Monday, October 7, 2024

Discrimination against Africans fleeing Ukraine worrying


Zambia Diaspora Foundation (ZADIFO) has called on the African Union (AU) to condemn the racial discrimination against Africans fleeing from war at the borders of Ukraine, Poland and Hungary.

ZADIFO Executive Director Dean Mulozi stressed with concern that the AU must take interest in the matter by way of statements that will encourage and censor countries concerned to ensure ultimate protection of the rights of free movement of African migrants fleeing from war in Ukraine.

He said the African governments need to advance the implementation of the activities of International Decade for People of African Descent to ensure that Africans, wherever they are, can have assurance of protection from abuse or any form of discrimination.

Mr. Mulozi noted that it is against migrants’ international protocols and other United Nations international human rights instruments that address discrimination of people who are fleeing from war or any other atrocities.

He pointed out that the Office of the United Nations Human Rights message is very clear, UN Member states must be aware and recognize their role that they are principles and guidelines that guide migration and human rights of migrants under vulnerable situations specifically under war situations.

‘’We have heard and seen disturbing and horrific video footage, media reports and within our diaspora networks. Zambians and other African nationals have been discriminated against by border guards and officials and prevented from boarding buses, trains transiting to places for Airlifting,’’ said Mr Mulozi.

He has, however, saluted the government for the work over handling of the evacuation process with commitment and vigor.

Mr Mulozi stated that despite the challenges being faced in the war situation, such as communication and coordination, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and its staff have been steady and fast in dealing with difficult processes.

This is contained in a statement made available to ZANIS by Zambia Diaspora Foundation executive Director Dean Mulozi.


  1. Those fleeing Africans don’t want to fight Putin, so they are just a burden for the Ukrainians and their neighbours. Cowards!

  2. Looks like things will get worse………..

    Putin now knows he miscalculated…..

    Putins only way out is to up the attacks until the the Ukrainians beg for negotiations………..

    But the west won’t let putin off the hook, even if it means destruction of ukrain…….

    The west are now looking at making sure there are maximum Russian casluties to force Russians to turn on putin………..

  3. And we quickly rushed to meet up with EU representatives to show our solidarity with them. These people have no consideration for Africans and they don’t even bother to hide it yet we always bow down and treat them like Masters. Russia on the other hand has been Africa’s good and trusted friend for more than a century. Because of this We should stay out of taking sides in this war and remain non aligned

  4. And here we have three resident immigrant monkeys tarino aka tikki praising ukraine and criticising Russia.

  5. This whole western media exaggerated finger pointing at Russia is very hypocritical at best. Where was the same outrage when America and its allies used superpower force to attack, occupy and destroy Iraq and Libya? They broke international law and even went against UN objection to the invasion. Now they want to cry victim because someone is not willing to take their hypocrisy and is powerful in his own right. Because of this FIFa’s Actions against Russia is a joke, why did they not do the same against America? Hypocrites. Have nothing to do with them. China and Russia are Africa’s only true friends

  6. And you will hear the useless African picking sides. I get embarrassed when I notice how old, black men and women will be grinning fo.olishly at useless small white boys and girls. Akuti “Ndipo this white child is clever; aniita ati cipuwa! This child knows such words! heheheheeeee” Useless! bring our kids back and keep them in our local universities and colleges.

  7. By the way, the experience of your African kids in Ukraine is testament to what Putin wants to do there: deNazify. Skinheads are clueless, bigoted lowlifes.

  8. Aaaaammmgh the last time i checked “The African Union was a toothless Lion”……Hopeless at best. Maybe if we asked Julius Malema or Professor Lumumba. Something would likely happen.
    I rest my case.

  9. Leave those children of pf cadres to face the missives there. Atleast they ll ve an experience of what if feels like to be gassed in your house which what their fathers did to Zambians – karma.

  10. Also Lusaka publish their names as other sites have done. For you guys reading here their names are all Bemba and Eastern most news agencies said 97% from these two regions.

  11. Publish their names names LT you where to source that list and u have it already, let everyone see your tribalism which u still continue to sponsor here. There were a hot story of Mutale Mwanza – no mention of it, why? Cos she is your tribe right unless it was HH or Southern Province right then it’s instant news.

  12. What if they are prioritizing women and children during evacuations? It may not be discrimination but prioritizing certain people as laid out procedures. Instead of complaining, African governments should evacuate these people. Resources are there

  13. And Demagogue President house negroe thinks the west loves Africa…always rushing to the West with a begging bowl,,,there you have it

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