Monday, September 16, 2024

Kamanga, Simataa Off To Zurich


Faz interim president Andrew Kamanga and his general secretary Simataa Simataa on Sunday set off for Zurich after a visa hitch on Friday and Saturday almost scuttled their journey for Monday’s Fifa meeting over the current Faz impasse.

And sports minister Kenneth Chipungu has replaced his director of sport Bernard Nakachinda on the two-member government panel for the Zurich meeting.

Kamanga left for Zurich together with Chipungu via Dar-es-Salaam to catch a direct flight to Switzerland from Tanzania on Sunday evening.

Simataa and National Sports Council of Zambia chairman Chifumu Banda, who is the second government representative on the trip, flew out via Johannesburg later in the day.

Kalusha Bwalya and Faz general secretary George Kasengele are already in Zurich after leaving on Friday and were joined over the weekend by Faz disciplinary committee head Anthony Kasolo who left on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Kamanga said before departure for Zurich on Sunday morning that he hoped the voice of reason will prevailed during Monday’s meeting at Fifa headquarters.

“We hope they will be reasonable enough to listen to our position,” Kamanga said.

Faz is currently being run by parallel local governing organs after a new interim executive led by Kamanga was elected at an emergency council meeting held in Lusaka on November 26.


  1. This is real Africa: In Ivory Coast there are two presidents, each vowing ‘Never Give UP’. In Zed, two FAZ local governing organs! Awe sure!

  2. Ukushishita ba Simataa, your clever friends secured league sponsorship deal with MTN and left to Zuric. Took a tour and they know where the toilets are. Ba Simataa will just arrive no tulo pa menso.

  3. How can you become FAZ President or Secretary if you cannot attain visas to the FIFA HQ? Probably these knuckle heads did not even watch even one World Cup Game in SA, but they want to lead FAZ.

  4. Kalu has already dribbled Simataa Simataa and Kamanga. Kalu is the man and he will be in charge of FAZ when he comes back. Kamanga is just being used by the aloof Simataa Simataa who is so vindictive and jealousy. I have known Simataa for a long time. At Finance Bank he was jealosu of all those who were successful. He has deep hatred for Kalu when he cannot even rule his own house

  5. #7 is right. This fool Simat Smart is a very jelousy guy. He is my neghbour in chelston. I watch football with him in Nkoloma Stadium and i hear the comments he makes on Kalu. He is so full of hate that if he had a way he would bewitch Kalusha. Look at them they even fail to organise themselves a Visa how can they organise football. These chaps are just jokers.

  6. What voices of reason does Kamanga expect from FIFA when he and his FAZ tamanga boys ignored FIFA’s advice to wait until AGM. They are going to ZURICH to be lectured on how FIFA operates and how it deals with big heads. KALU has many advantages, he is a committe member of FIFA and FIFA protect their own. Those of you who have seen the PANORAMA “FIFA*s little dirty secrets will understand what I mean when I say FIFA always protect their OWN. Kalu is already in ZURICH perhaps has already informally presented his case while discussing other football matters.

  7. # 7 is right, the chap shimasta was vindictive at Finance Bank, he personally victimized me and i left the Bank. This chi simata simata should just become FAB President, i.e. President of Football Association of Barotseland:d

  8. Do you know who comprises Kalusha’s FAZ. Kamanga’s FAZ affiliates are known. But Kalusha is hiding the names of those that attended his EGM because the register comprised forged names. This is were the problem lies, forgery is a criminal offence. Zambians should learn to read between the lines. One can not obtain a visa to travel to Europe without a visa, even a minister can’t. The facts are that FIFA sent invitations to all seven through FAZ as its official affiliate, so FAZ Kalusha was then expected to forward the invitations to the embassy for visa issuance. Since Kalusha is petty FAZ never did that making the visa issuance process difficult. I know Kalusha, he is very childish and petty. Remember that the Kamanga FAZ does not only comprise Simata but a lot of big names in Z…

  9. atleast simaata & kamanga were voted by the 2/3 of FAZ counsellors but for this kalu we hear he even failed to reveal who attended their gathering. so simaata & kamanga were endorsed by the 2/3 FAZ counsellors. so dont blame simaata but the 2/3 FAZ counsellors who put them in power

  10. #12 I agree with you KALU’s FAZ is the official and legitimate FIFA affiliate according to FIFA. The TAMANGA boys will be put were they belong once they show up in ZURICH. FIFA gave guidance which they ignored so what more do they expect from FIFA? A change of mind…you must be joking…FIFA doesn’t change positions when it comes to it affiliates.. Infact FIFA protect their OWN. Thats how they run the game

  11. Did the minister need to replace his director honestly? Some of these issues can better be handled by technocrats than politicians. I won’t be surprised if the minister will soon be calling home to seek clarifications.

