Wednesday, March 12, 2025

There will be moments of pain caused by Measures to stabilise Economy-VP


Vice President WK Mutale Nalumango has said that there will be moments of pain arising from the measures the new dawn government is taking to stabilize the economy such as the removal of subsidies on fuel and electricity.

She, however, states that the intention of the government is to make the lives of Zambians better.

Responding to a question by Mporokoso Member of Parliament Brian Mundubile during the vice president’s question time who wanted to find out why the Zambian people should continue trusting the new dawn administration in view of its backtracking on promises such as increasing fuel and electricity prices, Mrs. Nalumango who has justified the increase in the fuel pump price says the intention of government is to stabilize the economy before benefits begin to accrue.

She says it’s understandable that the turbulence that comes with the removal of subsidies in the short term might seem bad, but that the end result will be good.

Mrs. Nalumango said that the money being realized from the removal of subsidies on fuel and electricity is the same money government needs to channel to other critical areas, including the provision of free education and the Constituency Development Fund.

And the Vice President has said that the increase in some taxes effective January 2022 is not meant to punish Zambians.

Responding to a question by PF Pambashe Member of Parliament Ronald Chitotela who wanted to find whether the impending increase in the premium insurance levy on the third party will not affect the commoner such as taxi drivers, Mrs. Nalumango said that the level of the country’s indebtedness must be dealt with, and that this is exactly what the new dawn government is doing.


  1. This woman is she a mother. Zambians will suffer while their leaders wash in expensive soaps and drink the best wine.

  2. If you do not play your cards right muyenda pa 2026. That said, it is wise to push through the bitter measures now and hopefully we start turning a corner in a couple of years with minimal casualty. We need to intensify social spending to cushion our vulnerable folk who are in the majority. That is most important and critical. Leaders must live on their salaries and allowances and not dip any fingers in the National till. Then we will manage.

  3. She is at pain explaining the merciless and evil punishment slapped on Zambians by and through the IMF in fuel price terms.
    More trouble is coming as Zesco tariffs pends to bite.
    Zambians have been through the IMF Monsters before. We know with certainty that Nalumango is lying.
    With a Government that never lives up to it’s promises, you can be rest assured that Nalumangos statement in parliament is but another promise with empty fulfillment.
    Is it only in the name of politics that you stand there and lie with impunity?

  4. Hunters use dogs to kill animals. But when it comes to sharing the meat, the dog is given bones and the worst waste parts of the animal. The hunter and his family get the choicest parts.

  5. Mrs Chushi Kasanda Honorable Minister told us that the removed subsidies on fuel will go to pay pensioners. But since then different ministers have told us different story from the defunct INDENI to the mismanaged finances by the former government. What all of them are afraid of mentioning is the ROLE OF THE IMF in this disgraceful saga.

  6. Madam , no one takes you seriously . You are more like a stand up comedian . You have no idea about what you talk about.

  7. Zambians are solidly behind UPND madam, Zambians understand that you are trying to sort out things, and that it is dark before dawn. We waited for more money in our pocket for ten years under PF and we did not get any joy but we know that with UPND there is both the tunnel and light, and the light at the end of the tunnel

  8. The issue here that punish the pool and inrich the rich. Zambias balemoka lelo , mafupa ealeshale. to be poor is very bad nefibi fyose kulasuminafye. we have no option

  9. Never say Zambians are behind Upnd, say I am behind Upnd. Even if it’s one Zambian not behind the Upnd, his views must be respected.

  10. These cruel people have resurfaced again to kill poor Zambians, they have allowances to their pays while the poor people will be dying in their houses like flies.
    You are not doing anything you promised.
    The conclusion is that you are evil and bad people who have no poor people at heart.

  11. When a leader makes choices that will not make him popular, that is a true leader. Bene Lungu accumulated a fuel debt of over half a billion dollars so that he could remain popular. HH comes in to fix Lungu’s mess which includes paying a debt he never knew about and clowns are here talking about how he has failed. Too many children on this blog who have no clue what running a country really entails, It is a good thing you will remain on the sidelines just making noise like rabid mosquitoes while this man does what must be done to fix what the lunatics who were there before him damaged. A lot of growing up still has to be done by bloggers here.


  13. I need to seek some clarification: will future governments also remove subsidies on fuel? I say this because 2012 late President Sata spoke of subsidy removal and how the saving would help build our economy including infrastructure such as schools. So, I ask again, “Will future governments also remove subsidies?” Whether you vote me down or not this is recorded — endani ku ma 2012 uko muzapeza

  14. Kikikikiki what logic is that….she doesn’t know that people are even dying now because of what they’re doing….meanwhile they’re getting hefty salaries and living expense free in luxury

  15. I doubt if madam Nalumango has any understanding of economics and economic policy. She just says whatever she is told to say.
    Simple truth; you are implementing IMF imposed conditions so that you can access your loan from them. This has nothing to do with Zambia getting better in the future because when you go to IMF, it NEVER happens.
    IMF is not in the business of developing poor countries but enslaving them and impoverishing them. The result is that citizens always kick out the govts that implement these conditions.
    You tax poor zambians to death while large multinational corporations mining our cooper make billions of dollars tax free. Shame.

