Friday, October 18, 2024

President Lungu Expresses Shock at the Violence in Western, North Western and Southern Provinces, Calls on PF members to remain calm


President Edgar Lungu Zambia has described as shocking the murder of Patriotic Front North Western Province Chairman Jackson Kungo, and a brother of provincial Deputy Permanent Secretary Emmanuel Chihili.

According to a statement released to the media by statehouse, President Lungu is further dismayed by the amount of mayhem in North Western, some parts of Westen, and Southern provinces which he says has effectively rendered the elections in the three provinces not free and fair.

“How can you talk about free and fair elections when our opponents have taken this election as war? When people say elections were not free and fair, they accuse the ruling party but look at North Westen Province, some parts of Western, and Southen provinces, who is causing the mayhem? The opposition,” President Lungu said.

President Lungu has since directed the Army Commander to re-enforce troops in the three provinces and not to leave any stone unturned in ensuring peace returns to the rest of the country.

“This is exactly what I said last night concerning political violence. It is of course clear that these two Zambians have been killed in cold blood by UPND members. I, therefore, direct the Zambia Army Commander to quickly re-enforce security in North-Western, some parts of Western, and Southern provinces where this unprecedented violence is taking place,” President Lungu says.

“Yesterday, during my address to the nation I said ‘as long as I remain, President, I will not countenance violence’, and less than 24 hours later we experience such brutal incidents orchestrated by our opponents who want to rule Zambia by force will ensure lives of citizens are protected, and I will not take kindly to these evil schemes,” the President has warned.

And President Lungu has sent a message of condolences to the Kungo and Chihili families and urged them and the Patriotic Front members to be calm and not resort to retaliation.

“The job to arrest the killers lies with security officers. So, stay calm and do not retaliate. It hurts so bad but some killers have been arrested already, and the rest will be found,” the President says.


  1. The PF regime had a tactic, and for a while this worked for them – render most institutions that safe guard democratic order useless – first the police, judicial systems(courts etc), parliament, etc so that the PF was able to do as they pleased. Unfortunately, this situation has simultaneously led to general populace losing hope in these institutions – in particular the police. The outcome is today’s violence, vigilantism.
    Worse still, people’s lives are being lost – this is not the Zambia we know!

    God bless the land of Zambia so that it can rise above this difficult time

  2. Iwe Lungu two people were shot including a Prosecutor, a Mugala boy was shot, a UNZA student was murdered by the ZP, people died of gassing, when did you ever talked about violence? Now you’re losing ati violence!? What violence?

  3. Sir, constitutionally speaking, you are not supposed to be speaking as the President of the Great Republic of Zambia. Since you are also a competitor, someone neutrally should be addressing these serious issues. Already you are taking sides, blaming the opposition without competent investigations. Are you not afraid that you could be prosecuted for these utterances?

  4. The murderous Party have shed their first blood. Arrest them. They’re cursed, they’ll never rule this country

  5. Today you make excuses for voting in violent people with total disregard to loss of life. No election is worth dying for. The same people you praise today will come back to haunt you. I remember when people danced in the streets in their underwear when PF came to power. This total disregard of things by UNPD should serve as a warning to those that think a messiah is about to save Zambia. We like to entertain lunacy until we realise it’s all a bluff. It’s so sad to see in our life time what these two parties have done to Zambia. We will emerge a divided country with security flaws.

  6. Procrastinating has cost you big time. Kungo and Chihili add Nsama Nsama and J Kaundas families too. You have addressed the Nation 3 or 4 times in the last 48 hours, that’s more than your appearances in the last 7 years. You unleashed tribal propaganda on the opposition. You spared no one.
    As your wife to appeal…

  7. It’s sad someone has been killed. But how do you straight away conclude that it’s UPND members? Aren’t you supposed to allow a proper investigation and verification? Why are you also citing violence in those particular areas and calling in the army? Is this a dress rehearsal to declare the counting or actual elections in those areas void? You have closed social media platforms and now this. Looks like you are the one seeking excuses to cling on.

