Wednesday, February 5, 2025

President Hichilema’s New Dark Regime: UPND Cadres Worse Than PF!


By Kapya Kaoma.

As a nation, we are at an inflection point. The election of President HH seems to erase moral accountability–the hatred of Lungu and the PF has become a justification for lawlessness. Since when did we see cadres beat suspects at the High Court while in Police hands?

President HH should not sing the rule of law and human rights, while allowing his cadres to terrorise other citizens. The recent video of a PF suspect in Police hands being escorted to the High Court, and physically beaten by UPND cadres at the High Court in broad daylight made me afraid–the UPND regime has brought the New Dark era in Zambian politics. President HH promised to restore the rule of law, but that video is embarrassingly humiliating to his Administration, which vowed to promote human rights for all Zambians. Under no administration has this ever happened, Mr. Hichilema must tame his followers–we are a nation of laws!

What is shocking is how a group of civilians could attack a detainee, when being escorted by the police. One could see other police officers watching as if nothing was going on. But even more embarrassing is when an officer attempts to arrest a civilian, and the mob starts fighting the police officer. The entire incident is recorded on video. If this event took place during the Lungu administration, President HH would be calling for the resignation of the Minister of Home Affairs, the Inspector of Police and the chain of others. He would be on CNN and BBC too.

Despite the crime committed by the suspect, what we are witnessing is a clear lack of respect for human rights, and poor leadership in the HH administration. As a democratic nation, we believe that every citizen is entitled to a fair trial. That the person was attacked while in police hands should be embarrassing to the President’s moral cause. There is no other way to describe this than call it for what it is–tyranny! We may hate Lungu and his administration, but allowing lawlessness on sacred grounds of justice is simply immoral and unacceptable.

Didn’t President Hichilema promise to be the president of all Zambians? Didn’t he promise to defend the rule of law, and protect human rights? Yet HH has been vague on taming UPND cadres, who have seen his actions as inciting them to persecute those who differed with them during the elections. This is true on the streets as on social media. In fact, UPND cadres are proving to be worse than the PF. No one should bear the blame for this than President Hakainde, he has nurtured this culture in his cadres for 15 years–disrespecting those he differed with, was and is, his modus operandi. The violence being employed by his cadres on PF cadres has rendered HH impotent–he cannot stop what himself gave birth to. Hence we should not be surprised to see him call on the police to arrest his cadres, while HH’s cadres beat up the police as fellow officers watch. For a New Dark government blinds them all!

The lawlessness we face is personified in Plot 1. The president has disgracefully undressed the police to UPND cadres. Yet the rottenness of the Police system is exactly what he is doing by turning the Anti-Corruption Commission, Financial Intelligence Centre, and the Drug Enforcement Commission into his tuntembas. Our officers are corrupt because they know that only poor citizens are put in prison, while the presidential allies are left to roam the streets with heads high. And who can work under such demoralizing ethics? That is why they ask for bribes–they rather get something than waste time knowing too well that there is no law aside from the president and his cadres.

Under the New Dark administration, UPND cadres are untouchable–they are invisible to the law. That is why they are able to storm State House, Stations, Markets, Courts, and now the High Court. The President has accorded them power over law enforcement officers. In fact, it is now common to hear them threaten to report law enforcement officers, ZRA officials, Permanent Secretaries and other Career civil servants to the President. And when the Zambian Watchdog publishes the threat, that individual is fired. Until the 2026 sunset, cadres determine who should be punished and who should be rewarded in the New Dark government.

UPND cadres may terrorise people today, but ascribed power is what it is –temporary. As soon as HH realizes the international community is watching, he will throw some of these cadres under the bus. Remember the Mwanawasa “Chiluba” card–sacrificing an ally to remain in power. So we may see some arrests sooner rather than later. If not the rope of justice may appear to be broken, but it is kept alive by the human spirit. It was not long ago that I told the PF cadres that pay time would come. Today’s UPND may think it is the police, but those videos are out to put all those criminals in prisons for crimes they committed in front of the law enforcement officers.

Unless the New Dark President pardons them, time for reckoning awaits.


  1. When it comes to political violence there’s no difference between the UPND and the PF, they are Siamese twins. The UPND might even be worse because they committed more atrocities while in opposition. We should expect the worst if they’re not tamed

  2. Indeed New Dark Government. We watch their deeds not words. Its good we have those videos, we shall lock them up one day.
    By the way, when are you giving Sean Tembo his freedom of expression.

