Friday, October 18, 2024

State House responds to allegations of Corruption and Wealth Flaunting acquired within a short Period


State House has described allegations of corruption among the Aides as false and malicious.

Presidential Spokesperson, Anthony Bwalya said that the allegations of improper conduct among State House aides must be dispelled with the contempt they deserve, adding that the trend of relentless falsehoods against individuals within State House is not only counterproductive but also aimed at denting the image of the President.

Mr. Bwalya said that the President has always made it clear, that corruption and all manner of improper conduct have no place in the new administration, let alone State House.

Mr. Bwalya said that the President has always demanded, and will continue to demand the highest levels of integrity among all members of his administration, and wants to see a collective focus on serving Zambians.

In a statement to the media, Mr. Bwalya said he is aware of the identities of all those fully intent on disparaging and discrediting the leadership of the President by constantly drawing the names of his aides into falsehoods.

He has however encouraged all the critics of State House to take their purported evidence of impropriety before independent law enforcement agencies for action.

Mr. Bwalya has also urged media institutions, to always endeavor to test the credibility of all allegations made against any member of the administration and not allow their platforms to be used as conduits of propaganda and malice against innocent individuals.

He said as Government continues to promote, support, and ensure the growth of a free and independent media industry in the country, it will also continue to call for responsible and ethical reporting by members of the media fraternity.

New Labour Party president Fresher Siwale
New Labour Party president Fresher Siwale

Yesterday, New Labour Party President Fresher Siwale said that lack of transparency is leading to corruption, theft and plunder of national resources and that President Hakainde Hichilema should begin nailing his own people charging, “You were accusing PF of plunder but a good example of plunder is right in the middle of State House”.

“This also explains why an aide at State House can buy a house in Avondale area for cash and knock it down, completely raze it to the ground. Five months into government! How much is Hakainde Hichilema paying his press aides for them to have that kind of money? And where is DEC, Anti-Corruption [Commission]?” Siwale asked and wondered how the UPND administration could fight corruption under such circumstances.

“You were accusing PF of plunder but a good example of plunder is right in the middle of State House,” he charged.

“I will not mention names as of now but I want DEC, ACC to deal with this matter. I want Hakainde Hichilema to deal with this matter. I am available to help them. What is not acceptable is to have this kind of plunder. Five months into government, we have seen UPND cadres driving brand new vehicles. Is State House buying those vehicles and we are now seeing issues of a person buying a house for cash and razing it to the ground. People have worked their entire lives but have not bought houses and razed them to the ground.”

Siwale said President Hichilema should begin nailing his own people and that the UPND pot should wash itself before it can start calling the kettle black.


  1. But he is raising a valid point based on evidential observation. The burden of proof to the contrary lies with government. The person about whom this is said must respond with substance. There’s no need to have a wholesale response or hide behind our President.

  2. Denials don’t help matters.
    Mr Siwale gave specific information,the correct response would have been to call him and give further details.
    It’s too early for government to dismiss such allegations.It sounds like the PF government..

  3. Looks like Siwale is blind. All presidential aides at state house have been buying houses for cash since 2011. George Chella under president Data bought a Napsa house at K900,000 shortly after moving into state house. What needs to be established is why this clique has such benefits. Right now, there are a number of houses that are empty as most ministers have opted to stay in their own houses which these people should occupy. I thought this trend was supposed to be curtailed by President HH but alas it has continued. For crying out loud these aides are only at rank of Deputy secretary to cabinet!

  4. Lungu and Co. ignored these ” rumors” and we all saw how the people judged them. Those who have ears let them discern. It’s not the denials that will save you… it’s the people on polling day.

  5. Everyone must raise the bar alongside the government. This time it should be business unusual, not the nonsense that subsisted under the previous administration.

  6. He makes accusations but doesn’t want to name names. That’s called FAKE NEWS. Be a hero and come forward with the names, otherwise SHUT UP

  7. Two days ago I bought a sim card and called state House masquerading as an investor from Nigeria. I asked to meet with the president and the state House official I spoke with told me that it was possible if I met certain conditions. I asked what conditions he said I should meet him for lunch at intercontinental and that he will explain the process in detail. He told me to come financially prepared. I have evidence of this call. This govt is rotten

  8. PF and UPND are both rotten.

    HH had not shown any will to fight corruption.

    He has not kept his promises.

    Let us vote this clown out in 2026.

  9. Another one imagining things……..

    He cant even name anyone………

    Atleast with the PF in GRZ , the accusers named people but lungu kept saying provide evidence………..

    Now we have cases of people who accuse but can’t provide names and can’t provide evidence……….

    Sit down……..


  10. Missed call!
    The ACC is in h²’s petticoat. How dare you think there is an aorta of willingness for h² to issue instructions to probe his own people, let alone his own pompweliness. Corruption fight nigga Tarino’s cracked @$$.
    Tuli pano

  11. Let’s recount the sins 5months in Government thus far 1.  bitting IMF conditions, 2.incessantly travelling president (vasco dagaming), 3. corruption in Government, 4. a biased fight again corruption, 5. hooliganism on the streets, 6.public threats from the upnd youths, 7. delayed employment of 30 thousand civil servants 8. cipante pante empty pronouncements and operation, 9.Ministers wifes in key public institutions, 10.flip flop fuel pricing, 11. abuse (misapplication and misappropriation) of public funds by a president going to launch a friend’s book. 12.Media threats and harassment of journalists. 12.Cadre policing. 13.Coercing judges. Talk about lies, lies and lies. These are brewing…

  12. #12  This Thorn in the Flesh

    Are you going to survive 10 years of HH ?

    Let alone 5 years ………??

    This is where you find someone stops bathing , stops work and in the end hangs themselves…………

  13. Thats a Missed call too, bo spaka.
    I am immortal on LT.
    I am here to stay.
    Am I causing you sleepless nights?
    I survived the MMD regime on LT. In my eyes 10 years is like 30 days.
    I am here like it or not. I am not done yet.

  14. Look if you have evidence of state house staff misbehaving, please come out with the names of those people don’t be a coward and kindly take the evidence to the security wings for further investigation not ukulanda fye with wild accusations, the earlier the culprits were caught the better because this corruption cancer must be stopped ???

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