Friday, October 18, 2024

PF says Body Guard to President Lungu was largely interrogated on the source of Campaign Funds


THE Patriotic Front (PF) party has said that it is perturbed with the lengths to which the ruling United Party for National Development (UPND) is willing go to endanger the life of former Republican President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

This follows the arrest and what they described as unfair treatment of the former Head of State’s Aid de Camp Chisanga Chanda on the alleged offense of accessory after the fact to a felony contrary to the Laws of Zambia.

During the period of his apprehension at an unknown location, Mr. Chanda was largely interrogated on the source of funding for the Patriotic Front, a matter which is not related to the charge.

PF Information and Publicity Chairperson Raphael Nakacinda said the former ruling party is interested because of the continued harassment of different individuals in the name of trying to find out the source of resources used during the 2021 general election campaigns.

He said it was reckless to question a Police Officer whose job was to offer security to the former Head of State over the activities of the party and that the PF has got members who can respond to questions regarding party activities provided the law permits such an action.

Antoni Mwanza and Nakacinda
Antonio Mwanza and Nakacinda

Hon Nakacinda said what has happened is of great concern to every Zambian and has urged the international community to take a keen interest.

“The arrest of the ADC or the person in charge of security to the former President is utter reckless endangerment of the former President’s life. The UPND seem not to sleep as a result of paranoia and obsession towards the former President and the Patriotic Front,” he said.

Hon Nakacinda has maintained that there is no law compelling a political party or organization to disclose its source of funding. He said this is the more reason he does not talk about organizations or people who may have funded the UPND.

“I want to disclose that In 2014, myself, President Hakainde Hichilema, Muhabi Lungu, Nevers Mumba met in South Africa in negotiating what was to be an alliance before the election. The people that the President went to launch a book for in South Africa, we’re pledging to support that Alliance with $25 Million dollars,” disclosed Hon Nakacinda.

“We don’t talk about this because there is no law that compels disclosure of funding for political parties. Is it only good for the UPND to be supported by their well-wishers and bad for the PF?”


  1. Zambia is now walking along a tight rope and may swing to tip-over EITHER towards civilization and demonstrate democratic governance OR tip-over towards primitive and barbaric undemocratic governance. Since Independence in 1964, the country is witnessing the worst form of a punitive actions executed by Police under the Ministry of Home Affairs. Voters from outside Southern Province ushered a UPND Govt in the spirit of true democracy – but this trust is being abused by a cruel punitive culture by the new regime. Is this the genetic make-up of a known ethnic group? Leaders in SADC and African Union – including the civilized nations of the World must watch the dangerous unfolding developments in Zambia.

  2. No one is above the law. If there is smell of wrong doing anywhere, the long arm of the law will reach you. If there is no case there is nothing to worry about.

  3. The same opportunity you had in pf is now flying back to the UPND to presiding over the affairs of this country zambia. Then remember well what you used to broke and captured your friends whilst you were in power (pf)

  4. GRZ what is going on? you make oaths look irrelevant. Don’t tell me PF never Keep records for GRZ why perks Then.

    For those who are interested in how the government works this is troubling.

    How does GRZ keep track of intelligence officers?

    One thing that makes me listen to the USA President’s full speech at the United nation in New York It’s because of a world fact book on the Internet and you can even get an app for it. Intelligence at work.

  5. “……The people that the President went to launch a book for in South Africa, we’re pledging to support that Alliance with $25 Million dollars,” disclosed Hon Nakacinda…..”

    Even if they pledged that money……….

    It was not stolen from the Zambian tax payers …………

    While PF campaign funds where stolen from the Zambian tax payers………..

    Your PF building and goods will be grabbed……….

  6. What’s mind boggling is why can’t law enforcement just follow established procedure in carrying out their investigations?
    This business of raiding people’s homes at night and then taking them to unknown locations is extra judicial. Why do Police stations exist?
    Why involve party cadres When questioning suspects?
    What really is the problem? What’s going on?
    Please investigate suspects in a proper manner as laid out in the criminal procedure code.
    In any case, when you take them to court, these issues will come up and suspects may walk free on a technicality.