  3. hichilema is weak he can’t handle his cadres. What is shameful he is busy preaching rule of law which his cadres are beating up people.hichimema must learn to be truthful and i can assure you non of his cadres will be arrested..This rule of law it’s must on his mouth.

  4. Just saw name , knew same rubbish……..

    The writer Can’t get over the rejection of the PF by the people of Zambia……….

  5. The propaganda to paint UPND and its cadres black continues by idle minds, the use of spine less little chaps continues, surely UPND cadres can not be at the level of ‘the Americans” or commander, PF cadres could even fight at their own secretariat in full view of their leaders or enter the Police station and clobber all Police officers. their cadres even wearing SDA uniforms mocking HH with their party and republican President being mute as if all that was normal. PF cadres Reining terror in Sesheke with Police trying to normalize the situation but getting fired instead with local authorities banished out of their own bus stops and markets and today one should lie that UPND cadres are worse.

  6. Ohhhhh kapya sometimes you sound naive.
    President HH promised to restore the rule of law, but that video is embarrassingly humiliating to his Administration, which vowed to promote human rights for all Zambians. Just how many things has he promised. We warned you that if by mistake h² makes it to plot 1, you will see atrocities. We warned you about a sustained Mapatizya formula. Where are the NGO, the TIZ, the Church and diplomats’ voices? It’s unfair to expect bally the virus to reprimand his violent hooligans now. He never denounces violence. It’s his nature.

  7. I thought we all know these guys only wanted power and nothing else.
    The only president cadres listened and obeyed was Mwanawasa and Sata.
    We all know what happens when William Banda is ruling( whipping the hell out of Mongu town, beating the heaven out of the whole BIGOCA church in Matero, cutting of people’s ears, cadres sharing council land etc).
    Are you surprised this is happening.
    HH will continue to sing rule of law. That’s for the world and reality remains to Zambians to experience.

  8. Kambwili has even given you comprehensive details of how a top PF cadre minister killed an NDC cadre but you are still attacking UPND, just what do you want, just who is sending you to write crap

  9. There is nothing to reflect upon. It’s goona be a long 4 years.
    We warned that UPNDEAD violence enabled PF mild violence but ECL really tried. Worse than PF? UPNDEAD violence is the architect of violence in Zambia.
    The death of Kungo has not seen h² come out to condemn. He is embodied and thinks it was justified. He caused alot of deaths to innocent citizens while in opposition, expect more brutality. You think h² can tane Liswaniso and William Banda? He is at the centre of both.
    As for the inept ACC, FIC and DEC, it is more incapacitation. In Zambia ALL presidents are perceived corrupt. You think that with white gloves the fainthearted in State House is free from the corrupt perceptions. His history leaves so much to be desired already.

    • You have nothing to say. What happened to the killer of Banda in Mangango, of the killer of O. Kasongo in Luanshya, of the pf senior member who shot and maimed an innocent soul in Mulobezi ? Answer me because I can tell you Kungo’s case is ably being handled by the Police including that of murdered pf cadres’ case which has now been commited to the High Court.

  10. @6 This has become a very bad and cheap response to the ills of UPND cadres “people want to paint UPND black” for what. I have personally been to city market where accounts of UPND thugs are still terrosing people and collecting money from marketers under the nose of thir “god” talk is cheap let us work hard to make our country great. If we are not careful this could be the beginning of the fall of our country. Ka HH hi. Self used to run to UN, AU etc. Where are the so called civil society organisation’s. Where are the so called Laura’s of Zambia? We may have a conman in state house.

  11. He has conveniently but foolishly forgotten that during PF, it’s not suspects who where beaten but police officers themselves where clobbered , and beaten not outside on the ground but inside at enquiries desk itself, and not at a venue were they just go to police but at central police itself where all policemen come from

    And the police ” blesser” is still walking the streets

  12. That video is indeed embarrassing. Beating suspect of a suspect being taken to court in High Court grounds is indeed new.
    And what is shocking is that there fulls who think can defend that. Laura Miti, Lifuka, Kasonde, LAZ, HRC where are you? Waiting for appointments?
    We are heading in a wrong direction as a nation

  13. Ine ndimubemba inkonko.
    In bemba we say “icikwanka, bacimweena kumampalanya”
    Who in is this commentary section on this post doesn’t know that h² and his upnd are the most intolerant, aggressive and brutal political entity or grouping in recent Zambia? Surpassing the FTJ MMD. It is no surprise that you will begin to see repression and misterious extra judicial annihilation of innocent citizens especially those that border on those who wish to testify against this dark regime just like in the KK and FTJ regimes. This is the tactics of highly insecure regimes. Watch this space. Many citizens are likely to be oppressed and punished.

