Friday, October 18, 2024

President Hichilema consistently opposed mining in Lower Zambezi, he should now cancel the license


Golden Party of Zambia president Jackson Silavwe says the government has the absolute right to cancel the mining license of the Australian company to mine in the lower Zambezi National park.

While in opposition, President Hakainde Hichilema consistently opposed mining in Lower Zambezi. However, the court ruled that the Australian company granted to undertake mining activities in the area can proceed.

Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Collins Nzovu has revealed that the Kangaluwi mine project will go ahead but under strict adherence to measures set by the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) to limit damage to the environment to a minimum.

Mr Nzovu said with the whole process exhausted and the courts dismissing an appeal to stop the proposed large-scale open-pit mine for want of prosecution, the government is only left with the option of monitoring the situation and ensuring the developer operates within strict conditions.

But Mr. Silavwe said based on a report from the Zambia Environmental Agency, the government can cancel the license to save the area known for vast tourism attractions.

“Based on the ZEMA report, Government still has the absolute right to cancel the mining licence of the Australian based company, contrary to the court judgement by the High Court to allow open pit mining in the lower Zambezi National Park,” Mr Silavwe said.

“I appeal to Government through President Hakainde to listen to the majority stakeholders and citizens and stop this project, promote tourism and preserve the environment. Looking at the current tax regime from the mining sector, tourism is more beneficial to the country in lower Zambezi at the moment.”

He said it is important to put away business interest for the greater good of the country.
“Let’s put away business interests for the greater good of our country. The minerals are ours, they won’t go anywhere, we can mine them in future,” Mr Silavwe said.


  1. If this mine goes ahead, it will be a major blot on president HH………..

    Even though is is part of lungus environmental terrorism and looting which included decimation of reserve forests…….

    Leave the game parks and reserve forests for future generations………..

    • Someone said HH is a hypocrite. No he is a gymnast. I have never seen the kind of somersaults he is performing. Pure Olympic Gold medal materials

  2. Mining in the National park should be absolute non starter. This should be opposed as the damage to the environment will be irreparable and the majority will not benefit, only the corrupt few and capitalists will benefit. IKONA MAN!

  3. He was opposed to high fuel and essentials prices too. So let’s see what his next move will be on the remaining things he opposed.

  4. HH is now the custodian of the Republic of Zambia…let’s see if he will cancel or indeed he pocketed US$14 million….do we even need to debate about this…how can we kill our own Tourism in order to please a few Western individuals and they’re out to destroy Africa no wonder they like Demagogue Presidents like HH

  5. Check your facts, he never opposed it. In fact he is part of the investors who are involved in this. Will be shocked if he can block his own investment from taking off.

  6. The financials/project owners/orebody quality/potential economic benefits don’t justify this project going ahead.

  7. Care must be taken when entering into such agreements, terminating the license could have ramifications for Zambia in terms of perception as a business destination.

  8. @7 John Chinena
    Zambia is big trouble….yes HH is also part of the deal…let’s see how he’ll handle this one

  9. Separation of powers. That Australian company comes from a country where the judges accepted Djokovic to stay and the Minister canceled his visa a second time. In the same vein, our Executive Branch is within its right to take a decision suitable to the interests of the country and not the technicalities of the law. Enough said. Munayamba mweka aku Ostileliya! Wanitwa mos!

  10. Leaving ZEMA to monitor and control the operation of any mine is a non-starter. This totally corrupt and incompetent government body was appointed by Edgar China Lungu, so you can be assured of it being just as corrupt

  11. HH is becoming a let down.

    I think we should start building up someone new to take over in 2026.

    HH reminds me of Chiluba. By the time Zambians realise he is a con, he will already have bolted to Panama.

  12. What annoys me is that we are still debating this issue…this is just like Forest 27 should have been shut down cancelled all tarnished with corruption. We have enough copper as it is we will benefit nothing from a mine, its all good talking up about creating a Green Ministry but doing the opposite. As for the silly Chief in the area asking for the bulldozers to come in he knows nothing his villagers will not even get a job as a secruity guard or driver in that mine they will get skilled drivers from RSA. HH7 needs to act now.

  13. For a change Spaka in now acting Patriotic…imagine the whole knows Livingstone because of tourism with its natural wonders/resources now….no money can buy that…they’re God given now we want to give away everything to the west….HH is becoming worse than Lungu day by day……

  14. This makes you miss Kenneth Kaunda and UNIP…Chiluba was the first bandit to be voted into office….and HH is about to finish Zambia completely

  15. Someone said HH is a hypocrite. No he is a gymnast. I have never seen the kind of somersaults he is performing. Pure Olympic Gold medal materials

  16. Imagine The Presidential Jet should go saga. Now the lower Zambezi should never be desecrated. The Zambia Olympics has more coming

    U.P.N.D, please tread carefully here, whilst you still have goodwill from majority Zedian’s.
    That mine will only benefit Western investors & a few connected Government officials, whilst locals & majority Zambians including the flora & fauna will be decimated via environmental poisoning.
    Let’s look @ Kabwe, full of holes in the ground & currently one of the most toxic places to live on the planet. Billions in cash were raised from the mining of Lead & other Minerals in Kabwe, BUT show me one local Zambian that became rich from Kabwe mining.
    To do the same thing BUT expect different results is DOWNRIGHT m@dness!

  18. They say: “Money talks,” and this time, while in office the president will listen to the money voice….we are losing our heritage. Sadly, by the end of the year what was once unpalatable will be the norm.

  19. What is interesting is this Australian mining company is registered in Australia on paper only and has no operations in Australia, in fact its under investigation by the Australian security commission as all its directors are non Australian and not resident in Australia . Most are South African citizens.
    Time to let the big western evironmentists know of this , Green Peace ect, they will cause so much court actions overseas that the mining company will give up also get the Australian media involved and chase these fake Australians out.

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