigating Dr. Sishuwa for sedition shortly after the essay’s publication.

Indeed, political violence has already arrived on the streets of Zambia. Fighting between supporters of the PF and the opposition United Party for National Development left at least two people dead last week. Troops have been mobilized to restore order, but Zambian security forces have also been accused of using deadly force against peaceful protesters.

The United States has a clear interest in ensuring that Zambia remains a free and stable country. We have provided approximately $500 million in assistance to Zambia every year. At a time of increasing instability in Southern Africa, with unrest in South Africa and Eswatini, crackdowns in Zimbabwe, a brutal insurgency in Mozambique, and the rampant spread of COVID–19, the region cannot afford Zambia’s collapse. We know that instability anywhere has a rippling effect that impacts U.S. interests and our allies.

Moreover, Zambia presents a test for the Biden administration’s commitment to promoting and protecting democracy abroad. I encourage the administration to more address Zambia’s democratic backsliding. I hope that is corrected before elections commence. We should be clear with President Lungu that the United States does not tolerate authoritarianism and that the generosity of the American people is not without limits. The United States should increase support for Zambian civil-society and democracy and governance programming in Zambia. Finally, the Biden administration can demonstrate its commitment to the bilateral relationship by nominating a skilled and experienced diplomat to serve as ambassador to Zambia.

While the United States stands with the Zambian people, ultimately, responsibility for Zambia’s democratic decline lies squarely with President Lungu and his government. In the short term, President Lungu must commit to holding free and fair elections on August 12 and ensure transparency in the process by permitting election monitors to observe the vote without restrictions. He must also publicly commit to accept the outcome of the election, and step aside should he lose. Regardless of the outcome, the PF, UPND, and all other parties must work together to restore the integrity and independence of public institutions, end impunity for state violence, and address corruption. They must do this by partnering with civil society, restoring freedom of the press, and respecting civil liberties. They must accept that dissent and protest are not a threat to their power, but rather proof of a healthy polity.

This will be a long and difficult process which will test the courage and patriotism of Zambia’s elites. Next week’s elections may be the first step towards Zambia’s renewal or else the next step towards its ruin. Perhaps President Lungu can take inspiration from Kenneth Kaunda’s final act of leadership and put his country before his own political interests.”


  1. You are lying…. china is still in this country. We know that you have been supporting hh because you want a puppet who will allow you to oppress local indigenous… the mistakes we made was to allow US to build a base in Zambia

  2. The PF reacts so sharply for a reason: they know the American congressman is right. After the PF rebuked the American ambassador last week, who of course was also right with his observations, it could only get worse. It is really fascinating, how the PF is trying to cling to power in the most hypocritical and dishonest ways. August 12 thankfully is tomorrow so it will soon be over.

  3. The US should stop interfering with our elections. It’s becoming clear that they have already taken sides and are the chief architects of confusion. They accused the Russians of interfering with their elections therefore should leave us alone. Why should we have a twart who has never set foot on our country utter such rubbish? These are the people pulling us back with their fake democratic principles. Sort out your own mess before pointing fingers at others atase. $500 million fake money is not worth giving up our sovereignty. We know our country is priceless so please leave us alone.

  4. While not condoning election malpractice of any kind by either ruling or opposition parties l for one take exception t this senators rantings. Let this senator first address the failed US election. Let them concentrate on correcting the revealed meddling and subversion of the American vote rather than make careless statements. how do u concede an election before voting ? we are not a filed state such condescending statements show the appalling lack of respect these so said defenders of democracy have for the rest of the world.

  5. We now know why LT moderation has gone crazy, because the regime changers are busy monitoring us. KK was a wise man, we are finished.

  6. This mofi is crazy, he doesn’t know that we know that he is supporting regime change because of their interest in our country. Go back and leave our Zambia.

  7. Those that doubted KK’s video circulating about that man from Zimbabwe as he put it…here is your proof. We can also name the many countries the US has tampered with and still tampering with. Look at Haiti, Liberia, Mexico, list goes on. What is the common denominator in these countries? People need to seriously wake up to such ranting and worry about the real intentions behind such.

  8. This is from a person looking in from the outside. Sometimes that view is clearer albeit painful to the culprits along with perpetrators.

  9. What’s a US congressman got to do with Zambian elections? That’s called meddling. We know what’s going on with interest groups, including Vedanta, who want to come to Zambia and loot our resources.
    That’s the problem with upnd. Discredit your own country in the eyes of the international community. Zambia, according to HH, is a failed state, unless of course, he becomes president. Then it would suddenly turn into a shining light as Vedanta reaps our resources. The vultures are waiting and positioning themselves to reap Zambia’s flesh. God bless and save Zambia.

