Sunday, September 8, 2024

RDA appeals for more funding for Kimasala-Mushitala bridge construction works


The Road Development Agency (RDA) has appealed to the government to quickly release funds for the completion of Kimasala-Mushitala bridge construction works which commenced in 2016.

RDA Regional Manager, Engineer Manda Ndabane explains lack of funds has been the major challenge to finish the project.

Eng. Ndabane in an interview expressed hope that once the new dawn government settles down, they can receive funding for the completion of the project.

“We haven’t moved and most of the people I think have seen that progress has been slow… and we all know that there has been change of government…we are waiting for more funding”, Eng. Ndabane said

The Eng. Ndabane said over K300,000 is needed for the completion of the project.

“In terms of completing we are looking in the range of may be K300,000 to K500,000…we should be able to finish whatever is remaining”, he said.

Eng. Ndabane said the Agency had received some funding before the August 12 elections towards the project but adjustments to the design made the project to cost more.

“We have made some tremendously on the construction of Mushitala-Kimasala bridge which people refers to as Dawson Kafwaya bridge…we changed the design because the design should have been what we call a composite bridge meaning should have been concrete mixes with steel but now we are going to have what we call a bailey bridge”, he added.

Progress work now stands at 80 percent and bailey bridge deck, finishing off the earthworks and also returning walls remains.

Meanwhile, Solwezi Mayor, Remmy Kalepa said he is impressed with the works that have been done so far adding that the bridge is very important as it will help decongest the main business district.

“In terms of importance of that bridge, it will help decongest independence avenue…you will agree with me some of our miners in Mushitala they need to drive through town then go to Kimasala, Kyawama and go as far as Kimiteto but once that bridge is done it will help our people in terms of making it easier for them”, he said.

Mr. Kalepa has assured the people in Mushitala and Kimasala that he will engage the necessary ministry so that works on the bridge get completed within the shortest period of time.

The Mayor, who conducted a spot check on the bridge, said he toured the site to see what is going on and see how best to lobby support from the central government in order for the bridge to be completed.


  1. There is no such title as Engineer Chirwa or Eng Chirwa. My word! It’s simply Mr. Chirwa.
    I don’t even know why journalists are failing to acknowledge this very simple issue.

  2. Government should audit RDA before giving them even ONE KWACHA. And replace the board, they were appointed by Edgar China Lungu and cannot be trusted

  3. No Corruption – RDA board was dissolved last week…everyone should just be sacked just look at the AG report over the last 10 years…auto shops being given sub-contracts and not delivering

  4. Now RDA can only ask for K300000. Sense at last! This is the organization that was playing with miltimillion dollars just yesterday

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