  14. If you think there are no outside forces interfering with our internal affairs think again. These forces will create a monster, use it to loot our resources and later discard it and then they will tell you that you are too corrupt to rule yourselves. The telltale signs are there but some gullible people think donations are a good sign of confidence in the administration. These same forces ignored the violent party during our elections and they will continue to ignore wrong doing because our head of state is directly under their command. HH is in a bad place but we wish him well and hope he can dribble his way out.

  15. I didn’t see the video but the incident is tragic if it was the way it’s being decribed.
    Action must be taken to charge the cadres who did this.
    Nevers Mimba on Eve of HH’s victory gave some timely advice,he said Kaunda ruled for 27 years,MMD ruled for 20 years,PF for 10 years, UPND must be careful otherwise it will rule for 5 years.
    Cadres harrassing, beating, illegal allocation of land etc was hated and played a large part in the rejection of Lungu.

  16. Garbage out Garbage in……just a change of color from green to red…but UPND cadres look more ruthless and evil and dirty…
    So where is free education….these morons should go back to school

  17. Learn to remove the spec in your eye before you try and remove one in your neighbor’s eye. HH has rightly said he has forgiven those that tormented him as only God will judge them. In the same vein if the UPND youths were to revenge on what the pf cadres did to them, there would be mayhem. Now we have a leadership. A lot of people were beaten by the pf cadres, without recourse, just for wearing something in the colour red in the markets, bus stations and streets of towns. Today you want to launder pf because you have finally found your voice and freedoms in this New Dawn administration. Laughable.

  18. Salousi speak for your party. Pf was garbage even you have agreed. However, don’t paint the upnd with the same dirty pf brush. We are a party of civilised people. In most cases those are pf cadres wearing upnd regalia.

  19. I just don’t get it> How can such acts take place at HIGH COURT and ANYONE support it – let alone keep quiet like formerly loud NGO,s? This is what PF were doing and did not realise that kanshi the youth were watching and waiting. This time I fear that it may just be another group of people ( not necessarily youths) who are watching and waiting. We have seen it before right here in Zambia

  20. At the risk of being labeled a PF cadre, I wish to point out that at no single time has Mr Hakainde commented let alone condemn violence perpetued by Upnd members. He’s very quick to condemn violence committed by the PF. I challenge anyone to counter this. A PF official was murdered in Solwezi, Mr Hakainde has up to now not said anything.

  21. The people are between a rock and a hard place! Looks like there will not be any respite to thier suffering! Most disheartening – they haven’t even had a honeymoon period to reminisce about when the suffering becomes really unbearable. Even the worst Roman Emperors Caligula & Nero started off benevolently before power thoroughly corrupted their minds. I am feeling for the people for the pain they must be feeling after realising they are still in the same predicaments they were in, under

  22. We will only judge UPND after five years , that is the time frame of their mandate, just for clarity to those misleading others. UPND has not failed to fulfill their promises, lets talk after five years the way PF did with their more money in your pocket empty promise , go and sleep now you hollow jealous critics

  23. @ Tarino Orange
    Am non Partisan my dear friend….am just anti government…so don’t think am PF…but if I had to make a choice between Lungu and HH…I will definitely go for Lungu…Lungu was surrounded by thugs but HH himself is a Bandit and surrounded by bandits..HH is a chronic liar..he told people in Mkushi that he uses his own personal plane for campaign but that was a lie HH does not own any plane

  24. You just see the name and discover it is Mr Kaoma again. He cannot find quiet sleep unless he jabs at UPND and HH. Where was your voice man when PF inflicted pain? Get a life and accept that your party lost. The faster you come to terms with it the better for your health.

  25. Salousi only a fellow crooked drunk can support lungu. You must be a failure in life and a pure are even failing to find a good reason to hate HH. Just say that you hate us tongas. That is why for the rest of my life I will only vote for tonga candidates whether they are upnd or not

  26. @Tarino Orange – truly disappointing to learn you support UPND because Mr Hichilema is Tonga! I always ranked you as a freethinker. How wrong I was. Sad.