  10. I think its silly to keep bullying other countries into submitting to something that itself needs a lot of reforms. How much has US helped us rebuild the economy they helped destroy in MMD together with their now puppet they want to install as a leader in Zambia? After privatisation we still remained with a huge debt stock and no serious industry or infrastructure was ever built with their support today China has come in handy and the country is on the path to development we thought we shall never achieve and they are busy lecturing us on our we should conduct our elections. Does life start and end at elections? If they were so interested in good political environment why didn’t they encourage HH to recognise the head of state and urge his party to reform the laws in parliament that…

  11. I lived in the US as a student for nearly ten years. Most Americans, including highly educated ones, are so ignorant about Africa that it wouldn’t surprise me if Senator Menendez is confusing Gambia under Sergeant Doe with Zambia under ECL.

  12. Just be careful with the USA….when Trump was trying to cling to power all these moron senators were hiding in their butttty holes….America is a failed state….fake democracy and corruption and they like to incite violence and regime change and they will come and take all your natural materials…Lungu is not a puppet

  13. Facts @ 10, u’re also ignorant because Sergeant Doe was a Liberian dictator and not Gambia. You mean Yaya Jameh I think.

  14. How many nations have they destroyed by meddling in their affairs? Look at Congo after the demise of Lumumba Libya after the death of Gadaffi and Iraq and many other countries in the Carribeans and South America they have interfered with? What is the state of these nations ? They have to allow nations to grow their democracies by fine tuning them to their own interests and this takes time, setbacks and gradual reforms. Zambian people know exactly what they want and they keep making progress despite many betrayals with those we thought were our foreign friends yet they mean to maim and destroy us. What democratic credentials does HH have anyway? Look at how he has over stayed at the helm of his party and what does that imply as head of state? You want us to end up with a Trump in State…

  15. It’s becoming clear that they have already taken sides and are the chief architects of confusion. They accused the Russians of interfering with their elections therefore should leave us alone. Why should we have someone who has never set foot in our country utter such rubbish? These are the people pulling us back with their fake democratic principles. Sort out your own mess before pointing fingers at others. $500 million is not worth giving up our sovereignty. We know our country is priceless so please leave us alone. We know yo are up to no good.

  16. Dear PF: stop taking US money – i.e. millions in USD in grants for health, agriculture, social protection; and while you are it, stop begging the IMF to bail you out from your reckless stupidity (debt you created). Then you are free to tell them to go to hell.
    You own nothing, have failed at every thing, and these countries that OWN you have every right to express opinions. When you stop begging from these countries, you can hold your head up. But you can’t survive with their money and are not making any progress to actually be independent, as you can only borrow and don’t produce enough of anything because of your gross incompetence. These countries, including China, are all laughing at you. China is just doing it by owning all the country’s assets as collateral to the money…

  17. When the Americans were butchering themselves to reinstall trump we watched… when Jed bush manipulated the Florida election we watched… when bush sent troops to assassinate sadaam we watched… when they supported apartheid we watched… what do you want in Zed… go back to trump.. we are ELC forever

  18. We are determined to develop Zambia and we are on the right track. Congressman Menendez we cannot digest cabbage coming from you, it creates stomach problems. Vote ECL for a better Zambia



  20. It’s just the truth, Chi colour Lungu is a tin pot dictator, the id1ot is not only a theif and a dander head but he thinks Zambia is his with his ka stup1d father and the tu ma useless children of his, he must think again… The ka worst president Zambia has ever seen

  21. These comments in Zambia are coming from the congressman because we are failing to do the right things for ourselves. It is always finger pointing. Lets put our house in order by making the right choice we troop to polling booths 2moro. The man is right lets not dismiss his claims a wise persons pays attention to all concerns and digests. Fools always dismiss advise with impunity and they don’t see beyond their noses as long as it suits their liking. I know Amos Chanda has found a chance to sneak back to the Powers Be reason he can do everything to Impress after having his fingers burnt for having previously gone beyond his limits.

  22. I don’t know why PF is distancing itself from USA because PF commanders are Americans…..kikiki. Well at least Americans won’t come to Zambia to sell chickens and vitumbuwa at city market. They have developed Rwanda and when they are tired of Kagame, they will oust him. Same with HH, he will be ousted if he doesn’t perform. They have done it everywhere.

  23. It is a fact that Zambia receives 500 million USD a year to America; if is also a fact that the 2021 elections just like those before have been funded by donations from America; Britain and commonwealth countries; these guys have a vested interest. it’s not meddling when they donate money..some peanut brains only see meddling when they offer tactical advice. If China is an all weather friend.why have they not funded your elections or even printed your free ballot papers??. simple China does not care about elections as they don’t have elections in their country.

