Sunday, September 8, 2024

Continued lack of adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures countrywide is a concern-Masebo


Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo has said that she is concerned with the continued lack of adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures countrywide.

Ms. Masebo was speaking during the daily COVID-19 update in Kitwe today, where she disclosed that the country has recorded 4,189 new cases out of the 13, 986 tests conducted in the last 24 hours.

Ms. Masebo said Northwestern province recorded the highest number of cases at 56 percent. and that as of today, the active cases stand at 32, 739, with 305 admitted, while 113 patients are on oxygen and 18 are critically ill.

The minister said the country has also recorded 8 deaths and also noted that the number of unvaccinated patients being admitted remains high at above 80 percent, and reiterated her call on members of the public to get vaccinated.

And Copperbelt Health Director, Dr. Robert Zulu said the province is yet to record any death since the fourth wave began.

And Copperbelt Minister Elisha Matambo has called on the business community to partner with the government in the fight against covid-19.

Kitwe Mayor, Mpasa Mwaya said her office has collaborated with councilors and stakeholders in the district to sensitize the people on the importance of getting the vaccine

Meanwhile, the Government has assured workers at (ZFDS) that they will not be evicted from the ZAF base but her office will confer with the Minister of Defence to allow the operations to continue.

Health Minister Sylvia Masebo has made the assurance after meeting staff at ZFDS in Ndola.

The health minister has also asked workers at the service to be hopeful and happy that the new dawn government has responded to their challenges.

Ms Masebo cited the 12 percent salary increment across the board to workers at Zambia Flying Doctors Service (ZFDS) after 6 years of their conditions of service not improved.

She further disclosed that the government has also increased funding to the institution from K 22m to K30m.

Ms.Masebo, however, expressed disappointment with Ndola Teaching Hospital management for failing to keep the institution clean.

Speaking when she toured the facility Ms.Masebo was not pleased with the site of cobwebs and obsolete equipment gathering dust.

She has directed management to ensure they improve standards at the institution.


  1. Change strategy, stop people from sleeping together for at least 3 months.
    That COVID is most transmitted from mouth to mouth.

  2. Still not taking this disease seriously. Just warn people to adhere to the laid down rules or we go back to lockdown. If there is very little compliance just introduce limited lockdown for a few days so that people start adhering to the rules to avoid lockdown.

  3. @1 Patriot
    And people are wondering why even get vaccinated and you can still get COVID and die…so what’s the Vaccine for ???

  4. The problem is that people think vaccination is the only silver bullet against the disease. This is the type of thinking that has led to a lot more conflict and misery than the disease itself has done. Meanwhile, we have more deadly diseases like Malaria, HIV, TB or cancer which we have successfully managed to control even without any vaccine.

  5. We did better during our tenure. More people were coming forward to get vaccinated. Now they know that the imperialist bootlicker hh will allow the inoculation of test vaccines from the west. We are not monkeys!

  6. The vast majority of us have gone through covid with very mild flu-like symptoms, without even the thought of visiting the health system.

    Why doesn’t the honourable minister publicise the mortality rate of conditions like malaria and dysentry, so we can tally the results and make an informed decision.

    A drive to vaccinate should never be through fear-mongering. It makes your medical degree look worthless.

  7. Evening Minister,
    The issue at hand is that you are in charge.
    Show us what you’re made of.
    You can’t sound helpless.
    We vote for hope and help,so do the needful help and create hope.

  8. You rip what you sow. During your time in opposition you made people believe that Covid19 was just a make believe by the government. All the same I agree with you with what you have said Silvia

  9. Ba Minister n healthybscientist can you tell us what drives you to encourage us to be vaccinated yet the worst anticipated is happening globally
    See whats happening in UK. Already you are blindly and mungulu supporting vaccines which now what to inject our kids. Please spare us as Africans we are under too much stress.

    U.K. government says vaccinated are dying at a rate 286% higher than unvaccinated
    naturalnews.comJan 12, 2022 1:51 PM
    Image: U.K. government says vaccinated are dying at a rate 286% higher than unvaccinated
    (Natural News) The latest data from the British government shows a disturbing trend among the “fully vaccinated,” who are very clearly dying at a significantly higher rate than the unvaccinated.

    According to the figures, there are 286 percent more deaths…

  10. U.K. government says vaccinated are dying at a rate 286% higher than unvaccinated
    naturalnews.comJan 12, 2022 1:51 PM
    Image: U.K. government says vaccinated are dying at a rate 286% higher than unvaccinated
    (Natural News) The latest data from the British government shows a disturbing trend among the “fully vaccinated,” who are very clearly dying at a significantly higher rate than the unvaccinated.

    According to the figures, there are 286 percent more deaths occurring now among people who got jabbed for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) compared to people who left their immune systems and DNA alone.

    Upwards of one million people have suffered serious injuries or died so far from the shots. And this is a conservative estimate based on official government data, which is known to…

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