Sunday, January 5, 2025

Reynolds Bowa is new ERB Board Chairman


Energy Minister Peter Kapala has announced the appointment of the new Board of Directors of the Energy Regulation Board (ERB).

Mr Kapala unveiled the new Board that will be chaired by energy expert Reynolds Bowa during a press briefing in Lusaka on Monday.

Others on the Board include Economist and Betternow Finance Limited Founder and Chief Executive Officer Noel Nkoma.

Joining them will be Mr. Banji Kalenga; Mr. Michael Kachumi; Ms. Karen Banda; Sitwala Nang’alelwa and Mr. Gilbert Phiri.

Mr Bowa is an engineer and has been chief executive officer for Petrotech Oil Corporation for the last ten years.

Prior to that he worked for Caltex Oil (Zambia) Limited, Zambia Airways Corporation, and Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) at Konkola Division.

Mr. Bowa is a fellow of the Engineering Institution of Zambia and a member of the institute of Directors of Zambia.

He was appointed to the CEC Plc board on 1st September, 2012.

He chairs the Investment Committee, and is a member of Executive Committee and the Risk Committee of the CEC Plc board and also serves as a director on different boards.


  1. Is your Superstar Bowa going to reduce petrol and paraffin prices to K15 per liter tomorrow? or you will just pay him with “congratulations”. you Fvckers

  2. Reynolds Bowa was running Petrotech Oil with his friend Dyson Mweene. This company is no longer in business. The last time I checked it had sold it petrol station in Chibombo to Mt Meru Petroleum. For him to chair the ERB board without a possible conflict of interest, it means he has to resign his board membership of CEC Plc if he has not done so already.

  3. Reynolds Bowa was running Petrotech Oil with his friend Dyson Mweene. This company is no longer in business. The last time I checked it had sold its petrol station in Chibombo to Mt Meru Petroleum. For him to chair the ERB board without a possible conflict of interest, it means he has to resign his board membership of CEC Plc if he has not done so already.

  4. Thank god they didn’t appoint that crook Johnston Chikwanda…he knew they were jobs coming starts writing articles everywhere!

  5. Congratulations Mr Gilbert Phiri. I wish you all the best in this new endeavour, as you apply your knowledge, experience and expertise, in the Energy Regulation Board.

  6. Let’s hope this board will not just be a rubber stamp like it was in the previous government and it will actually be independent enough even to challenge some decisions of the appointing authority.

  7. Thank the Lord that Johnstone Chikwanda wasn’t appointed – he has his fingers in everything: especially the till. Corrupt friend from Edgar China Lungu!

  8. The real question is how independent the ERB is going to be, or will they just follow orders from state house like the previous board.

  9. Congratulations Mr. Bowa on your appointment. I worked with ba Sir at Caltex Oil Head office and his performance was exemplary and he’s profoundly experienced he has a wide expertise in petroleum products and am of the strong belief that he’s going to perform wonders , he definitely has the abilities. He’s the reason why my vote is valid. I voted wisely.

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