Friday, March 14, 2025

Government will improve access to safe drinking water for the people of Muchinga province-Hichilema


President Hakainde Hichilema says his government will improve access to safe drinking water for the people of Muchinga province.

President Hichilema said access to safe drinking water will be improved in the province through various water projects.

The President, who was speaking when he toured the Chambeshi water reticulation project in Chinsali today, said the government will render all the necessary support for the completion of the project.

He said the completion of the Chambeshi water project reticulation will facilitate for the continuous supply of safe drinking water to residents in the district.

“I am impressed with this project as it will improve the access to water by the ordinary villager here,” he said.

The republican President has since urged Chambeshi water management to consider the use of a solar-based power to reduce on the cost of electricity to run the plant.

And Chambeshi Water and Sanitation Company Managing Director, Luckson Simumba said the Chinsali water project is at 98 per cent complete and is expected to be fully operational by November 19, 2021.

Mr. Simumba told the President that only a sewer system is remaining to be completed and installed as well as the operationalization of two treatment plants.

He explained that the objective of the company is to supply safe and clean running water throughout the day.

“With the support of government, we will be able to achieve this goal of continuous water supply,” he said.

Mr. Simumba also told the President that the company is planning to extend its services to surrounding rural areas.

President Hichilema was in Chinsali district on a one- day working visit.


  1. For the first time in his mouth, he has appreciated what PF has done.

    This is just the beginning, as he continues to tour other projects, he will discover that he has nothing to do PF has done 98% of projects in Zambia.

  2. And its the first time to hear your positive appreciation of HH, welldone gentlemen 🙂
    Just an hour ago, you were struggling about him being commended and you were advising to work on his campaign promises. Now suddenly, it suites you and you spin around. Oh…gosh !

  3. Mwaice & Mufana. You better do that. Once the Northern & Eastern Base say no to you in 2026, you will end up a one term president. By the way these are projects that were started by PF. Proud to have a Ngoni Father & Bemba Mother.

  4. There is nothing good that the pf did. If you call inflated priced projects a positive then you are lost. I despise the pf

  5. General Kanene

    Please just go your mother so hard. You are one hardcore UPND Cadre. HH can admit wrong doing today and admit the crime. You will deny it. The problem with you guys is that you think that all Tonga people have to love and accept HH. Well there are some people from the south who know that this man is not a Saint. Already there is a rebel mounting inside UPND because of the way he is handling things

  6. The Zambian government doesn’t go away it is only the administration that changes hands, the managers are changed that is what it is and the infrastructures remain the same , and state house doesn’t change even ministry offices remain the same including the permanent secretaries who own the the government don’t go away.

  7. @ Deja Vu
    and now he is sounding like a broken record….blah blah blah….he will just be riding on PF agenda not his day dreaming fake campaign promises
    and 2026 Zambians will commend him for losing elections since he is so obsessed with being commended

  8. PF impoverished Zambians with debt,theft and negative economic indicators that’s why there’s still so many people with no safe drinking water.

  9. @ Lishoma
    Michelle Obama once said “When they go low, we go high.” Lesson from that quote: When you go low, it’s all about your own ego. It’s not about solving anything…. It’s about seeking rev.enge on the thing that happened to you. I am not going to sink low to insult your mother, who I respect. ITS A PITY SHE WENT THROUGH THAT PAIN TO GIVE BIRTH TO PERSON LIKE YOU.
    I am as clean&clear as crystal ball, that I am not UPND. But LT is full of i.di.ots like YOU, who are all out there blaming and insulting HH for no reason, as a fair person, I am compelled to defend him on basis of facts. That doesn’t make me a UPND, I just state facts. YOU just a nonetity seeking attention. And will NOT help you with that.

  10. This is good Mr. President. Focus on the economy and all will be well. Those insulting you above have been kicked out and can say North-East all they want but forget that there was deliberate reduction in NRC and voter issuance in North-West, Copperbelt, and South-West regions but increased issuance in North-East by PF. But look what happened in Chipasha? Zambians are getting above these barrow tribally inclined political strategies. The digital age looks to something else than tribe or region. Ba PF mukalila nakabili because you are too tribally and regionally focused. Lwenu!

  11. Good Mr President but you should know that Muchinga people have their parent king or paramount Chief avoiding to meet him is not the best thing to do, it is as good as not visiting that province now that you are the president please change your approach.
    Your approach must be that you are now a national leader who should on principle respect protocol, I mean as a respected leader you cannot visit a home and fail to talk to the father of the home it is immoral , this shows immaturity to say the least, you should find time to visit the owner of the Bemba people and have a chat with him simple , to remind you without these Bembas you cannot be a president in Zambia as they make up the largest or majority percentage of Zambians.

  12. I will join UPND now cos my party MMD is in Kantolomba cemetery. I will complete PF projects and reap their harvest. I will support the legalization of marijuana

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