  16. Zambians in all the ten provinces are with UPND all the way, even the 1.8 have joined us, there will always be a few remnants and that is why you see the usual PF propaganda which collapsed on August 12 but trying to dust itself up here we know what you are trying to do with the removal of subsidies, some people are apprehensive because of the raw deal we got under PF, We cant continue with these artificial subsidies, the removal wont kill us

  17. Reminds me of what pastors preach to their gullible followers…”suffer now your rewards is in heaven…”””…whilst they’re living in extreme luxury…..their gullible followers in extreme poverty….where is Spaka and my dear brother Tarino Orange…kikikikikiki let them come in open and join Sean Tembo

  18. During the PF government the Upnd leaders used to tell us that petrol maximum price should 14 Kwacha per litre. The PF was selling the petrol at 17 Kwacha per litre and used to steal the 3 Kwacha difference. So we can safely say that the Upnd will be stealing 7 Kwacha?

  19. Ndeloleshako fye uko mulekangana pali New Devil Regime. Tiye nayo. Ukwalola mwela eko twalola mayo. Kwalola mwela uko twalola. Dont trust politicians. They are hyenas without plan.

  20. What you can now see is that this man in state house has sent his team of liars to go into all regions of the country to tell lies to the poor electorate whom he promised mountains.
    These crooks have gone broad and wide to lie for this lying president, lies don’t just die but yield bad results it was one lying now they have multiplied into all his MPs, I don’t know weather their conscious will be free enough to continue lying about those empty promises.
    This is going the biggest lesson to all those who will aspire for higher office not to be so careless with their tongue.

  21. Dudelove at #12, you must be new here. These mental midgets are PF stooges who come on here to criticize everything. They know there is no wand to fix the incompetence of the last 10 years perpetrated by their colleagues. They just pretend not to understand. They are both liars and *****s – a combination that can’t be helped easily. More importantly, they don’t want to be helped, these are just unhappy and bitter because Zambia no longer puts up with their nonsense. Just ignore the dumb@zz, semi-literates and have a good chuckle reading their grade school comments.

  22. @ 26 Sarah
    Typical UPND moron always insulting and belittling others…thats how we know UPND members…. you are in the USA call your family back home and ask them if they have eaten dinner,,,,they probably dont have money for breakfast tommorow

  23. #23 Well said Tekanyeni ,after enjoying 10yrs of PF bribes and lies they thought a painful payback won’t ever come?No pain ,no gain as they say.

  24. personally have no problem with the hiking of fuel and e;ectricity as it is part of fixing the economy. The biggest problem i have is the UPND when in opposition used to acuse the ruling that they had hiked fuel while their colleagues explained that zambia had the cheapest fuel in the region. The biggest problem with these jackals, scoundrels, cats is the amount of lies they peddled agaist zambians.

  25. UPND promises to reduce cost of living and keep prices down
    December 8, 2014
    If elected the UPND will take some short-term measures to reduce the cost of living, including lowering the price of fuel, but at the same time we will take action that will lead to bigger price reductions in the long-term and that will keep prices down.

  26. Moments of pain for majority of poor Zambians whilst you employ children of your fellow rich elitist upnd supporters. You will only get employed in this govt if you had parents who were able to send you abroad for masters degrees. How do you uneducated f00IS who voted these maggots in feel?

  27. @Salousi, you are one of the bigger *****s on here, next to that mental case in London pretending to be Kaizer Zulu.
    What were you saying when Zambians were suffering for last 10 years? When they were telling people to urinate into their fuel tanks when prices went up?
    Kiss my AZZ and STFU, chump.

  28. Miss VP don’t give in to stupid populist policies. Austerity is a MUST ,its like getting rid of private minibuses to bring GRZ public transport…unpopular but it restores sanity on Zambian roads.

  29. Iwe chi stupid Kaizar Zero we endured 10yrs of painful PF economic damage already.Bally is fixin your 10yrs of stupidity now.

  30. It is easier to claim I am pretending to be myself, so that you hoodwink Zambians not to follow my messages here. You are feeling my weight

  31. When you lack coherent sensible argument just resort to insults…hahaha that’s the twisted PF logic.See why Zambian people wisely rejected them?

  32. Poor KZ, such boring, childish ‘insults’. Yawn. Something is clearly mentally off about you, PRETENDING to be Kaizer. Stick to the meds *****a

  33. Imwe ba pf what do you want now ….I know, you want us to say Akabwekelapo? 4get it bane….ise ni FORWRD chabe.

  34. Madam Vice-President your logic is pathetic. You keep on defending everything your so called “New Dawn Government” is doing. I have some reservations on this new regime. No doubt, even the previous Government did not do much to improve the lives of the people. Politicians are just tricky.

  35. and the winner…the winner is….is….is IMF…kikikikiki UPND praise singers are getting even more bitter now just like their small god HH……one term government soon you will be back to opposition where you belong…..

  36. There was a person who never complained even when the boss drove his car on his foot. He kept on smiling while suppressing tears coming from ears. You know that the increase in price of essentials will hit badly you keep on smiling because you want to make people think all is okay.

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