Friday, October 18, 2024

The ECZ protest in pictures



Electoral Commission of Zambia workers gathered outside their offices to press for the re-instatement of Dan Kalale


ECZ workers sitting in the car park in protest against their Chairperson Florence Mumba.


An Electoral Commission of Zambia employee carrying a placard against chairperson Florence Mumba.


Electoral Commission of Zambia workers listen to their leader Joseph Chilekwa outside the commission's offices in Lusaka.


Electoral Commission of Zambia workers carrying placards outside their offices.


Electoral Commision of Zambia workers' representaive Joseph Chilekwa talks to reporters outside the commission's offices


Dismissed electoral commission of Zambia director Dan kalale during a press briefing in Lusaka


Electoral Commission of Zambia chairperson Florence Mumba during a media briefing


  1. KaDanny Kalale kalilya ulupiya elo lelo kaimone corruption? Bamayo baFlo, chessi bonse ababomfi ba ECZ abali pa stalaka. We are behind you mama.

  2. I thought the opposition did not like Danny Kalale, is he now a hero? I honest don’t understand what goes on in people’s minds in Zambia.

  3. Just go back to work you lot.Dan Kalale is water under the bridge.since when do you decide who should be Director there.The Elections under Dan Kalale have always been disputed.

  4. Demonstrations in Zambia, especially Lusaka, tend to be government sanctioned. As one poster has already observed all of the elections undr Mr Kalale have been disputed. It appears this is more of a structured ploy to remove Florence…….on balance who has more credibility between the two anyway?

  5. The matter at hand is very clear that our learned lawyer the chairperson for ECZ has errored in awarding a contract ( If that materialised ) to KPMG for a 1 week audit at ECZ.

    Such an audit wouldn’t have yielded any results as there would have been no transparency and haste to get to the core of the audit. The audit would have taken a little bit longer considering the amount involved.

  6. Chaps, just go back to work! Kalale was sacked after a failed audit. Perhaps you were all partaking in the nonsense at ECZ.

  7. Ala am VERY HAPPY with Kalale’s dismissal. I will remain eternally grateful to Judge Mumba. Now find a better replacement. Kalale aaliba nimisango ishibi. If only we can also get rid of VJ and his evil clique. Our God really answers prayers…………..

  8. In future, audits should be held a year before the elections in case the Executive Director is held accountable for any irregularities and he’s suspended or even fired so that there is room for a new person to take over smoothly.

  9. The auditor generals office is partly to blame for not making it a priority to audit this government institution on time before elections and make it run on good corporate governance principles.

  10. Young man go in peace and those protesting be careful because we have a lot qualified zambia who are unemployed. Just leave and the positions will filled in a week.

  11. These chaps are stu..d. When election results are delayed none of them say anything. Makes me wonder whether we are together with them in the fight for transparent operations. Mulalyamo bonse nga bamupeela kalale? What you are doing might become dangerous for you, especially junior workers and Kalale wont be there for you when your time comes. Leave Mrs Mumba to do her job. If Kalale is agreived let him go ALONE to Industrial Relations Court! Your Job is to register voters not to fight for Kalale. If this is a ploy to remove Mumba, then US THE PEOPLE will demonstrate, as opposed to the 40 of you at your offices if we consider it malicious. Tell the nation why Kalale can’t be dismissed and why Mrs Mumba should go, and not some of you!

  12. These chaps dont mean well. When election results are delayed none of them say anything. Makes me wonder whether we are together with them in the fight for transparent operations. Mulalyamo bonse nga bamupeela kalale? What you are doing might become dangerous for you, especially junior workers and Kalale wont be there for you when your time comes. Leave Mrs Mumba to do her job. If Kalale is agreived let him go ALONE to Industrial Relations Court! Your Job is to register voters not to fight for Kalale. If this is a ploy to remove Mumba, then US THE PEOPLE will demonstrate, as opposed to the 40 of you at your offices if we consider it malicious. Tell the nation why Kalale can’t be dismissed and why Mrs Mumba should go, and not some of you!

  13. Mumba should not have single handedly fired an executive director, was she trying to hide the contract she dubiously awarded to KPMG?

  14. Mumba should know that once reported to ACC by Kalale she has to go on leave to pave way for investigations, lest she tampers with evidence.

  15. “…..The workers also accused Justice Mumba of failing to improve the workers conditions of service…..”
    That is the real grievance for the ECZ workers and yet they hide behind the dismissal of Dan Kalale and alleged maladministration by Justice Mumba. As one blogger indicated yesterday, these workers are probably already overpaid and yet they want more.
    Well, they can continue their strike, they should be made to stay home and we will invite workers from the “ECZs” of South Africa, Tanzania and Mozambique to come and fill in the gap, starting with Mporokoso bye elections.