  27. Kapya Kaoma a full blown PF Cader it seems he now no longer receive hand outs which used to be sent to him when Pf used to play around with Tax payers money.Kapya elias Saulosi must find some thing else to do in US or come back and sweep the shop corridors along Lusaka’s cairo road.Believe me, you will be paid handsomely by LCC.

  28. I watched the video and this is what seems to have happened.
    A suspect was being taken to court- protected by a Paramilitary Policeman.
    The crowd wanted to lynch the suspect but the Policeman was trying to protect the suspect- putting his own safety on the line.

    Nothing that I saw suggests the Cadres were unleashed by the Government
    Infact, the Policeman was genuinely trying to protect the suspect.

    I’m not sure where the narrative about UPND being privy to what happens comes from.

    The Government assigned the suspect a police for protection as ordinarily happens.

    If what occurred was not denounced- then that, I would say is wrong. Hooliganism and violence needs to be denounced whether pepertuated by UPND or PF.

  29. This habit of calling people expressing their opinion as party A or B cadres is very retrogressive. We are in multiparty democracy and unless we want to go back to Unip days, allow free speech to flow with respect. We can learn something even from the least ranked political party.

  30. @Tarino Orange
    You’ve been cornered my dear friend…tribe doesn’t really matter to me…been away from Zambia since 1995…stayed briefly in RSA before relocating to the USA in 1997….i don’t see any reason why i should hate Tongas or any other tribe…i have alot of Tonga friends very enlightened and they’ve been in the diaspora for ages…i doubt if you are from chief Munukwa in the Eastern please get rid of that notion in your head of only voting for a Tonga….we will never develop as a country. Lets learn to coexist and work together as Zambians…you sound very bitter when someone challenges and point out your tribal antics…and if am a failure in life just don’t worry about it because it has no bearing on your ” successfull” life whatsoever…i guess…

  31. Salousi I was proved right in that I knew you are a non tonga. Tongas have gone through a lot. The reason those tongas you know don’t complain to you is because we are strong people who don’t cry over ignorance perpetuated by ignorant tribalists. Don’t for one second think those tongas don’t know what we have been through. I am tonga and proud and should have the freedom to celebrate being tonga without being accused of tribalism

  32. Why aren’t PF cadres rounded up just for scrutiny including the author of this article, PF cadres were ruthless and above the law. I hope their massive loss taught them to be humble, however most of them have already changed spots and wearing UPND regalia, they need to be identified and flashed out urgently. HH means well, he is not like the failures who wasted our time

  33. @Tarino Orange
    Stop it please….with your mindset how do you expect Zambia to develop….???..”Tongas have been through alot”…. come on man…I know you’re smarter than that….we are all Zambians….let’s build Zambia as Zambians….and we should all come up with one language and that language is “love for one another”

  34. A witness belongs or even a convict is Govt trophy. If a citizen attacks another person being held or protected by govt, that attacker should be treated as ebermy of the state. We have the video, let’s wait for arrests…..

  35. Seems like Kaoma has nothing better to do than making a mountain out of a molehill. Why is it the duty of the president to arrest unruly hooligans? Is that not the duty of the police? Did you ever hear HH warning the police not to arrest these unruly hooligans? Again, It’s the duty of the local police to arrest law breakers, and not the president. Let that sink in for a second. Kaoma should be calling out the police, not the president. HH can’t be everywhere at the same time like Spiderman, stopping unruly gangs from terrorizing people. That’s the duty of the police, and HH has already made it clear to them that they have to enforce the law. Kaoma should find something better to write on than these childish articles.

  36. @36 I agree with you. We are all Zambians and should love and embrace one another. I just have a question for you, why is that historically, our beloved brothers (my brother in law included) and sisters only want to vote for their fellow tribes mates? Check Zambias historical voting pattern. I know some other tribes have also done so but the scale at which our brothers do it makes other people to talk about it. I ask again, what is tribalism? I ask because we have two groups here, those that talk TRIBAL like Kambwili and the likes and THOSE that actually practice it like my brother in law. Who is worser, the man that talks to his wife saying ” I will beat you one day my wife’ OR the one that actually beats her (practices it)?… This is an issue that needs to be talked about so that…

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