Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Lungu pardoned 60 inmates, including those serving sentences of defamation of the President


President Edgar Lungu has pardoned 60 inmates with various offenses and sentences. Those pardoned include inmates serving cases of defamation of the President, lactating mothers, pregnant women, the aged, and the terminally ill, among others.

President Lungu said the Gospel according to Matthew Chapter 18, and verses 21 to 22, says: “Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, ‘l tell you, not just seven times, but seventy-seven times!”

The President said he is therefore evoking the prerogative of mercy, pursuant to Article 97, I (a) of the Constitution of Zambia to forgive and pardon prisoners from various prisons around the country in accordance with the Republican Constitution and as a Christian.

The President said the people pardoned had learned their lessons and need to be helped to integrate into society so that they become useful citizens.

The President has further lifted suspensions of Zambia Prisons and Correctional Services officers who were suspended because of political activism.

The President has called upon the officers to be disciplined.

This is according to a statement issued by the President’s special assistant for press and public relations Mr Issac Chipampe.


  1. “The President has further lifted suspensions of Zambia Prisons and Correctional Services officers who were suspended because of political activism..”
    I will leave that there. And before the hounds start attacking EL, let me state that this is common practice for outgoing Presidents to pardon whoever they can in there last days of power.

  2. Well done. You have a heart for people unlike that other one who couldn’t even build a toilet for his parents in law. Yet he claims to be a billionaire. Evil man

  3. Let’s judge the President elect after five years.Most people are waiting for the new
    Incoming government to fail.Zambians gave
    Seven years to PF so let’s give Five years to
    UPND.We will judge them in 2026.

  4. Not so smart, Ba Edgar should have asked judge Simusamba to convict him of Financi crimes yesterday, then pardon himself among the 60 innocent convicts today.

  5. Remember All those outside of southern province who voted hh will wake up and realise that they have voted in the worst tribal dictator to walk the planet. Just look at his record.. he has gone unchallenged for the upnd presidency for decades and even went as far as to change the party constitution to accommodate his tribal agenda. He has the camera following him everywhere and that is cultivating a cult of personality which every dictator does. In addition, if you have noticed, only he is making any decisions. You won’t hear from any other upnd member especially women. Not even his wlfe is allowed to speak. You will regret it

  6. Well done our president.
    To err is human, to forgive is divine.
    Forgiveness empowers you to forget someone’s bad deeds and not to punish him/her for that blunder. Sometimes, a person performs such an act that hurts us, or anyone commits such mistake that makes our lives tough. And, our response to that can cause damage on both sides.

  7. Dear HH, some one fenced off state land in attempts to steal it. Panji Kaunda could not get any support for the prosecution of this person. Please act quickly

  8. This lazy man Edgar he is very swift to quote verses from the Bible but practices none of it. He never pardoned anyone who defamed him unless its in return for supporting him.
    Zambia’s worst President!!

  9. Wanted for assault and misuse of public funds. Anyone with info leading to the apprehension of Kaizer Zulu please contact me on [email protected] and if you are in the United Kingdom. Send request for a runaway fugitive wanted for assault to be arrested and sent to Zambia to face criminal charges on. Report your tips to [email protected]

  10. even Trump pardon people. So what? He should pardon the women as he has four more days. He better pardon Kambwili.

  11. I am wondering if Keith Mukata and Mathews Mohan are among those pardoned or not? I remember Donald Trump doing the same as well. The others were done a don’t Kubeba even after voting. Lucky are those who have been pardoned and hope will not go back to their old habits.

  12. Lungu and his minions need to be brought to books. PF cadres have become millionaires and billionaires who have never had the education or a professional job.

    As for that incompetent monkey aka KZ, this will be 5 years of hell for him. The moron thought convict lungu will win again.

    Well the people of Zambia have seen enough destruction caused by PF. KZ will be pinching himself everyday to comprehend that HH is the president of Zambia

  13. Scouser hh is your president but not mine. I don’t recognize him, the same way he didn’t recognise ECL . What are you going to do little boy? You and hh can go and eff yourselves

  14. Good move, he knows his crooks are going in so he must decongest prisons to create space for new comers..

    Its time & relevance expired like a Honeybee C0ndom on 12.8.2021.
    It will continue to try & seek relevance by annoying others.
    Soon as H.H puts his positive stamp on Zambia, this sad irrelevant Weasel suffering from a chronic & enduring Narcissistic personality disorder will dissappear down its hole, or re -emerge as Mu2h0ta or N3z its other crazy identities.

    Its time & relevance expired like a Honeybee C0ndom on 12.8.2021.
    It will continue to try & seek relevance by annoying others.
    Soon as H.H puts his positive stamp on Zambia, this sad irrelevant Weasel suffering from a chronic & enduring Narcissistic personality disorder will dissappear down its hole, or re -emerge as Mu2h0ta or N3z its other crazy identities.

  17. You need help Kaizar Zulu. What good has the PF government done for the people of Zambia? The country is in so much debt … work that out.

  18. You have to be nice to the convicts so that they can look after you when its your turn to be inside. Anyway, former leaders need to be kept busy to ensure they look forward to leaving office. You are within your powers to pardon but now this power should not be misused like in the US.

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