  7. When Davies MWILA was called up for questioning, the enire PF Leadership convened at the Police Station crying that he was being questioned about PF Campaign cars. It later turned out that actually, he was being questioned about his personal case, which had nothing to do with PF Campaign.
    The same noise we hear here again? So another PF LIE !!!
    BTW: If the government is responsible for Lungu`s bodyguards, would they NOT provide another one? Why is PF making a big deal out of it?

  8. That interrogation is still very okay, the Police have the right to pose any questions without restrictions to any one they suspect could have some details they are looking for, , there is no breach here. No matter how much you want to blow this out of its proportions, he was closest to ECL, so they are somethings that he is expected to know, so there is completely no issue here, and being close to Lungu, he used to hear most of the conversations, so this is perfectly normal, for clarity, I am not UPND

  9. He was in the Police cells for aiding a suspect, so why shouldn’t Police take advantage of that and ask him questions about Edgar Lungu. When the time to arrest Edgar comes the information Police want from this former aide de camp will be useful. So don’t Police what to ask and what not to ask. I thank the Police for using their initiative to ask for some information that will be used at some point

  10. It is becoming utterly ridiculous now to read things like this. For F’s sake, this ACC has NOT changed with the changeover of government; therefore it makes no sense for them NOT to know where stuff came from or WHAT was happening. Mwe mbushi mwe. Now I understand where that Munir was coming from. It is basically a tool for the party in government at this rate. Ifyabupuba.

  11. Who told you there is a law that stipulates what Police should ask and what they should not be asked. Let the Police ask, this suspect is obviously a very good source. of information, so let the guy be squeezed and quizzed, there is no offence here

  12. PF cry babies, don’t blame the Police, palibe mulandu apa, the Police are just doing their job, let the guy be asked everything that he is reasonably expected to know

  13. Revelations by Nakachinda are very serious. Let the police interrogate him and arrest those involved in soliciting foreign aid to unseat a government. Simple as that.

  14. Six months gone in new dawn rule we cannot
    See any strong corruption cases in court.
    It looks like we are not heading anywhere.
    Zambians were looking forward to stolen
    Funds recovered and culprits taken to court
    But llooks like No light at the end of tunnel.

  15. #14  Deja Vu
     February 8, 2022 At 9:01 am

    “Revelations by Nakachinda are very serious. Let the police interrogate him and arrest those involved in soliciting foreign aid to unseat a government. Simple as that.”

    PF were soliciting campain funds from Chinese companies to the extent of selling the whole zambia…………

    Should the whole PF be arrested for soliciting forigne campain funds to perpetuate a corrupt GRZ ?????

  16. Hakainde is a very cheap politician. Let him just arrest Edgar instead of playing hide and seek.

    The body guard is just an ordinary policeman who should not be persecuted whilst the target is Edgar.

    Uluse lwalile nkwale, how i wish Hakainde was shot when he interfered with presidential motorcade in mongu.

    • If the body guard, who is an ordinary police man is reasonably suspected to know something, he should be picked. And how do you yourself know that the ordinary body guard does not have the information required, pretend to be objective, this is simple logic. Let the Police do their work please

    • Time to pick your man will come, so stop daring the Police to pick the main actor now, that is always in the plans. With his reckless conduct in office, he will surely be picked. The lawyer to his aide de camp is also the lawyer for Faith Musonda. interesting coincidence

  17. The Popo is coming after all you theiving MFs and your beneficiaries. You can cry foul all you want! Nobody cares, including the international community. They’re aware of what the Fs. was going on in there. You stole from the defenseless little boys and girls in Sefula, sitting on stones to get an education, that all you MFs were given freely by KK’s govt. Pay back time.

  18. You should have kept this aide de camp before releasing him, he will tell us more about the rule of terror that PF took us through, I am not happy that he is scot free, but I think with what he provided, you can go and get the main actor now.

  19. Arrest of individuals in our peaceful nation signify two issues;-
    1 – To establish the truth, what is taking/took place now and in the past
    2 – To correct the illegalities and frauds that took place -made Zambians suffer
    In all these arrests, government is doing so humanely and open often releasing suspects for court process to act.
    In the past arrests culminated into suspects disappearing without trace often, murdered.

