Friday, March 14, 2025

Bowman Lusambo Arrested and Charged for being in possession of property suspiciously acquired


The Anti-Corruption Commission has arrested and charged former Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo for corrupt practices.
The Commission has also recorded a Warn and Caution statement from former State House Press Aide, Amos Chanda.

Mr. Lusambo, 45, of Chamba Valley area in Lusaka, has been charged with four (4) counts of being in possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime contrary to section 71 (1) of the forfeiture of proceeds of crime act no. 19 of 2010.

He has also been charged with two counts of concealment of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime, contrary to section 71 (1) of the forfeiture of proceeds of crime act no. 19 of 2010.

Details in the four (4) counts of possession of property reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime are that between 1st day of May 2015 and the 31st day of December, 2021, in Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces, he was in possession of property number f/609/e/44/13/9, property number Ndo/ln_77505/1, property number Masai/ln_1005309/1, and property number Palab/ln_73112/17.

The above properties are reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.

Details in the two (2) counts of concealment of property reasonably to be proceeds of crime are that Mr Lusambo, jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown, on dates unknown but between the 1st day of May 2015 and the 31st day of December 2021, in the Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces of the Republic of Zambia, did conceal property number Masai/ln_100328/218 disguised in the name of Mbachi Nkwazi and property number Ndo/ln_1004844/191 disguised in the name of Gatbro International Limited.

The properties are reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime. Mr Lusambo has since been released on bond and will appear in court soon.

Meanwhile, Mr. Chanda was warned and cautioned in connection with being in possession of fifteen (15) properties reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime.


  1. This one Bowman Lusambo is a problem. I have never liked him especially after insulting me personally for hard working as a Diaspora. I also strongly believe he is a criminal who needs to be caged. Nonetheless, the ACC are a big bottle job. I don’t think their approach makes sense. Seems like the investigations are based on speculations rather than substance.

  2. Theatrical prosecution continues…just wasting more tax payers money… conviction…no Jail term no nothing and you wonder why they’re even arresting these guys…I think it’s just to embarras them at a cost of tax payers…
    Useless government….mention just one Politician who did time and had his/her properties seized….thats when you will realize that UPND is just wasting tax payers money

  3. Chiluba helped many Zambians to own houses, I do salute him for that great feat because I, as a person who did not benefit, was made to react by working hard to earn income, saved, invested wisely and Built Florida USA type of houses and not Zambian 6″ block houses. Many have been made to build and own houses just like Lusambo. 49 houses, do not be shocked, this are 6″block houses, may be, all 49, equivalent to one cheap Florida house. Zambians should frown at persons who helped themselves with Privatasation during Chiluba time. It is sad, they dribbled us. They should not be allowed to cheat us again.

  4. Some people are just dul.l………

    Investigations take time, PF criminals hide their corruptly aquired proceeds well………

    How do you expect investigatins
    , convictions and sentencing In 6 months for white collar crimes ?????.

    When their lungu could not even find the owner of 49 houses for a whole year ????

  5. Zambians don’t have a problem with people owning 49 houses……….

    What we have a problem with is ………..

    Before getting into GRZ you are broke , then with in 5 years you own houses snd other properties which your salary can not account for and with no trace of bank loans ????…….

    And all this at a time when the country is getting poorer ………..

    Simply account for your wealth while in GRZ ……….

  6. Is this the same Bowman who when Zambians were going through deep economic quagmire brought about by PF incompetency told us that K2million was nothing, he also blamed the Kaunda children for not having stolen during their Fathers time in office and also confidently told us that PF ministers were stealing for the future. Against the law he as minister went into night clubs and assaulting patrons contravening covid guidelines as if there were laws in the country allowing ministers to assault citizens with open impunity, with his incompetent President remaining quite

  7. Our Zambian society seems to be morally decayed, simply shows how the past governments have indocrinated and brainwashed even those who are supposed to be the cream of Zambians. Where ABNORMALITY IS NOW CONSIDERED normal and WHAT IS Normal is ABNORMAL to many including bloggers here. I just wonder the though process of many of these people, with due respect not to degrade your intelligence, but some comments from some bloggers, awe kwena. Just a day ago, you were insulting ACC for detaining LUSAMBO without charges, and when charges are brought forward, you are all out there with petty comments. The ACC is what it is because of the previous GRZ who had no political will to prosecute the members of the “Clique”. ALL over the world, WHITE COLLAR cases are complicated, the ACC deserve to be…

  8. But do you know where HH got that wealth he is having is it not from privatisation of zambian assets, first talk about the old story of the man in state house.
    HH is the example of all plundering of national assets. 49 houses is nothing compared to the billions HH is sitting on.

