Friday, October 18, 2024

Voting in Kaoma impressive


Kaoma District has recorded a good number of voter turnout following a number of polling stations visited by ZANIS crew this morning.

An on the spot check at six polling stations in Kaoma Central Constituency revealed that by 04:00hrs more than half of registered voters had arrived at their respective polling stations.

Six polling stations namely Mahilo Primary School, Naliele Primary School, Longe Primary School, Kaoma Trades Training Institutions, Chilombo Primary School and Mulamatila Secondary School.

At Mahilo Primary School polling station, over 1000 Voters had queued by 05:30 hours ready to cast their vote.

The station was opened at exactly 06:00 hours with the first voter casting his vote at exactly 06:04 hours.

Mahilo has 1,505 registered voters.

At Kaoma Trades polling station which has 4,430 registered number of voters with five streams had more than 2500 voters in the queue by 07:00 hours.

At Kaoma Secondary School -KSS by 01:00hours more than 200 voters had arrived at the polling station.

Presiding Officer Dennis Walubita announced the opening of the station at exactly 06:00 hours.

Kaoma District has a total of 46,603 voters with Kaoma Central Constituency having 29,611 and 18,992 for Mangango.

And Kaoma District Electoral Officer Raphael Kamanga has described the prevailing atmosphere as peaceful.

Mr Kamanga who is also Kaoma Town Council Secretary disclosed that out of the 54 polling stations in Kaoma Central Constituency, 41 confirmed opening at 06:00 hours, while in Mangango Constituency, out of 41 polling stations, 36 confirmed opening at 06:00 hours.

The remaining 13 polling stations in Kaoma Central and Five in Mangango Constituencies could not be reached due to network challenges.

“So far voting is going on smoothly as most polling stations managed to open at 06:00 hours except for few that could not be reached due to network failure, otherwise we only recorded an incidence where some unknown people removed the boundary tape and guiding posters for voters. We have since replaced them,”Mr Kamanga explained.

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