Sunday, September 8, 2024

ZACU urges tertiary institutions to embrace digital transformation


The Zambia Association of Colleges and Universities (ZACU) has called on higher learning institutions to embrace digital transformation in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Association chairperson, Luke Mumba said Covid-19 has propelled the demand for innovative ways of managing institutions in the country.

Professor Mumba, who is also University of Zambia (UNZA) Vice Chancellor, noted the need for universities and colleges to reform their curriculum to the needs of society

“Our role as universities is to produce high qualified human resource for the country and this can be done by embracing digital technologies,” he said

Prof. Mumba said this during the Zambia Association of Colleges and Universities leadership capacity building workshop in Siavonga district.

And Mulungushi University Acting Vice-Chancellor, Kawunga Nyirenda, said higher learning institutions are eager to bridge the gap between learners and the industry.

Dr. Nyirenda emphasised the need for colleges and universities to deliver learners who are digitally transformed into the industry.

“We are focusing on making learners get the digital knowledge so that when they go into the job market which is digitalised, they do not fail but be able to operate artificial systems such as robots,” he said

Meanwhile, ZACU Organizing Committee Chairperson, Geoffrey Tambulukani, who is Director of Chalimbana University, said once digital transformation is embraced in institutions of learning, the execution of research will become more effective.

The Zambia Association of Colleges and Universities (ZACU) aims to enhance leadership development which will strengthen institutional management and promote effective transformation of universities and colleges.


  1. Your lies have cost you the by elections in Eastern province….where is free education…how much is fuel…fertilizer K250….youths still in the streets..2026 HH zwa…..expect 2015 voting pattern

  2. These associations are just useless during Lazy Lungu regime they were all eating together I hope their members vote in credible people to represent them

  3. Is this lame professor still employed by Unza. Time this mwankole left – he stole too much and was part of the PF Cartel. We need sanity at our highest institution pls. Mumba must go

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