  8. This moron is shocked now..reality has come to wake him up, all these year people were telling him but he hid himself.

  9. Lungu the devil has to go by ballot or by bullet. Lungu is the worst president the world will ever see. Jail is waiting for you you liar thief hypocrite and murderer. You will rot in jail. This satanist of a president has destroyed Zambia.

  10. It is shocking that some cadres have the time to justify the death of two people. Wait until your own is killed in cold blood then you will appreciate the loss of life. I mean any life. Life is precious and it is neither PF or UPND.

  11. You compromised all the institutions of the country and turned a blind eye to cadre violence. Citizens then resort to vigilantism in an effort to ensure a free and fair election. This was bound yo happen.
    Then you pretend to condemn the violence!! What a poor, poor leader you are!. Enough of you. Bye.

  12. UPND supporters you really scare me. Two PF cadres were killed in chawama by known UPND members who have since been arrested. Two people have been killed in NorthWestern province by UPND supporters. If you are as good as you claim to be where is your empathy in all these two murder incidents. All we see and hear are insults directed at ECL and justifications. So how can people trust that you love all Zambians and will rule all Zambians with love. Any person who can’t aknowledge a wrong when it is done but looks for excuses is a very dangerous person. Why hasn’t HH said anything about all these murders? This level of hatred against the president is so dark and I have never seen such hatred towards a person.

  13. President Lungu Expressing Shock at the Violence is a total JOKE. This is the same man that has ruled Zambia by using violence against the people. Fa Lungu you are now reaping what you sowed. Don’t try to blame the opposition for the violence. You Sir are the root cause of it.

    Enough is Enough. Today Zambians have SPOKEN. It’s a New ERA for Zambia.

  14. When you murder someone because of political affiliation, just remember this, their wife or husband could support the same party as the person committing the crime. We should never condone criminality because this in itself is a reflection of who we really are. Why are we afraid of confronting the real criminals stealing our resources but find it easy to point fingers at ourselves for our woes. The economic criminals are busy telling us that a mineral rich country like Zambia is heavily indebted and is in financial ruins with a debt of 12 billion. Only lunatics will believe that. We know that financial criminals like to talk down real value so that they can access resources on the cheap. We have been engineered socially and about to pay the price.

  15. LT you seriously need to improve your vocabulary of words with this moderation nonsense. Engineering is not profanity. How do you expect someone to describe what your headline is saying and then you moderate the words? I’m sure you will block this one too??

  16. Always regrettable when a life is lost senselessly. Mr ECL will find out that better be quiet and let responsible officers comment This posture of raw power is wrong.

    The bottom line that is why we have to have people trust the polic, ECZ, etc.

  17. Chagwa, wagwa mambala iwe kikikikiki

    The same people you have been belittling are voting you out of office. Mupando wa President belongs to the Zambian people not to one person.

    Never forget who you serve.

    As President you think you are the boss, Fxxxk No. We the people are the bosses. You serve us. But did you serve us? Hell No, you didn’t and it’s for the reason that we had this record turnout today to get rid of you and your band.

  18. L Times please allow

    I don’t condone violence no matter which party it is. If he was caught tampering with ballots, they should have tied him up or lock him in a room instead of killing him. He was just a messenger doing the JOB ECL sent him to do. Lungu has blood on his hands for encouraging his people to tamper with the ballots. Hopefully this loss will deter others from tampering with ballots.

  19. If the incoming government doesn’t perform to our liking, we shall also toss them out and vote for another party and the democratic process in Zambia shall flourish

    Going forward, I’m very hopeful that Zambians in general will vote based on issues not based on tribe or gender.

    I love Zambia ?? and I will always cherish this beautiful country.

  20. A lot of our fellow citizens in those provinces were disfrenchized by underregistering the people that are eligible to vote. Those could be the frustrations. Sad state of affairs though

  21. Definitely needs to be investigated, Life is too precious. Such things shouldn’t happen.
    There’s No need blame UPND just because we are afraid they can win this race.


