Wednesday, February 5, 2025

President Hichilema must address nation on Simwinga’s sacking-Green Party


Green Party leader Peter Sinkamba has demanded that President Hakainde Hichilema addresses the nation on the sacking of Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Ronald Simwinga following conflicting statements about his departure.

This week, Mr Simwinga became the latest high ranking government official to be fired for allegedly recalling and replacement of diplomats.

But in a strange turn of events, Dr. Simwinga denied any wrongdoing and claimed that he was duly instructed to do so by higher authorities.

And now Mr Sinkamba is calling on President Hichilema to clear the air on what exactly transpired with Mr Simwinga’s sacking.

“The question is: which higher authorities are these? Are there higher authorities than President Bally? Is President Bally merely pawn in this grand masters’ game of chess, or what? Who ever was involved to give instructions to Dr. Simwinga must be a very, very powerful person in the power play of UPND Alliance, perhaps even more powerful, and feared by even President Bally himself,” Mr Sinkamba said.

“For if it were merely some petty mischievous civil servant, three things would have happened: First, immediately the saga came to his attention, without beating about the bush, President Bally would have named the culprit. The fact that President Bally used innuendoes on this very serious mischief, is proof the the person involved must be mysterious master from “Beijing”.”

“Second, President Bally would have named the diplomats involved and immediately correct the situation. The fact that President Bally could not even name the recalled, or indeed identify the appointed, means that the decision of the mysterious master from “Beijing” is final and irreversible,” he observed.

“Third, Dr. Simwinga had the audacity to openly and publicly reply to President Bally. It is very, very unusual for civil servants and diplomats to do so. The fact that Dr. Simwinga did a rebuttal in that manner, is a diplomatic signal to show that President Bally was merely pretending; that he did not know beforehand the person who issued the hire and fire instructions.”

He added, “In all fairness, for the sake of the integrity of Zambisn diplomsts on the international stage, and supremacy of the Office of the President, may President Bally address the Nation, even for ten minutes, to clear the air on this very embarrassing diplomatic glitch.”

“Otherwise, Zambia risks to find itself in a situation where foreign countries will be rejecting receiving credintials of diplomats from our country, simply because in this country, anybody can appoint anyone as a diplomat, and nobody cares.”


  1. Mr Sinkamba is being naive. This is politics where promises are made before elections and must be kept. If broken then you must find a fall guy to sacrifice. And Dr Simwinga is the fall guy. Dr Kaunda appointed Mr Justin Chimba as EP Political secretary just after Mr Chimba had lost a parliamentary election. This was contrary to the provision of the Constitution. After being made aware of this Dr Kaunda apologized openly and sent Mr Chimba into foreign service. Can our current leaders be this brave?

  2. #Deja Vu is right. The president has got the right to hire and fire whoever he sees fit, and doesn’t have to come clean about his reasons. Indeed it’s called POLITICS!

  3. I don’t remember Edgar China Lungu ever coming clean on any of his many sackings, he just did it, thanked the persons for his or her services, wished him or her the best in future endeavors – and that would be it. No it’s, no buts, you’re fired!

  4. UPND is Chipantepante govt. They dont know whether they are going or coming. Its indeed and UP and Down party with no direction.

  5. #3 If Edgar made such mistakes it doesn’t make it right for another person to repeat them. I’m not taking away anything from Mr Hakainde but let’s not justify wrongs by comparison to past wrongs. So if Upnd cadres start murdering people All we will say: PF cadres used to murder?

  6. @ #3 No Corruption Zambia.
    Edgar Lungu DOES NOT meet the benchmark for gauging the minimum ethical, moral or other standard nor that of expected good conduct.
    Stop making references to Lungu

  7. These guys have now become spoiled with Presidential press conferences you expect the Head of State to be addressing you everyday…I thought he touched on this in his radio interview. This is the man who was escorting Stephen Kampanygo on his brutal violent campaigns in Muchinga a few months ago. Why can you not forward your questions to the Minster of Justice?

  8. The problem of Bally and his UPND praise singers is that they are pathological liars. Dr. Simwinga did well to clear his name in the court of public opinion by challenging the statement from Bally. After all, Bally is not royalty. He is a commoner just like Simwinga.

  9. Furthermore, it is clear that HH is being held to an unrealistic standard than any other president, and yet he has been the most open president. Surely what does this show? Is this not because of his trlbe? Why do you hate tongas so much?

  10. It is now becoming normal to justify the wrong by comparing to the wrong that could have been done in the past administration. This is the leadership that promised to come and fix the mistakes or clear up the mess. I can’t see the direction we are going to. It is the repeat of the same mistakes, maybe even worse than we had before. We will see more.

  11. Furtherm0re, it is cOear that HH is being held to an unreaIistic standard than any other presldent, and yet he has been the most 0pen presldent. SureIy what does this sh0w? Is this not because of his trlbe? Why do you hate tongas so much?

  12. Furtherm0re, it is cOear that HH is being held to an unreaIistic standard than any other presldent, and yet he has been the most 0pen presldent. SureIy what does this sh0w? Is this not because of his trlbe? Why do you hate tongas so much? Answer me Green party

  13. Ba Sinkala so you want HE to start debating. what is so special about your request for Dr. simwinga. let us be serious.

