Wednesday, October 2, 2024

UPND Government is operating well without any disruption-Anderson Banda


UPND Lusaka province youth chairperson Mr Anderson Banda has charged that UPND Government is operating well without any disruption in the course of duties as the current crop of opposition have no direction in offering checks and balances.

Mr Banda said this when he featured on MUVI TV Bluntant talk program on whether the UPND Government was finding it hard to work properly with the pressure from opposition political parties.

Mr Banda said it was unfortunate that some opposition leaders have failed to use the current political environment to mobilize their structures but are busy hallucinating on matters that have no backing.

He it is only under the New Dawn Government that opposition members can gather anywhere without being harassed unlike what use to happen under the PF regime.

Mr Banda said UPND Government will continue to support an enabling environment for all but everyone should be aware that all of us are guaranteed Freedom of Speech and Expression but no one is guaranteed Freedom after the Speech or Expression.

He advised the opposition to choose their words carefully and express themselves appropriately.

Mr Banda said the PF should be thankful to the UPND Government for creating an environment which themselves failed to create in 10 years which His Excellence president of the Republic of Zambia Mr Hakainde Hichilema did it in 24 hrs after being declared.


  1. #1. We are not in side and we agree with Mr. Banda. People were being arrested without being given police bond. Demonstration was met with brutal police action. Bus stations and markets were places for abuse from cadres. So yes within 24 hours order was restored to motherland

  2. #2 Because mudiela you can talk. I know of Constituency chairman from the copperbelt who’s camped in Lusaka since September 2021. What is he doing there?

  3. UPND should not have short memory.
    1. They refused to recognise Edgar Lungu as President of the Republic .
    2. The called Edgar Chakolwa, Kabolala
    3. They accused Edgar of influencing the judges
    4. They blocked Edgar’s Motorcade
    5. In Choma they booed President Edgar Lungu.
    6. blablablabla

    • All these are true and truth be told there was no offence here, what is wrong with calling a chakolwa by his appropriate name of chakolwa. if Edgars motor cade was blocked, that is a police case. The way the Police have taken Nakachinda in for blatant lies which the late PF are calling freedom of speech is the same way blockers must have been taken in, but not treason please, a traffic offence can never be treason on any day anywhere in the world as we saw in Mongu

  4. PF gave you lots of space to insult . There has been no President in Zambia who was insulted the way Edgar was. All you guys had a field day insulting Lungu. If Lungu was bad man , the prisons would be full today with people who defamed the President. He was always pushed to the wall but kept his cool.

  5. UPND is on course and with a lot of donor confidence, I don’t think UPND will behave like PF who promIsed Zambians more money in their pockets and at the end of PF misrule, there was even less money in the pockets of Zambians. Even surprised that PF has an acting secretary general who is still talking of PF infrastructure, the same things Zambians rejected saying they want bread and butter issues, and this is a party saying it is rebranding. No where near for sure. Their party member blatantly abuses his freedom of speech and progressives like MP for Kantanshi have condemned but the hard core PF members that cant rebrand are just arguing for the sake of arguing, totally lost cause…

  6. UPND is cool, already a lot of fresh air in bus stops and markets, PF exchange rate was at K23 and for UPND its already down to K16. Good things surely on the way


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