Sunday, September 8, 2024

Miles Sampa stabbed, bodyguard hacked in Matero


Police have confirmed that PF Matero Parliamentary Candidate Miles Sampa sustained injuries after he was stabbed in Matero’s George compound on Election Day.

His bodyguard was also nursing serious injuries after he was stabbed.

According to a police report, the incident happened in Garden Compound around 17:30 Hours.

“Be informed that on 12/08/21 at 1730hrs police recieved a report of AGGRAVATED Robbery from Miles Sampa aged 51 of Lusaka who reported that he was attacked by a group of suspected political Caders who were armed with Machetes axes and Pistols.”

“The victim was hit with an axe on his back and sustained a deep cut. The same group stole from him a iphone and Samsung Note 10 altogether valued at K53,000=00 Incident occurred at around 1700hrs in George Compound when the victim who is a PF aspiring Candidate as MP for Matero Constituency was visiting his polling Agents in Matero Constituency,” the report said.

“Other victims who were attacked by the same assailants was his body Guard Gilbert Banda aged 32 of unknown house number George Compound and sustained some multiple cuts on the head.”

“A team of Police officers who were policing George Polling stations in Matero rushed to the scene and managed to apprehend Six 6 suspects namely (1) Male Biden Shaloba age 45 of house Number E46 Kanyama Compound who had a Pistol 9mm with 12rounds of Live Ammunitions.”

The report says also recovered from him are two bayonets, and an axe.

Rodrick Charles Sikongo age 31 of unmarked house Number and George Compound (3) Male Charles Bwalya of Matero Township aged 38yrs,(4) M/Bright Kaputo aged 41 house number 198/8 George Compound (5) Obtain Munsaka aged 26 of unmarked house number George Compound (6) Male Ackim Bwalya aged 29 unknown house number Chunga Compound have been arrested.

Suspects are in police custody


  1. This is unZambian, where is this all coming from? why are we allowing these dangerous creatures to roam the streets? God help us.

  2. Yes it is un Zambian but we have a president and government who have no interest in the truth, or in honesty. Edgar China Lungu has been lying for six years, has intimidated all institutions to support him (or loose your job) and now Zambians are fed up and want him OUT! And Lungu has already said he won’t concede, so all that’s left is violence!

  3. Well this is very sad but we have always been warning PF and UPND to desist from such violent activities that they are both reaping from. Under the PF leadership, we have seen a massive increase in such cases which they failed to quench. The Panga Family has been blessing these activities and now look were it has led to. It would not be surprising if some of these criminals are those who were recently releaed by the head of state. These big guys in PF thought they were very protected but now the cadres are pouncing on them too. What a pity!

  4. What is painful is to be forced to concede. Lungu China Edgwa will concede otherwise he will just ask for trouble on himself. People dont want Lungu anymore we have suffered enough as civil servants. Let him answer treason charges.

  5. Zambians we are one let us be United and be in one Accord .we shouldn’t fight one another we are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus let us be God fearing people because Heavenly father doesn’t allow such notion . Elections comes and goes .please avanges are for God our Father.and I salute our security wing for protection given to all .may our God bless us all Amen

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