  14. You are all running away from the real question: who fired the diplomats? Bally says he did not. So, who did? The PS says he was instructed. Who instructed him? This govt has promised total transparency. We want to know the truth so that credibility is established. Otherwise, this is an embarassing happening.

  15. Please ignore the frustrated UK based impostor it has nothing better to do with its time…its a sad sad shameless troll that lacks creativity and intellect, thrives when there is division in our country…it has now run out of material. It is craving for relevance and attention after fruitless masquerading as an official in the previous govt.

    One Zambia One Nation!!!

  16. UPND has a cartel of naming people tribal .They used names to name other party tribal forgetting that 6 provinces have similar names. People who live in North western have bemba names,muchinga,luapula,northern,central and Copperbelt. I can tell you that it will be disaster in govt with people with bemba names even though they come from southern province.It’s an unfortunately that youths bought into their lies and we have a govt which is full of lies and accusing other people being tribal . Young people should wake up and protect this country from politicians who cheat.Let them just develop instead of firing innocent qualified civil servants.How can you balance 8 provinces with simillar with two provinces?Let us not sleep otherwise it’l be chaos in this country.UPND has no plan for…

  17. Meanwhile President Joe Biden meets Uhuru Kenyatta at the White House without trumpets blowing. Uhuru has been mentioned as one of the most corrupt leaders on the continent but POTUS still meets him.

  18. #11 watch… Hakainde doesn’t own Zambia, it belongs to the Zambians. It’s like a house where the father/husband as bread winner cannot be questioned. Or did you think you were going to have it easy? People removed Edgar because of among other reasons, lack of transparency…. which Hakainde promised to champion. Just own up. As owners of the country we want to know what exactly is happening. The action just agitates rumors and innuendos.

  19. @ De Javu
    You know about Justin Chimba….wow am impressed… went to school with his son…
    Meanwhile UPND is in a self destruction mode….THE RISE AND FALL OF UPND….and remember UPND will go into obliviation

  20. Please Mr. Peter Sinkmba try to reflect on your comments the President has powers conferred on him as provided in the constitution to appoint and disappoint and not compelled to give any reason for his actions.AS for our former my advise is that he should just keep quite rather refuting this and that. Its better to do a ” Mwikala patalalala” thing. Who knows what the future holds he may find himself in the public service again.

  21. People are still excited about the new found freedom to express themselves. this Simwinga guy will rant and huff and puff and then relax into his new life. There is no need for all these antics. If any wrong has happened it will be addressed by government machinery. The new guys got this. Go thee well fellas.

  22. I agree with # 1 De Javu as well. It could just be that in the alliance there was some horse trading, as expectedly so, that certain members in the UPND grouping settled or where made to settle for postings of their members in foreign missions due to limits in cabinet, parastatal boards and government agencies. Possibly when Bally was ‘reminded’ of this agreement he just nodded…and who knows the alliance member “pressed cabinet office to lean on Simwinga in hurrying up in recalling those PF appointed diplomats.

    Sikamba do not scream too much. As much as we need complete professionalism don’t forget this is government and in government politics frequently is at play, unfortunately that is the ugly truth. If Simwinga feels hard done by I believe he is free to state his side..we…

  23. KKKK okay he was fired …as PS foreign afffairs albeit Admin..if you are not sure about an ‘instruction’ verify with your fellow PS or even with the Minister or Sec to Cabinet or Comptroller State House…if at that level you execute ‘instructions’ from anyone…well it means you are not fit for office…but he is a youngman and will find his feet drink his read and be happy as always….

  24. Iwe Peter Sinkamba stop trying to be relevant at the expense of UPND govt. If HH had not mentioned in passing on what happened you would have no case to make noise & try get noticed. Let’s debate real issues not trying to trip the president on non fundamental issues. Whatever happened behind closed doors, it is still the president’s prerogative to fire & hire diplomats. The mere fact that he is being transparent & openning up the window for us to see some of the misfortune of officials misbehaving does not mean he has lost control of his govt. Let’s elevate the level of debate please

  25. What if HH had fired the PS without giving any reasons whatsoever, – would Sinkamba have had the right right to complain, and would it matter – so, what is full all about?
    Who has the right to fire and hire political Appointees, Sinkamba!?

  26. It’s a confused situation. Announcements are made in public, apparently on behalf of the President, yet, few days later, there are retractions and we learn the President was not aware, nor had he authorised any such undertakings..!!? So, who exactly is more authoritative than the President – is there a parallel leader incognito – who holds final deciding power? I think it would help all concerned if people were told the true hierarchy of the UPND government.

  27. HH can fire whoever he wants to fire. He is not accountable to you. HH needs to fire all the people who came over from PF and appoint his own people. That is how it is supposed to be.

  28. @ Sinkamba is preOcupered with frivolous matters. He must demand to know the person behind the gassing up on citizens
    and most importantly, organising his party for the next general election.

  29. The moment Zambians start being honest with our selves will be a great milestone. PF and UPND cadres/followers are just them same. They will defend their leaders at all costs,wrong or right. The president said PS foreign affairs made illegular appointments??? The PS has refuted this but there is no response from State house. Who is telling the truth???

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