  24. Ba Zambia, do you need a USA diplomat or Congress man, or you can feel and see? You are suffering, losing your dignity, have a corrupt president, poverty, no medicines in hospitals, stealing gov, stolen COVID funds, lost freedoms. That your democracy is fake, constitutional court is comprised, no jobs, Chinese colony, Chinaman racism?

  25. What shall decide who shall rule Zambia is tomorrow’s vote, and not any imperialist. People will choose with free minds who they want to be president of Zambia. Let’s turn in large numbers. Uwafitala akaimwena mailo.

  26. America, America, they realise that their project under upnd is not going to work. Already two comments point to conceading that upnd will not win. First comment is that they going to impose sanctions on individuals meaning that when lungu win and declared so, he will face sanctions. He has to loose. But what happens vif people vote for him. Second, the ***** senator says lungu should just handover power. What is the purpose of the election? One blogger claims America transformed Rwanda, I strongly doubt that view. America has never changes any country for the better. Look at Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and nearby mobuto’s congo. Nothing worthy pointing at. Rwanda has done it because kagame has vision and his people gave him chance. Lungu may not be perfect, but he has done much better and…

  27. We in Zambia are capable of resolving our own internal affairs. The last thing we need is hearing voices of the oppressors irritating our ears. PF, MMD, UPND, UNIP…list goes on, these parties belong to Zambians with an exception of that leader from Zimbabwe who is trying to divide us. I’m sure that cuban migrant senator owes his success to the US meddling in Cuba. We love our Zambia so please leave us alone.

  28. Just few days ago American President Joe Biden, announced that by 2030 he wants 50% of the cars on American roads being electric cars. This will require lots of our copper in the manufacture of these cars. So we know the interest of Americans in this elections. They want someone who will guarantee them the supply of our copper. They have seen this in one opposition leader and hence their rantings!!!

  29. US Congressman should keep out of our internal matters. They should first take care of Covid19 situation in their country.

  30. This is the biggest proof that HH is a CIA stooge. If not, then why so much interest of a Congressman in Zambia’s elections?

  31. @No Corruption Zambia you are lecturing because you know PF is doing the right thing. You are worried, because HH stands exposed. His links with anti Zambia forces are proved now. So, whatever you say, it will not help your master anymore.

  32. The timing of this statement and so called concern for the democracy on Zambia is really intriguing. Why was this Congressman silent till now? Why the sudden love for Zambia?

  33. This is the last ditch attempt to salvage sinking ship of UPND and try to install the puppet president. We all know that Hakainde Hichilema is US stooge. Enemies of Zambia want him to use to loot the country.

  34. Who is Bob Menendez, by the way? What’s his locus standi to advice anything to Zambian President? Who gave him the authority? Mr Bob Menendez, better be in limits.

  35. When they saw, their pawn is trailing, the masters seem to have come forward to help. Oppenheimer family tried its best to impose HH as the only leader who can rule the country. When it failed, they have unleashed Bob Menendez.

  36. Why are you so interested in Zambia’s elections? Who gave you right to poke your nose in our internal matter? If you are so much in love with Hakainde Hichilema, then take him to US and do whatever you want to with him. Just fcuk off.

  37. We can now open our eyes as to the under current and see it as similar to what transpired in 1991. They created a propaganda that the mines were making loses yet they just created a credit crunch to force regime change. They sold us the song on privatisation did Zambia become better? Why wouldn’t l believe that they partly created this dollar shortage in the system by systematically allowing Vendetta to reduce production and create a hostile environment with the workers, suppliers and the community as well as Glencore desire to pull out at a critical moment? What would stop offshore investors as part of the cartel from pulling out the dollar in order to create inflation pressure to push the prices beyond the reach of the majority and make it a rider for regime change based on high cost…

  38. Anonymous @ 26, why should being Latino be an issue here? Do u want him to change from being a Latino before u’re ready to accept his views? And how can he possibly do that?

  39. living? Why come out clear to support HH what is in it for them? Let us not be duped this is not about democracy. Has HH helped to make the environment better for free and fear elections? What was their behaviour regarding electoral reforms ? Lets open our eyes openly for this is not about HH or ECL this is about our resources our inheritance. I’m voting ECL because he is a lesser evil and has shown a lot of character in putting the economy in the hands of Zambians.

  40. Donald J. Trump, the 46th president of America would simply describe such a congressman as:
    1. a sh** ho** congressman.
    2. a sick puppy congressman.
    3. a fake.