  12. you have gone to meet the boyfriend of your rival so it will be an uphill battle. no winners and no losers it should be victory for all. boyfriend girlfriend relationship shouldnt influence outcome of meeting

  13. Visa hitch?????? Sounds familiar?????? I am glad they have learnt that it is not so easy to get Visa’s, at least they have experienced it first hand and not just commented on the side lines. And I believe Switzerland VISA is FAR easier than England VISA……..haha stupid Simata

  14. People FIFA will not recognise the kamanga faction whether they (kamanga group) are right or wrong. Reason? Simple. FIFA would not want uprising in football associations in other countries. If they ever recognised the Kamanga’s they would be setting a precedence to be followed by many especially in Africa where there is a lot of power struggles. So bena simaata bazi nama chabe

  15. #12 u are wrong FIFA never invited the Tamanga boys it Nyama soya who rang FIFA and requested that they also attend (in what capacity only Nyama soya Knows) so no reasonable person will be surprised if these guys(Tamanga Boys) are treated as observers for the Government by FIFA. You have to be mindful that FIFA unlike us are very orderly and logical (no Cheap Politics) and they want to move forward on this case and in any case why should FIFA send Visas for the Tamanga boys that they do not recognise in the first place and did not even invite for the meeting?!!! ITS SHEER WASTE OF GOVERNMENT RESOURCES BY WHO EVER BOUGHT THEM TICKETS.PERIOD>

  16. the simataa group will be chased out of zurich. infact who are they going to see..lets follow protocol bloggers…FIFA invited GRZ and Faz (kalu’s admin) and not the faction group of simataa. so wen the hearing will begin, the security will issue identities and security cards to the invited of which simataa does not have. Shame to be told to wait outside because you are not part of the ‘dialogue table agenda.’ so why embarrase yoself mr. simataa/kamanga and SC Banda is with you and he cant advise!? this is sad politics..FIFA cant allow coup’ in the administration of football elsewhere. it will be a bad precedent to allow simataa take-over FAZ to the football world.
    viva democracy…viva fifa!
    am a referee and fifa rules doesnt allow shud make strong-final…

  17. #13 The 2/3 Majority u are talking about was clearly labeled illegal by FIFA and u should get that before u comfuse your self any further why dont us Zambians like logic and order i wonder. The Tamanga boys may have a point but the way they are handling their issues make them look like spoiled Brats and FIFA are not interested in politics.PERIOD They clearly missed their chance to meet FIFA and Table their grivances on the 27th .What more do they want from FIFA ?

  18. 2/3 signatures were forged. period. If you cant organise Visas on time for two people then you wont do it for over 20 players . Are these chaps jobless that they cant wait for 2012. I thot Simataa still works for Finance Bank.

  19. Those saying Kalu is clinging to power are either ignorant of the FAZ tenure of office or are blinded by thier hate. We used to be cheated that no one likes Kalu in Zambia, and we thot he wud be alone on 27 nov meeting, alas they had more pipo than theirs. The story now is that they are not genuine, how genuine were those jobseekers at 26 meeting. and who verified that,

  20. Law association of Zambia (LAZ) for Lawyers, EAZ for Economists, EIZ for Engineers, ZPPA for people in procurement. Medical Assoc OF Zam for Medical practitioners, MISA for JOURNALISTS. Its only in football where we infiltrate the players by forming useless clubs Amakumbi to eat what duly belongs to them. When they languish like Harrison chongo, we fill better. We want them to run academies, donate to charity, be hired and fired as coaches like Kinah Phiri in Malawi and Stephen Keshi of Nigeria. But we want vultures mascarading as administrators run their affairs.

  21. Come on Players these blood suckers will never allow you to run football administration, organise yourselves, form a proffesional body to speak and promote yourselves otherwise they will continue eating what belongs to you as they call you grade sevens.