  23. PF Cadre VS PF Cadre violence
    The Amelican Commander 2 stated in a video that there are factions among the PF cadres.
    When the PF office was gutted in Chawama, they blamed the UPND but the PF cadre from the Kalimanshi group singled out a rival PF faction.
    This nonsense comes to an end next week.

  24. No one in their right mind condones violence. all this violence was started by PF, Parading their cadres in military fatigues and muscle men being flaunted to intimidate Zambians. During the beating and killings of opposition members cited by others above, did our beloved leader utter a word or make any effort to reign in his supporters? He was warned that will ultimately get fed up and fight back. This is what is happened. Sad that ALL these lives have been lost. Zambia has one president at any given time. The buck stops with that presudent. Who’s that this time around? It’s all your fault Mr Lungu. It’s time you left office.

  25. Jackson Kungo was murdered by people standing in a polling station queue. What evidence is there that these people were members of the UPND?

  26. we are on the ground and reinforcing. no stone shall be left unturned. enough is enough. an eye for an eye. by tomorrow morning we would have revenged this

  27. The humble leader has finally spoken! Too little too late mate!

    You came short on leadership, kept quite when it mattered most on fire trucks, ambulances, expired drugs, involved in Mukula trees scandal, your daughter involved in forest grabbing in eastern province, 48 houses etc the list is endless. Why do you want to force yourself on the people that have rejected you?

    Have some rest, the job was big for your small feet’s sir

  28. And just imagine we all saw on ZNBC how there has been violence in Luapula but no mention by our dear leader. Why are no soldiers speeding to Luapula?

    Very sad for any person to be killed and those who did it must be brought to account.

    Even worse for someone to pounce as an excuse. We all heard last night when our dear leader warned that conditions for a one party state are ripe. I do not doubt his desire or conviction.

    There is no evidence as yet that it was UPND cadres, may have been fed up Zambians.

  29. Just google the man, you will find out that he is a well known PF mobiliser and enforcer in NW. Lungu suspend him over the Gold scandal sometime back, remember? The youths know him, imagine seeing Lusambo acting dodgy at a busy polling station??? Danger!!! Someone must have Piningilad him.

  30. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    I can easily see where this is going. Trust me these murders were planted and orchestrated by Lungu himself and his min!0ns so he can find an excuse to get rid of the ballots from those provinces. Just listen to his language here again and you can easily see through the not so clever scheme. It was also meant to distract people from voting in these areas.
    Western, North Western and Southern provinces are not known for violence during elections but guess whose strongholds these provinces are?

  31. The Kungo chap was the custodian for his gold mines in North Western that why Chi colour is worried, this id1ot Lungu is heart less and only gives a f*ck if it benefits him, next its u Chi colour

  32. The murderer in-chief now has decided to talk? Your police thugs killed Mapenzi of UNZA & many more ordered the gassing…now u want to complain.

    Lungu kills even his own party people to justifying staying in power… that’s how evil he is

  33. It’s a pity that the youths who are easily misled and most of them born in 2000 are the ones being used and HH you don’t have good intentions for Zambia and you have blood on your hands…killing someone in the name of Politics…..shame Zambia shame….

  34. The Zambian people at last have spoken. A dictator with a warped way of thinking is now starting to use his poor logic to explain things. You have no choice now.

  35. We hear this Kungo chap was killed by Mob justice on allegations of giving to others and being found with pre-marked ballot papers to temper with the will of the pipo. Rumour has it he was caught twice, the second time he was killed. Don’t how true that is, but thats rumour

  36. Strangely enough he wasn’t in the least shocked by the several murders committed by Kaizar Zulu and others during the last election campaign. Plus he advised us to ask Miles Sampa what he knew about the murder of Ruth Mbandu – but during his whole time as President he wasn’t shocked enough to ever get it investigated – and he backed Sampa as candidate for Lusaka Mayor. It seems his shockability is very selective – it only operates when anyone other than PF fights back against them.

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