Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dr Nevers Mumba Counsels the Nation


Dr Nevers Mumba’s Post Election Counsel to the Nation


  1. Considering that he will get less than 1% of the votes for his bid for the presidency, I think he should just remain very silent.

  2. @ No Corruption Zambia-My colleague give credit where it’s due. I think Dr. Nevers, did a good job…Thank you Ambassador sir. Job well done.

  3. Lungu shouldn’t manipulate the Electoral Commission of Zambia to give him votes that we the Zambian people never gave him yesterday. It showed clearly this afternoon that that’s exactly what they tried to do.

    How did they get about 70 votes from HH in Feira and added to Lungu’s total? That was very stupid of ECZ, very very stupid indeed.

    I applaud the stakeholders in that room who objected to those results and rightly so. Thank you very much for your vigilance and steadfastness

  4. The man wants to justify his terrible rejection by the zambians saying that the people do not want PF. Yes, the people have rejected PF but more so YOUR party MMD. Just accept that you are no longer an issue on the zambian political scene. The country has packed you and your party in the archives just like Unip. My advise to you, retire and go back to the pulpit or better still, join a good mainstream God fearing church.

  5. Under 5 is likely to win, but we should still wait for the official counts. Nevers should not declare a winner before that

  6. Mumba is a very careless f00I who is threatening the peace of our country. The ecz are the only ones mandated to announce a winner and loser. This is why he was fired. Fuseke

  7. And these are the people HH should try to stay away from…Nevers Mumba is half PF half MMD….and he’s one of the Bandits…he stole Embassy furniture in Canada and he was fired by Mwanawasa for insubordination…if HH works with Nevers Mumba and other PF Bandits…he will definitely be one term President

  8. Under 5 umwaiche with Zed people have out muscled all the commanders..hmmmm.
    @Jay Jay, that 5million for PVT worked. Some dunderhead had suggested we hand out cash to the electorates. Job well done people!!!

  9. While during campaigns the below made headlines for political mileage please still do advise the population my country men and women

    The first doses of #COVID19 vaccines donated to #COVAX by the UK are set to land in Zambia and the DRC today! 3 million
    doses will be delivered to 11 African countries in the coming days; the first of 80 million pledged to COVAX in total.
    today 13/08/2021

  10. Mr Nevers well spoken .Just merge your small party with UPND and HH can give you
    The post of Religious minister.All these parties with two votes should merge with
    Big parties to make work for Mr Nshindanos work. Easy so he declares winner quickly.

  11. I am still looking for Kaizar Zulu. I want to thank for all the insults which have finally paid off. We endured your insults KZ just like we endured the oppression and hatred from Mr Lungu and PF party. Today I can finally say that your leader and PF party are a party of threats and insults. You all have PhD’s in insele. I am not to stoop down to your level because I was brought up in a home where we never insulted people. Today I just feel sorry for you. Was it really worth it? God has heard our cries and we are thankful.

  12. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    Scrambling for favours already from HH. HH stay away from the likes of Nervous Mumba if you want to bring meaningful change.

  13. My hat off forDr Nervous Simumba…that message was powerful, we hope No 6 will heed the call . We don’t want a situation like one that happened in Ivory Coast where an ousted presido refused to concede n the military went into state house n grabbed the president by the caller of his pyjamas n toasted him into a vehicle headed to the lowly place. Concede n we’ll remember the development under your watch noti ifyo iyo.

  14. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    I watched the speec, it’s actually a very good speech, full of wisdom. Man is very eloquent and articulate… good on him!??

  15. I expect ECL to be magnanimous enough to concede defeat and congratulate the winner once it is established by ECZ that he has lost. At the same time, I expect HH not to be vindictive against ECL once confirmed as the winner because that would not be the best way of thanking the people in the traditional PF strongholds for having voted for him. Remember that , as expected, Southern Province has continued to vote overwhelmingly for UPND despite the massive infrastructural development projects ECL did in that area. I was in Lundazi recently and I was amused when they told me they would vote for HH in anticipation that he.would also, like ECL, “abandon” his province and develop Eastern Province! Meanwhile, let’s wait for the results from ECZ.

  16. This sounds like they have announced all the results. Why not hear the results first and then start commenting after?

  17. They can’t wait because now they are positioning themselves for jobs. Zambians voted out PF because of the arrogance and PF trickery. I love the fact that the people waited for the thieves to come together and vote the lot out. This must serve as a warning to UPND. We can be proud of our people who have shown no nonsense in exercising their right to vote. Next time, use your term to implement your manifesto and spend the campaign period explaining to the people what you’ve done. It’s that simple. Stop this rubbish about holding back development until elections. UPND, all eyes on you.

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