  22. They have seen how hard it gets to obtain flight visas. They capitalized on the infamous London fiasco to attack another person. Now they are failing to obtain their own. The out come in Zurich is well known. There is a group which is just wasting tax payers’ money on unnecessary weekends to Zurich

  23. Its been reported that Kamanga and CHI Simata are louging in a Motel with roaches while THE GREAT KALU and his FIFA recognized team are staying in a five star Hotel with amenities like naked girls, stripe clubs, and a Lamborghini stretched limo and a VIP pass to FIFA offices around the world. CHI Simata and Kamaka ka Kamanga are busy shopping and are not allowed to enter the premises of FIFA as these teo *****$ are not recognized by FIFA. I haerd that CHI Simata was charged double price for the air ticket as his FAT A$$ was too big for one seat.

  24. Its been reported that Kamanga and CHI Simata are louging in a Motel with roaches while THE GREAT KALU and his FIFA recognized team are staying in a five star Hotel with amenities like naked girls, stripe clubs, and a Lamborghini stretched limo and a VIP pass to FIFA offices around the world. CHI S

  25. Footballers wake up, let no one look down on you that you are grade sevens, run your own affairs, dont allow yourselves to become like Litana and Wawa Chongo, Let these blood thirsty men like simataa be active in their proffesional bodies too.

  26. He! he! he! he! he!, Switzerland visa is far much easier than UK visa,
    how are you going to get visas on time for over 23 players
    Shimata shimata iyeeeeeeeeeee, now stop talking about london finshi finshi, lets talk about Zurich fiasco. Kanshi no one knows you outside lusaka. not even here in Chipata only ka timothy nyirenda ka rebel leader kamu UNIP

  27. # 12 please you are dreaming. who is a big name, kalusha is not simataaz employee and will never ever be, if you have known kalusha like you want to claim, then you should have advised shimata to make personal arrangements, not to expect the person he hates and insults to arrange documents for him.

  28. Simaata better go with facts to FIFA (no lies or innuendos) because Kalu is very dangerous on FIFA turf ask Augustine Mokoka!!!

  29. lies like let him explain supersport deal, let him explain blah blah blah, kulibe manje,,, facts on the table period. no more lies.

  30. FYI the simattas and kamangas have been invited to zurich to be officially notified that their faz committee does NOT exist.since it seems they want to hear it form the higher authorities.and great kalu left know wat that means.

  31. Ba L Times learn 2 report properly! U can’t identify sum1 as interim bla bla bla when there is an executive fully recognised by the mother body! U must identify Simata as rebel or breakaway. U can’t habve ur cake and it!

  32. Let hope for the best and hope this will stop simaata, i mean this guy critised all the former faz president, such that he went to critise himself and he resigned

  33. Breaking News: Kalu is FAZ boss, says FIFA

    Posted by Zamfoot on 12/20/10 • Categorized as Headline
    FIFA has told ‘rebel’ FAZ to present their grievances to the AGM

    The meeting of the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) at the home of football at FIFA headquarters in Zurich has ended successfully; with FIFA asserting that the state of football in Zambia is intact under the leadership of football legend Kalusha Bwalya.

    The world soccer governing ruled that only Kalusha Bwalya and his Executive Committee were recognised and would continue administering the affairs of the game in Zambia.

    The so-called team of Andrew Kamanga and Simataa Simataa holds no water, is illegal and therefore non-existent. Kamanga and Simataa have since been advised that should they have any grievance…

  34. This is not newz as it was already known. But the issue is that NOTHING has been resolved so far by FIFA & hence chaos still continue coz this kalusa “Gbagbo” walya has been rejected & continue to be rejected at home. Premier teams still obey Kamanga as their FAZ president so drama still continue pa zed.

  35. That is good news.
    However the Kalu supporters are ignoring important facts that emerged from the for whatever reason.

    1.The FIFA SG recognised that the Kamanga FAZ was duly elected by 2/3 of the FAZ affiliates

    2.Kalusha tenure has been cut and elections are to be held in March,2011.FIFA and CAF will observe the elections.Forget about 2012

    3.Kalusha has been cautioned on entering into agreements on behalf of the Association as the remainder of his tenure is for administrative convenience only.

    4.NSCZ and GRZ have been instructed to mediate on the local issues i.e the conclusion of the league.Talk about Third Party interference.

    It is very clear that FIFA are trying to save face by agreeing to these measures.

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