    Otherwise Amos Chanda has responded to the congressman in a more modest tone.
    Probably a ALN chief. Some gay champion. Maybe a h² acquaintance.

  41. “We cannot expect to make everyone our friend, but we can try to make no one our enemy.” Richard Nixon

    No Third termfor PF. Vote no to top down leadership.

  42. “Those who would be our adversaries, we invite to a peaceful competition–not in conquering territory or extending dominion, but in enriching the life of man.
    As we explore the reaches of space, let us go to the new worlds together–not as new worlds to be conquered, but as a new adventure to be shared.
    With those who are willing to join, let us cooperate to reduce the burden of arms, to strengthen the structure of peace, to lift up the poor and the hungry.
    But to all those who would be tempted by weakness, let us leave no doubt that we will be as strong as we need to be for as long as we need to be.“ Richard Nixon

  43. Donald J. Trump, the 46th president of America would simply describe such a congressman as:
    1. a sh** ho** congressman.
    2. a sick congressman.
    3. a
    4. a hoax
    5. a loser
    Who does that?
    Otherwise Amos Chanda has responded to the congressman in a more modest tone.
    Probably a ALN chief. Some g.a.y champion. Maybe a h² acquaintance.

  44. “Let all nations know that during this administration our lines of communication will be open.
    We seek an open world–open to ideas, open to the exchange of goods and people–a world in which no people, great or small, will live in angry isolation.
    We cannot expect to make everyone our friend, but we can try to make no one our enemy.
    Those who would be our adversaries, we invite to a peaceful competition–not in conquering territory or extending dominion, but in enriching the life of man.”

  45. Of all articles, this congressman just goes to read discredited sishuwa and makes the case for it.
    What has this chap congressman been smoking lately?
    What gives this moron Menendez the guts to disparage the people’s choice ECL in this manner. Where are his manners?
    If you can read my comment congressman if you’re ignorant on Zambian politics please do us a favor and please STFU.
    Is it a sit own mines in our own country? This BS.

  46. Bob Menendez is a failed and crooked Politician here in the US…he is nothing and one really talks about him….he’s a nobody here but he wants to open his sticky Latino mouth and talk about Zambian elections…his people are running away from Latin America where he comes from trooping in the USA because of crime,gangs and no democracy and he wants to talk about Zambia chimbwiii

  47. Sorry. The odds favors ECL. How the hell did this congressman use the USA to champion his biasness to the already losing upnd?
    Did sishuwa single handedly manage to dupe this Menendez thing?
    Has this white character ever stepped a foot in Zambia before 1991, 2011 let alone 2021 to yap like this?
    Can he see the glimmering splendor Zambia is in today under ECL? Doesn’t America or China got debt?

  48. Imakando, HH got $300,000 to sell Zambia for a song. Yudah Scariot sold Jesus for how much? 3 pieces. Imakando, you understand the bible. Explain. Here is $300, 000 haunting Zambia. Hi, Nevers Mumba no one came in your dream to interpret $300 000 and as result you chose to defend hh. HH is a rich person but he has accepted $300 000 to sell Zambia. With plenty of land, we know he dribbled deceased Land, he milked Zambia through privatization. 3 from $300 000 means Zambia as a christian nation is under attack.

  49. All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us
    Don’t worry what people say, we know the truth
    All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us
    Enough is enough of this garbage
    All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us
    In the suit, on the news, everybody, dog food

    Lyrics of a famous musician expressing his disgust after knowing the truth about people who pretend to try and help but their intentions paint a different story.

  50. Sorry. The odds favors ECL. How the he.ll did this congressman use the USA to champion his biasness to the already losing upnd?
    Did sishuwa single handedly manage to dupe this Menendez thing?
    Has this white character ever stepped a foot in Zambia before 1991, 2011 let alone 2021 to yap like this?
    Can he see the glimmering splendor Zambia is in today under ECL? Doesn’t America or China got debt?

  51. While I would love to see regime change in Zambia, as ECL and his PF gang have evidently been steeped in corruption, I’m wary of America trying to meddle in our affairs. Not to mention that their own election wasn’t without problems. America meddling in Zambia’s election should be a source of concern. whether you’re UPND or PF. In short America should stop trying to impose a puppet on our country. I like HH and would love to see him win. But not because America wants him to be the winner. What vested interests do they have in wanting to see HH win? That indeed should be a source of concern, as we all know that America does not have Africa’s best interests at heart.

  52. Has the USA also reminded Hakainde Hichilema to acknowledge defeat if and when he loses? Edgar Lungu is not going into an election alone as such the advice should have balancedly been echoed.

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