  20. When are the roads going to be built we have heard alot of these stories can we move now please this is too much now, we want to see development is this the way UPND IS GONA RULE. LETS MOVE

  21. As for me i don`t even feel sorry for the P.F because they deserve everything that has befallen them,let them just account for their wrong doings for putting Zambians in misery for the past 7 years under President Edgar Lungu`s watch,the P.F government will go down in history as the worst government to have ever ruled Zambia,they are just being cry babies as Telesphore Mphundu alluded to.!

  22. Working under instructions can be a pain in the @$$.
    I can almost guess the idea behind upndead’s tumultuous and convulsive behaviour towards the former rulling party.
    The ultimate go is to annihilate and delete the PF from Zambia politics. These investigations come as instructions from the top man because PF is like a pain in his flesh. When he is done persecuting the PF, his plan will be to continue targeting individuals in a dictatorship situation.
    Brace yourselves. The worst you can do is give h² a way to have his way like the 2.8M Zambians did, though I am not convinced the election was not rigged.
    Tuli pano.

  23. Working under instructions can be a pain in the @zz.
    I can almost guess the idea behind upndead’s tumultuous and convulsive behaviour towards the former rulling party.
    The ultimate go is to annihilate and delete the PF from Zambia politics. These investigations come as instructions from the top man because PF is like a pain in his flesh. When he is done persecuting the PF, his plan will be to continue targeting individuals in a dictatorship situation.
    Brace yourselves. The worst you can do is give h² a way to have his way like the 2.8M Zambians did, though I am not convinced the election was not rigged.
    Tuli pano.

  24. Viva Viva Viva law enforcement agencies. Fakani pressure fakani pressure on the suspected criminals. They should be smoked out and made to pay. It is my fervent prayer that by the time we shall be voting back the UPND government in power in August 2026, most of the PF criminals will be in prison

  25. Nakachinda’s revelations reminds me of a bemba saying that says “Ba kolwe basekana ifipato.” I say this because these chaps are busy pursuing their friends over campaign financing and yet they also solicited funds for their campaigns as alleged by Nakachinda. They are busy arresting, interrogating, warn and cautioning people almost every day, and yet six 6 months in their reign there is no one who is appearing in the courts of law for these arrests, interrogations and warn and cautions. In the meantime, the Kwacha has continue to depreciate under their watch, look at the cost of living now due to their careless removal of fuel subsidies and then the cost of fertilizer!!! Kuwayawaya fye.

    When Davies MWILA was called up for questioning, the entire PF Leadership convened at the Police Station claiming that he was being questioned about PF Campaign vehicles. It later turned out that actually, he was being questioned about his personal case, which had nothing to do with PF Campaign.
    The same noise we hear here again, is it another PF LIE !!!
    BTW: If the government is responsible for Lungu`s body.guards, would they NOT provide another one? Why is PF making a big deal out of it?

  27. The strory read; the Lungu and PF Government is said to be considering printing money ahead of August 11 elections , Bank of Zambia sources have revealed.
    A source within the Central Bank however said Bank of Zambia Governor Denny Kalyalya is against the idea as it would further distort the already ‘dead’ economy.
    The source said some Ministry of Finance officials are also against printing money.
    “There is a problem. There is no money in the treasury and the PF is panicking that we will go to elections without money so they are even suggesting printing extra cash but Kalyalya and some chaps from the Ministry of Finance have opposed the idea,” the source said.
    Further, the source said State House may bulldoze and print money.

  28. There is a law which stipulates how public funds should be used. There is also a law which compels a police officer to report a crime. There is also a law which allows a police officer to put question to anyone whom they fill useful information can be obtained about a crime.

  29. I don’t believe nakachinda neither the statement of aiding murder suspect. What we should know is that pf is out of power but still understands the governance system and this may undermine UPND control over this nation. It’s not everything that can be told to the nation just like you can’t tell your child everything.


  31. There were other parties in the election apart from PF why isnt police probing them for the source of their campaign funds.? Who funded UPND? Do we have a Police Force or a Party Force?

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