  16. *number 19 Zebige. Being ECZ chairperson is not a full time job. So Justice Mumba does not need to go on leave for investigations by ACC to go on.

  17. None of us outsiders know what happens at ECZ! I ‘m not sure whether this is the right move for workers? But Looking at the response it could be that this Guy- KALALE was honest somehow, hence there is need to reinstate him so that we remove MMD from Power.
    My only fear is that all the whole lot bunch of ECZ employees you cook figures for the ruling party to win. Once LUPIYA (RUPIAH) Banda sends brown envelops with cash, i can assure you these guys will be quiet.

  18. Very very interesting. Dan has done his part at ECZ. Let someone else takeover. No one is indispensable. I will be surprised if Dan agrees to go back.

  19. #21, I agree with you, but she seems to have been finding herself doing executive functions such as finding auditors. She obviously encroached on some non chairman-like jobs. She should take leave from doing such jobs which understandably she was not suppose to be involved in for starters.

  20. Kalepuka pa ECZ. Lets wait and see how the drama unfolds. The questions, however, are will the elections be free and fair with what we know now? Will the DEC or ACC even respond or act? Will the Judge be investigated or resign? Will workers continue the work stoppage? Will Dan spill more bins? And will Dan even return to ECZ. I bet Kalu is dancing in Cape Town knowing the ECZ drama is taking away the attention from FAZ drama.

  21. This does not look good especially that we are in an election year. Authorities need to step in to arrest and correct this fast deteriorating situation.

    Though our govt is generally inept and lets situations spiral out of control and then start fire fighting like we are experiencing in western province.

  22. LOOKING at their heads and necks these guys are well paid. they can all resign if they want and we will find other people faster than the speed of light with high unemployment rate in zambia. i can see govn’s dirty hand in this saga. let this douche bag called kalale go. kalale chi color! sleep

  23. Hello if these workers continue ask them to stay at home and advertise their position, we dont want this f00l kalale he has caused alot of pain and heartaches.

  24. This says volumes to me. Do we have to have workers join a foolhardy exercise scuh as this one. They had no guts to rebel before Kalale was fired. They should be suspended for this misdemeanour. And for Kalale, he should be checked – there is no way you can wait until you are out to coorect your boss.

  25. Kanshi what is the truth on this man Kalale and this matter? We here in the diaspora are getting mesmerized and confused. Can Lusakatimes please dig around and update us? Or the Post? Even Daily Mail or Times – please?

  26. Both Kalale and Mumba must go. These are the two people MMD thieves use to rigg elections. let them go and sleep. Mumba is a thief who wanted to steal K 1 bilion from Zambians through fake KPMG audit, equaly Kalale riggs elections for the MMD thieves. So , let these useless people go. As Zambians dont want them,

    Very corrupt people Kalale and Mumba are.


  27. KPMG-Zambia, especially from Lusaka branch are corrupt to the end. They do audits for the NGO I worked, they could start writing audit report before even opening any receipt book. I wonder why government branches can be using such auditors. You see what they did to Global Fund, just because they could not be “boshad”.

  28. 28 Septemebr 2006
    Lusaka — ELECTORAL Commission of Zambia (ECZ) director Dan Kalale was yesterday briefly detained by police at the Lusaka International Airport for what officers termed using language that was alarming to the nation.This was after Security Officers impounded and opened ballot papers which he was carrying from South Africa. The Police said it was quiet suspicious that an individual can be carrying such important papers without any security escort 2 months before general elections.
    Kalale bragged that the police cant do anything to him because he was untouchable

  29. “I arrived at the airport and I found a group of policemen who decided to manhandle me and detain me.
    “They only let me go when I called (national police chief Efraim) Mateyo.
    The detention came after Kalale criticised police for impounding the ballot papers at the airport.
    The papers were impounded following suspicions that an attempt was being made to rig the election.
    Kalale condemned the move by police to confiscate the papers and asked for those behind the decision to be disciplined.

  30. #34 Smoothcriminnal, sure Kalale is smooth too. He helped MMD alot, and Ms. Mumba should start packing, because people like VJ who were using Kalale since 1994 will not accept his absence in this year’s rough elections.

  31. Is it not possible to simply publish the criteria in which ECZ used to award the audit contract to KPMG, who authorised this and how that person (or people) came to that decision? That is logical and transparent, isn’t it?

  32. # 25 Dan Kalale and Kalusha Bwalya are thick buddies, birds of a feather fly together or are fired together, they must be wondering what has befallen them. Limbi ba tukile aka kote….!

  33. The workers at ECZ are (given loans) to buy motor vehicles after every ELECTION is it a way of thanking them for helping in the rigging. ACC probe this.

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