  9. Cont
    The ACC is what it is because of the previous GRZ who had no political will to prosecute the members of the “Clique”. ALL over the world, WHITE COLLAR cases are complicated, the ACC deserves to be encouraged to do the right things, not to be demeaned all the time.
    The same ACC already existed in Chiluba, Mwanakatwe, Rupiah Banda, Michael Sata, Lungu eras, how then is UPND suddenly wasting taxpayers money? Why should you think the PF Cligue members are untouchables? There is property suspected from proceeds of crime, let LUSAMBO prove that, he acquired them through standard process. If he does, well and good for everyone !! Why this big fuzzy about it? Is STEALING NOW NORMAL?

  10. The same upnd bloggers here were telling us that how can a person who was allegedly living in a “shack” not too long ago,aquire 49 houses? or is it 71 ?
    Kanshi it’s only four?
    Kuwayawaya fye, ati we are working under ” instructions”

  11. Arrest that woman, how did she manage to buy that leather jacket? You can easily tell that that jacket was a “gift” of corruption. And it looks like Amos Chanda jacket…

  12. Just wondering how alarming the situation was yesterday when the nation was informed that Lusambo owns 49 houses and today 9 has been removed from the front and reduce the number to 4. Sensational journalism will easily dampen the fight against corruption.
    Does it mean politicians are forbidder from owning property? Mr double H you can do better in your crusade against corruption. And soon very soon people will perceive your fight as mere retribution or settling scores against members of the PF for having thrown you in Mukobeko for 127 days.

  13. Is it a crime to own houses in Zambia? There many foreigners in Zambia with many houses but are not persecuted.. At least Lusambo used the money to farther development in the country and not stash it abroad. Next, Zambians will be told to have one house only. This is the worst persecution I have ever seen


  15. Did ACC tell you lusambo owned 49 houses or was it hearsay from the press ?????

    Or was it PF propaganda looking to muddy the waters ?????

    It was PF propaganda that threw 49 houses trying to muddy the waters and sow dought in citizens……

    It will not work …………

    The truth will eventually come out………muddy waters or not.

  16. The MAST reported based on what ACC told them that Hon. Lusambo owned 49 houses. Now we are being told they are less than 10. Why tarnish your competitor’s image? Is it so that you can have a justification for arresting them? I wonder how it will be in our beloved country once UPND is out of power. These lies that are being told against their competitors are what will bring them down.

  17. These will be long on going investigations in a quest for Zambia to recover its stolen properties. New Dawn government has set the way next will be that ka MP who masquerades as a n ordinary Zambian when in fact is an Islamic Alkaida operative to bring murders in Zambia. Bally in SADIC security over Mozambique northern region is on these fanatic Muslim murders in the world.

  18. I hope ACC have a tight case because I know these guys are guilty even before they appear in court. But ACC are incompetent as we all saw during Dr Chilufya’s case. Im sure their investigators will give evidence supporting the accused.

  19. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    @general Kanene, I totally agree with you. Some of the comments here are shocking. I mean whether someone stole or corruptly build 1 house or 4 houses or 49 or 100 houses, how does that change the crime? Whether you are charged with 4 or 49 should not lessen or increase the crime or make one guilty or not guilty. A murderer is still a murderer regardless of the number of victims.
    Perhaps these are the only houses the ACC could find, seeing as these corrupt dimwits are covering their tracks.

  20. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    I think our investigation law enforcement agencies are just incompetent. Everyone knows that these PF numskulls were corrupt and looted the country off its meager resources, otherwise how 1) did they get so stinking rich in a short period of time? and 2) how did we get into this much debt with nothing to show for, while at the same time most services were financed through foreign aid?
    Follow the trail of money… a builder, a contractor was paid; materials were bought; plots were bought; etc. Money were exchanged at every stage. Get warrants to look into the bank accounts; get banks to cooperate and get Interpol to help with money laundering and tracking of foreign money transactions. Most pass through the American banking system (even those to/from China). Yes they will use 3rd parties…

  21. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    Yes they will use 3rd parties proxies but it is these you want to make deals with and make them talk and become your intel sources. It should be easier even if they were moving money in suitcases.

  22. It is political directives working here. Being charged because of what UPND can remember. If it wasnt political why havent they arrested him for beating up Kambwili? We all saw him beating the fat guy. But he cant be arrested Because Kambwili is not UPND?

  23. There are people who have a culture of “natolele fye and Ubomba mwibala emo alila” who do not see wrong in such stinking thieving behaviour. They will use all f##cking excuses to excuse such plunder of state coffers! F##ck you and your PF thieves.

  24. There are people who have a culture of “natolele fye and Ubomba mwibala emo alila” who do not see wrong in such stinking thieving behaviour. They will use all f##cking excuses to excuse such plunder of state coffers! F##ck you and your PF thieves!!!

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